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Posts posted by Realityhurts

  1. Hi! I am a 34 year old AA mother of two girls with the same father.  I was recently diagnosed with HSV 1&2. I am in total disbelief I went to the doctors because my period  came on while I’m actively on the pill and have been for a year after having my mirena taken out. But I told my doc about a sore in my butt and she said “oh my it looks like herpres” I could not stop sobbing. This is ALL my fault.  My girls father cheated on me while I was pregnant with my first daughter and I was dumb enough to stick around and have a second kid with him.  But I love my girls.  I found out he cheated again and got another woman pregnant.  He went off to jail and I found out while he was locked up.  He got out and had another baby 4 months after he got home with the same girl who already had like 4 kids with other men.  and I didn’t find out until a month before the baby was born.  Stupid in love I still stuck around.  All of my annual exams came up clean of the standard testing. But because I was concerned about my period on the pill I went to the doctors.  We been together almost 9 years and I have been ready to throw in the towel but then this happened.  I was last with him at the end of June.  I called as soon as I got myself together and asked who he had been with since we tried starting over.  He said no one. I got my results back yesterday and haven’t told him. I don’t know if I should tell him out of anger or revenge and let him suffer.  What if he doesn’t have it how did I get it? I have not been with anyone else but him.  I really don’t owe him anything but apart of me feels like I gotta day something. I’m not worried about dating or a future love life right now I’m just trying not to fall into a depression especially having two young kids to care for.  I’m just all over the place.  I feel like there’s a weight on my chest that I just can’t shake this feeling that I’m not longer a young healthy individual.  I’m scared as hell and I haven’t answered any phone calls or text because of this fear  and no one even knows. I’m just sad 

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