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Posts posted by Lost1234

  1. I want to thank every one of you for you advise and support. Today I feel a very big weight lifted off of my shoulders. I opened up to the love of my life. Made myself as vulnerable as it gets. I was a mess he has noticed a difference these last few days with me. And I never would tell him until he was here face to face. He walked in the door with a dozen long stem red roses. (Which made me want to cry) And I gave him the biggest hug I think I've ever given anyone. He continued to ask me what was wrong over the next couple of hours. Until I finally broke down in tears. He asked me to talk to him and I just cried more and told him I was not ready. Not yet. Well he kept pushing. And telling me to open up and talk. That he was worried about me. And I proceeded to tell him. His reaction was in fact unexpected. Opposite of what I expected actually. He talked about it as he paced the room. He said he was not mad. He actually knew more about it than me. He said his best friend has the same thing so he has researched it with him in the past.


    He told me this was not a big deal. Held me telling me to stop crying. Told me this changes nothing. This does not make him love me less. This does not make him look at me any differently. He said he was going to get tested. He said he had cold sores/fever blisters on his mouth as a kid when he got sick but has not had them as an adult. He said no matter the results he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.


    I really do believe I have found a keeper! He truly is an amazing man. I feel so blessed. Relieved. And finally at ease for the first time in days.


    Thank you guys for everything. I hope this helps someone else with "the talk". This shows there are people out there that will love you for you. No matter what. :)


    Truly blessed.

  2. I just know that I am going to be in tears. As I sit here thinking about it all I can do is cry. Trying to find the words. Letting the anticipation build. It's killing me. Adrial I love this man more than I have ever loved anyone and it is going to absolutely kill me to have this talk. But regardless of how I feel this is a need to know thing. But it is just so hard :'( I don't know how to handle it. It's just too much.

  3. Today is the day I have chosen to tell my boyfriend about herpes. I was diagnosed 4 days ago with hsv1 and I feel this is something that can not wait. I feel like the sooner the better. But I am terrified. I have so many mixed emotions. I read all the good stories on here about people disclosing and I think well maybe there is hope. But then I read the bad ones and for some reason those stick a lot harder.


    This man is the love of my life. The absolute best man I have ever and probably will ever meet. He loves me for me and thus far has not judged me on anything. He is the most supportive understanding person I know. But this is a whole new ball game. This is different than anything else. Does he really love me as much as he says he does? Is our love strong enough to make it through this? Will today be the last time I ever see him? Will he hate me? Will he think I did something wrong? Will he be angry? Understanding? Supportive? Open minded? Or will he just get upset and leave? All of these things and so much more have been going through my mind since I found out Wednesday. I am so nervous, scared, and full of anxiety.


    What gets me is I was tested for EVERYTHING in July by my ob/gyn (blood tested) and EVERYTHING came back clear. She tells me I got it from him. Which only makes since because we have been together for over 2 years. But will he understand that?! Will he be patient and understanding, and realistic about this? I am not mad at him if I in fact did get it from him. I just want him to continue to love me unconditionally like he does now. The whole thing in General is just a "skin condition". I am not worried about having it. I am worried about losing him. The man I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with.


    Ugh I am so tired of feeling like this. I want it to go away. I want it to stop. I just wanna feel like myself again. He can tell I have been "off" since Wednesday but he does not know why. Hopefully he will understand.


    Any advice?

  4. I know this may be a weird question, though some of you may have heard it before or even wondered themselves. But it has been on my mind.


    Ok so here goes...

    Is it possible that for example... If I had HSV-1 (oral) and gave my boyfriend (for lack of a better way to put it) head and then we had sex could I in turn give myself HSV-1 genitally?!


    This may be a ridiculous question. Or it might not. It has just been on my mind. I am new to this so I know little to nothing about it.


    Thanks for any insight any of you can give.



  5. Thank you so much for your kind words. It's really needed in a time like this. This is so unimaginable. I have every intention on telling him tomorrow, hopefully all goes well. I tend to look at worst-case scenarios all the time, I always think that's what's going happen. Hopefully I'm wrong, hopefully everything work out. I will deathly keep you posted on the situation thank you for everything.

  6. I had a biopsy done for other reasons and then I had 3 little bumps pop up down there that were itchy so I thought maybe it was some kind of allergic reaction of some sort to the stuff she used. It cleared up in only a few days. The doc originally thought it was infected hair follicles from shaving. She did cultures. I got a preliminary report when I went in for my post op appt and she said the results were not final. Then she gave me the all clear and then the day before yesterday she called me and told me that they ran one more test and it came back positive for hsv1, which she said was contracted from oral sex. Which with my bf is almost an everyday thing. So she put me on antivirals. And here I am.

  7. I was just diagnosed 2 days ago with HSV-1 and I am absolutely terrified. I am in a relationship right now and have been with the same man for over 2 years. I am not sure where this came from. But my doctor is convinced I got it from him. He is the most amazing man I have ever met. He treats me like I have never been treated and I have never felt so loved. Mind you there is a pretty significant age difference. He tells me almost everyday that he is going to love me forever and wants to spend the rest of our lives together. He tells me that he has never in his entire life felt about anyone the way he feels about me. And I can see it in his eyes. He looks at me the way I look at him. We are supposed to spend the day together tomorrow and I know I need to tell him about this sooner than later. But I am absolutely terrified of the reaction. And I don't even know how to tell him. I don't know what to say. I'm just so lost. :( I guess I am just scared that me telling him this will ruin the amazing relationship that we have together. But I would rather tell him and lose him than live a lie. Even though losing him would be absolutely devastating. Ugh. I just don't know any more. I feel so unlovable. So tainted. Ashamed. Sad. I'm sorry for being so poor poor me. I'm not trying to I just don't know what to do. :(

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