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Posts posted by ShakiraShakira

  1. Hello all! Thank you for the advice and the support. Adrial thank you for the links they were awesome! I feel very welcome. I recently got engaged and have been busy with that but I can happily say that everything is now back to normal. I've healed completely and our sex life is back to normal. To all those wondering if things will get better I can say that they do but we all need time to heal both emotionally and physically. Best of luck to all of you!

  2. Hello all!


    I discovered I had herpes about a month ago. I had a really bad first outbreak - really terrible open sores etc, swiftly followed by a yeast infection and I've been clear of both for about two weeks. My fella and I recently tried to have sex again and I was very sore. Everything looks healed and I'm in no discomfort throughout the day so what gives? I just want to get back to normal. My fella has been so supportive and so patient and I just wish we could get into our old routine.


    This forum has been so helpful to me so far. I felt like a leper when I was first diagnosed but found this place and I've come to accept my condition. I'm taking better care of myself (and taking propolis - which isn't helping!) and I feel better aside from the soreness during sex. Do I just need to give myself more time? How long did it take you to finally heal?

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