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Posts posted by lt05

  1. Hey all.. I haven't been on here in a while and to make thing short I am in need of some support. I was diagnosed in November had a horrible initial outbreak and since then have been doing better but recently it has been tremendously hard and feeling down again. A couple of weeks ago I had a second outbreak which sucked but was rather tolerable. I am still seeing my boyfriend who is very supportive so that helped a lot. However I started having a swollen index finger and yup, it's spread there. I am very careful about not touching that area when I had my second outbreak and washed my hands even coming out of the shower. I've been very paranoid about it spreading so I'm really surprised that it has. I've had it wrapped up for a week and been on valtrex for first time. I'm so grateful to have a supportive man but I had a feeling this would destroy me if it spread and it has. I already feel self conscious in my own skin naturally, then to have been diagnosed , and now it spreading is not helping. I'm over the top paranoid about this spreading too and I refuse to let my finger touch ANYTHING other than water and even then I'm scared to let the same water touch my other fingers (insane I know) so basically I want to know if anyone has any advice or has had this on their finger. I don't want to live paranoid everyday and I'm not sure how easily contagious this is after an outbreak. Help :(

  2. hey @pepper90


    i just disclosed one week ago.This was a first for me. i was seeing a guy for 4 months! it was not easy,and we all choose to disclose at different times for different reasons, and i agree with WCSDancer, 3 weeks shouldnt make you feel horrible for not telling him. If you think he truly cares about you and you can see it going somewhere then go for it. I found that it helped to know all the facts before i told him. Also I made sure to come across as confident, not so worried, and knowledgeable. I really made him understand before i told him that this is a very manageable situation, and does not/should not be the end of the world. That gave him the thought that I am okay with it. If you make it seem like its so horrible, and your terrified, worried, then he will feel the same. let him know that you are and will do everything you can to protect him.

    I hope he appreciates your courage! You will feel very relieved! Good luck and keep us posted

  3. i have a question about symptoms as well, do sores usually have heads? like something you could pop? feels like a pimple but im obsessing over whether its an outbreak or not, no other symptoms just a little sore when i sit, (it lasted for about 2 days its gone now) it was on a different area from my first OB. i also just noticed last night a bump on my forehead, and im obsessing whether thats a pimple too! Am i being crazy??!

  4. Hey yall ! Hope everyone is having a great Monday!


    Okay, so a few things to share here. Please excuse me if this is a long post, i promise ill try to make it quick.


    So if you haven't spoken to me I'll give you a little background info about myself/story. I'm female, 23, and i live in Ontario, Canada. I found out four months ago that i had herpes (wow, even typing it still gives me the chills) and i of course was devastated if you look at my first post you will see that. I am also 99% sure this disgusting disgrace of a guy did it to me on purpose, for no reason at all, but thats besides the point. Anyways i started seeing someone shortly after who I have been friends with for quite some time, and we've been seeing each other ever since. Things have gotten hot and heavy but there was no way I would ever put him at risk without him knowing. Long story short I have been so stressed over telling him, what to say, his reaction, would i lose him, all that stuff. FINALLY just two days ago I DID IT!

    I cannot tell you all how relieved i feel. I feel like I was carrying 1000 tonnes of stress that has finally been lifted off my chest. I really did not think he would be accepting of this, and i totally underestimated him. I didnt do it in person, but i was careful with my words and made sure he knew that I did not think it was a "big deal".

    His initial reaction was anger that this whole thing had happened to me, and he was just shocked. He then proceeded to say "Everything is going to be okay". At that moment I felt relief and happiness like I never have before. I couldn't believe it, and I still can't. I just hope he doesn't change his mind! Nevertheless, he drove over to my house at midnight and i OBVIOUSLY could not say no to that so i did what any other person would do and snuck out of my house to see him :)

    We talked for a long time and got everything out on the table. This leads me to my next topic..


    Although these past couple months have been rough, I just cannot accept that there is no cure for this. Its just in my nature to not be able to take no for an answer. So yesterday he emailed me something and i realized hes been doing some research too. He came across this book which had a lot of info about this, and explained a program to stop further outbreaks. Its called Oxygen Therapy, using H202 drops that are diluted into water, as well as some general eating tips to go along with it. So my question is:

    1)Have any of you heard of/tried this method?

    2)Should I give it a try?

    3)Should I consult my doctor before doing so?

    4)How will I know if this has worked? (other than not having any outbreaks)


    I haven't had an outbreak since my first. However right now i have two bumps far apart from eachother, in a different area, but i can't tell if its that or just ingrown hairs.


    So tell me what you all think!

  5. @steven90,


    In my opinion, whether its casual sex or a committed relationship, everyone has the right to know. casual or relationship doesn't change the fact that there is always a chance of someone else getting it. (although i assume you would be smart enough to use protection) when i first found out i was kind of bitter and thought why should other people know if i didnt have the choice of knowing? But as time went on this also changed my perspective of sex, love, relationships. i would never want to put someone else through what i went through. so i decided, dont get bitter, get better! :)

    but hey thats just me!

  6. Hi Steven90!


    WELCOME to the forum! I won't be the first one to tell you that you have come to a great place for support and love which it seems you have already figured it out :)


    I'm sure we all have had the moment where we never thought it was going to be us, unfortunately these are life's curve balls! You will be surprised at how strong you actually are, and how this can actually open up a whole new chapter for you. You will read many stories of how this has actually broadened peoples' perspectives about life, love, relationships, sex, all that good stuff! Of course we all have bad days, but fortunately this is a very manageable situation and does not and WILL NOT define who you are.


    You are very lucky to be able to share that with your dad and brother, who i'm sure will help you along the way. Any questions, feel free! You've come to a great place! I am no pro, only three months into this journey, but this site has really helped me<3


    You will be more than okay, i promise;)!

  7. Hi avita2590,


    I'm very sorry to hear about you going through both situations. I know it is nasty and may seem terrifying at first, but you are not alone. Regardless of the situation of how it happend, you have it now, but this doesnt have to control or DEFINE who you are. You will learn how to deal with this and there are lots of people to support you here. The feeling of disgust is temporary. Take it from me and many others who will agree with me here. I found out 3 months ago and i felt worthless, disgusting, all of those things. And just 3 months later, i still have up and down days, but i am FAR much more confident living with this than i was before. PLEASE remember this does not ruin your life! This is a very manageable situation and over time it won't seem like that big of a deal. Do your research, read, read, read! The more info the better. It really is true that the stigma about herpes is worse than the actual "disease". Take it day by day, one step at a time. No one is expecting you to feel better right away, i cried for hours, but i am doing much better now. Always remember you are not alone and vent if you must here whenever you need to! You can private msg me if you like, anytime!

  8. A question regarding test results..


    I found out in November that i had H. I had all the flu like symptoms, but no blisters yet. when I first got sick thought it was a yeast infection. I did get swab tested, but even before blisters were appearing. i had a deep cut from shaving, the doctor took a look, didnt say anything about the possibility of it being h, and did a swab test to check for any other infections while i was there. didnt hear anything for a few days (by this time the blisters had been forming) called to check, said i had to go in and BAM, my heart dropped. Limped my way to another doctor the same day (which was a very awkward car ride with my dad, who i obviously lied to) she took a look and said "yep, your as sick as a puppy", didnt answer any of my questions and said to come back in a few days if it didnt go away.


    Then i heard about blood testing. i visited my regular family doctor, when the OB was over, and he told me he couldnt do a blood test for this? i also called the local std healthline and she said the blood test is unreliable, and i may have to pay for it. She also said that i had to wait for another OB to get a second test if i want, and that they would perform the same swab test at an STD clinic. So really there is no point in that in my eyes. I mean if i have another OB then obviously it is certain that i have it. Anyways I am REALLY confused on the whole HSV1/HSV2. the differences, transferring it, and how do i know if i have it orally too?


    i haven't had an ob since the horrifying, painful, 2 night hospital visit, IV requiring OB.

    (I guess thats a bit of venting there)


    ANYWAYS, the point if the matter, is where in the hell are people finding these blood tests?!?! for some stupid reason i want to hear it again. how insane is that?

  9. Welcome beachluvr!


    Although you may feel very alone some days, as i do as well, you aren't! As you do, i also have bad and good days. Sometimes i feel ashamed, and sometimes i feel as i can use this to better myself. The fact of the matter is that there is no going back and all we can do is move forward. I just found out in November, someone similar to your story, with trusting too much and not getting the answers in the end.. so i am no expert at this but i do find comfort in supporting others.. this site has helped me so much and it helps to get all the information you can. things will get better, they always do! xoxo

  10. hi all, thank you so much for the comments! since then I have been doing a lot of research on this topic and have started to feel a bit better. this site has really helped me to do this. I actually just

    finished watching your Skype video and will continue to follow in this journey. i have since visited

    my doctor again and received better guidance. I'm pretty sure that the person I got this from did it on purpose, and I haven't seen him since. this happend in November and I have since then started seeing someone who I have been friends with for a few years. he is absolutely amazing but of course I haven't taken the next steps.. number one bc I am afraid to put him at risk and I have not told him yet. I want to see where this is going to know if it is worth it to tell him. however we are getting pretty close and I'm waiting for the right time to tell him. I almost feel like I accepted me having H too fast because I'm already seeing someone... is that even possible? you'd think I would be happy to have overcome these feelings but I just know there is nothing I can do about it. I don't know maybe I'm just confused. I have no idea how he will react if it comes to me telling him and don't even know if I have the courage to tell him in person. one side of me says wait longer to tell him, another side of me is saying to tell him incase this is something he cannot

    accept, which I would have to accept. I have been through a hell of a lot in my life, as I'm sure we all have, so I'm coming to terms with this being another stepping stone. the good news is I haven't got an outbreak since and have started to better take care of myself in terms of being healthy.


    It's so good to see so much support on this forum! I will regularly be checking back and trying to support others!

  11. hi.. I just found out Saturday that I have genital herpes and chlamydia .. I have been in excruciating pain since Wednesday thinking it was just a yeast infection. I'm 22 and I feel like my entire life is over. I've been in bed since that day bc I have been vomiting, and been to the hospital the last 2 nights. I feel disgusted in myself and now feel worthless. I know this is not a terminal disease but I just never thought this would happen to me... I told my family doctor today and she was absolutely no help at all. I have so many questions.

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