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The Lone Ranger

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Posts posted by The Lone Ranger

  1. On 3/20/2015 at 2:39 PM, overwhelmed1 said:

    I have really had the week from hell had a very emotional two days with the loss of my horse in the midst of all that I hurt my back and went to the doctors today and he gave me a medrol dose pack I thought I read somewhere that steroids can cause an outbreak unfortunately because of my emotional stress I have a very mild outbreak going on if I take the medril ose pack will it make it worse I take Valtrex everyday lysine and vitamin B complex and still got a very mild start of an outbreak I just want to make sure I'm not going to make it worse if I take the steroid for my back anybody can give me any information I would so appreciate it thank you

    I was on Prednisone for 21 days for chronic sinusitis and ended up getting my first outbreak ever.


    I exercised very poor judgement by hooking up with someone with a very noticeable cold sore on their lip and had enough common sense not to kiss them but let them perform oral sex on me.


    Worried that I contracted Herpes I went to my urologist about 4 - 6 wks later for a blood test and he said it was negative for HSV1 so I thought "whew what a relief that is"!!


    Ffwd to October of that same year when my ENT prescribed Prednisone for 21 days and tpwards the end of the dosage I ended up with genital herpes from the HSV1 virus and it was quite painful. Got on Valtrex.

    Ffwd to this March and had another outbreak while on no steroids but was on Cipro for a " possible" UTI.



    I noticed that I did have a fair amount of chocolate peanut butter pie one wkd ( 4 pieces) then within another week had 2 more scoops of peanut butter prior to that second outbreak.

    The Infectious Disease doctor I went to told me that you get recurrent outbreaks when your immune system is weak or compromised not from certain foods but I'm not so sure about that!!

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