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Posts posted by bc2013

  1. Hey Inspired 32! Super happy that you have found someone that is supportive and understanding! It makes the outbreaks and everything else that goes with this so much easier to handle some days.

    I understand where you are coming from - I am dating this guy who I told about my HSV, and to my surprise he had already dated a girl who had it, and totally understands it with me. When we first started having sex it was protected, and then eventually we stopped using condoms. I know he understands the risk, and I know that I would never engage in sex if I was having any sort of outbreak.

    Maybe talk to him in advance and tell him that if you start to have symptoms, then it is a definite risk and he should be aware of that.


  2. Hello everyone,


    I got diagnosed with HSV around June 2013. Since then I have had probably 5 or 6 outbreaks. They are never very bad - i have only had one that I got blisters. But I seem to get these irritating outbreaks every month! They will be more like an itchy swollen bump or rash that doesn't really hurt, but just itches like crazy.


    I use antivirals once in a while and it seems to help to an extent, but I don't know why I get them so often in the first place! I workout about 6 times a week, eat clean, don't drink coffee, drink alcohol but not excessively..


    Can anyone else relate? If so, what do you do?


    Thanks in advance :)

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