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Posts posted by cc123

  1. Thanks @WCSDancer I did what you suggested.. Seemed like it was getting better (or at least not progressing) until I woke up this morning with worse symptoms :( I'm so frustrated right now. Could I somehow have spread the virus from the top lip to the bottom? I had been putting cold sore ointment on the affected area and chapstick on the rest of my mouth. Now my lips are kind of swollen and theres a pinkish ring around them. And theres sensitive areas that developed on either side of my bottom lip. I slathered my lips in cold sore ointment and took a Lysine and an acyclovir. Hopefully it helps.

  2. I was diagnosed with HSV 1 genitally about 4 months ago and am currently freaking out because I've got what appears to be a cold sore forming on my upper lip. I've never had one in my life. No tingling/itching/burning etc as of yet, just a slightly raised circular area and a feeling of slight pressure. I'm not sick and haven't been under any stress lately. Not positive that's what it is but to all my oral HSV people out there, should I put cold sore medicine on it anyway? Just in case? And will popping an acyclovir help get rid of it faster?

  3. Zyphen.. I can relate to your story even though mine's a little different. I found out I had H in November of 2013 while dating someone I had been seeing for several months. When I disclosed to him he seemed to take it well and said he was OK with it and not to worry. Slowly but surely though, he started pulling back, was too 'busy' to hang out, stopped texting constantly, etc. Things finally ended last week when I confronted him via text after not seeing him for over 2 weeks. He claimed he had realized he didn't want anything serious right now and that he's super busy with other things. I'm heartbroken. He's the first guy I've really really liked (maybe even loved) since my last long term relationship a few years back. So I know how you're feeling. It's so hard.


    As for the whole FB thing... damn social media is such a killer isn't it? I find myself constantly checking my guy's twitter and IG like a stalker (ugh sounds so pathetic). My advice is to not say anything to the guy/message him, as badly as you might want to. It will just make things worse and will strain things between you and her even more. If you need to get your feelings out, come on here and vent or talk to a friend. Even saying something to her will be better than going behind her back and saying something to him.


    I think I connected to your story so much because we have a lot in common.. I'm 25 (26 next month!) and just graduated from nursing school. Already failed my boards once because I found out about my H a couple weeks before and couldn't even get out of bed for a couple weeks, let alone concentrate on studying. Now the breakup a few weeks before my second test date. Great timing, right? Anyways, I hope things get better for you. In the meantime, this forum works wonders if you ever need advice or some positive words.





  4. Some of you know my story but for those that don't, I found out that I have HSV 1 genitally about a month ago. The only reason I found out was because I went to the dr to get treatment for a really bad yeast infection. I was given the 10 day acyclovir for the sores and meds to treat the yeast infection. A few days ago I felt prodrome symptoms (tingling, itching, etc) and yesterday I noticed 2 sores on my upper inner thigh (a completely different area than my first OB). The thing is, I also seem to be experiencing a yeast infection again. Wtf is the deal with this? It's bad enough to have to deal w the sores themselves. I was also hoping I wouldn't get another OB and would be able to stay off daily suppressive therapy but it looks like that's my best option now.


    Does anyone else have similar experiences or know about the link between H OBs and yeast infections?

  5. Hi all! haven't been on for a couple weeks-- was super busy with the holidays and family and all that.


    I've been wondering about something.. I had my first and only (so far) OB about a month ago, it lasted a little over 2 weeks and was pretty mild (only 2 small sores). I've noticed that where the OB was there is a flat, pink, shiny smooth area, kind of like a burn scar. I've read that H sores aren't supposed to scar and your skin is supposed to be normal between OBs. Does anyone else have this?


    I've also had some serious tingling/itching the last 3 or 4 days, and some burning with urination, but so far no OB. Hoping it stays that way! Anyways.. hope everyone had a great holiday Xo

  6. You guys legit have me cracking up over here. I just graduated from nursing school so I obviously hear graphic stories and see stuff on a daily basis but these descriptions are priceless :))


    @defeated that's interesting about the infection smell.. I could see why it might when you have blisters, because a lot of time purulent drainage has a certain odor.. but without weeping blisters? Odd. Maybe our community med student might know something about it? When I had my first and only (so far) OB, I had bacterial vaginosis at the same time, so I couldn't distinguish a difference in smell between in the infection and the actual blisters. Something to observe for during my next OB (which I hopefully won't have again for a longg time.. fingers crossed).


    I love the openness here. Such an amazing thing

  7. Thanks for sharing @abc. I can honestly say I felt that exact same depression and sadness that you're going through when I found out. I let myself wallow for 2 weeks until my mother (god love her) threatened to committ me haha..


    I still feel that way sometimes but it DOES get better. And please stop blaming yourself. You said it yourself, you had no idea that you had H when you started back up with mark. And I know you can't control who you love, but I truly believe you deserve better. He doesn't really have a right to judge you after everything he put you through in the past. And if he truly had changed he'd accept you and love you, skin condition or no skin condition. I know hearing that doesn't make it any easier. Here for you Xo.


    @peachy you stop that! you ARE smart! and hilarious. never change

  8. First off let me just say that you guys are the BEST. Your love & support is what is getting me through all this. Reading your words of encouragement makes me feel so amazing and accepted.


    So here is the gyst of what happened...


    Me: I have to tell you something.

    Him: uh oh. What?

    Me: can you finish your glass of wine first?

    Him: takes a gulp of wine.

    Me: silence.

    Him: :|

    Me: blurts out whole story of discovering the blister, going to multiple doctors, waiting for blood tests etc. tell him it's hsv 1, explain the type/how I could've gotten it / etc. (at this point I was so nervous I think I was throwing random facts and stats at him and stuff. what a rookie)


    Him: silence....... So you're not pregnant?

    Me: .....no? what???

    Him: Next time start with that!


    haha soooo long story short he took it fairly well. He said he's never gotten a cold sore in his entire life, even as a little kid, and that he's gotten tested before and really truly thinks he didn't give it to me. I told him he needs to get a blood test because there's a chance I've passed it to him, even though we have always used condoms. He was sorry I had such a miserable last couple of weeks but said he didn't get why I was so distraught about the whole thing. I explained even though the physical symptoms haven't been bad (so far), the psychological ones can be devastating. I could tell he was kind of freaked out about the whole situation but overall he responded well.


    I do feel a lot better, like a weight has been lifted, but that doubt is slowly creeping in. I'm praying while mulling it over he doesn't decide I'm not worth it and stop talking to me. It would really crush me. I'll keep you guys updated. But no matter what happens, I'm so incredibly grateful for all of you, my new H family. I love you all and thank you again.


    @inspired.. so happy for you :) thanks for sharing, you made me smile


    @nj0501.. his pregnancy comment made me think of you and giggle lol


    @peach I'm def getting some peach yogurt on my grocery trip today. cheers girlfriend


    @cam, @peaceandlove, @wcs, @abc123, @adrial XOXOXO

  9. I wish I could see things the way you do @adrial. You're so strong and so sure. I hope over time that'll come to me. I know this is awful but a part of me DOES feel ashamed. It's getting better every day but it's still there.. & I don't know if the shame comes from making bad choices sex/relationship-wise or if it comes from the H stigma. I think a little of both.


    And to be honest, regardless of whether I trust this guy or not, I still have to tell him because I may have exposed him to H. That's another thing that's getting to me. I do trust him on certain levels, I know he cares about me and is respectful of me, but we simply haven't been seeing each other long enough to reach that deep down mutual love/trust place. Sigh. This is so hard.

  10. Thank you @abc123 @nj0501 & @adrial. Your support means so much; I can't say that enough. I see where you guys are coming from with how important is to approach it in the right way but I'm nervous I'm going to start crying... I'm already a somewhat emotional person and H has me bursting into tears at random moments throughout the day, even when I'm just by myself. I hope I can hold it together.


    I'll do my best. You guys give me strength. Xo



  11. Hey all... After 3 weeks and 2 different doctors telling me my blister was an infected hair follicle (even after I insisted infected hair follicles don't burn and itch like crazy), I got the call today that my blood test results came back positive for HSV1. It's still not "conclusive" ((of course)) so I have to go back for more testing in 4 weeks.


    Anyways, I've been avoiding hanging out with or hooking up with my current guy since I suspected something was wrong. I wanted to know for sure before I said anything. I know now that I can't put it off any longer and have to tell him. I'm so incredibly nervous and scared. I've been crying uncontrollably all night.. My biggest fears are that 1. He won't want anything to do with me anymore 2. He'll hate me if I accidentally passed it to him and 3. That he'll confide in one of his friends who might tell others (word travels so fast around here; once one person knows, everyone does). I know telling people is part of the whole movement to get rid of the H stigma, and I totally admire all of you who are "out of the closet" in that regard, but I am personally SO not there yet. It's too new, too fresh, and too terrifying.


    I really really like this guy.. but he's 2 years younger than me (23) and I'm afraid the stigma will completely scare him away. Why be with me when he could be with some other beautiful girl without H? I've seen these fears over and over from others telling their disclosure stories, but it doesn't make it any easier :( Since I ended an awful destructive relationship 5 years ago, I've made it a point to heal and become strong and happy on my own before I get back into a romantic or even just a sexual relationship with anyone. Just within the last year and a half I've realized I'm ready to share myself again and find THAT person to spend the rest of my life with. And then H happened, and now I'm wondering whether it could ever happen for me. It was hard enough before, now it seems impossible.


    Enough ranting on my part.. but if anyone has any advice for me before tomorrow night, I'd be so grateful. Xo

  12. Ok guys I officially can't take it anymore and I'm going to try shaving today. Wish me luck :-/ it's been 3 weeks since my blister first appeared and it's pretty much gone except for a small, flat, itchy red patch. Going to shave around it obviously. I'm not on any suppressive meds but I've been taking lysine daily so hopefully that'll be enough to prevent another OB.


    Here goes nothing...

  13. Ah I wish I could help you @aerial but I have no idea :-S that's something I worry about too when thinking about future OBs. Would like to hear others' feedback.


    Also wanted to ask about certain symptoms.. I've only had one mild OB with 2 blisters that are 99% healed but my entire peri area still feels really itchy and uncomfortable. Driving myself crazy wondering if I'm being paranoid/imagining it or not. Does anyone else have this? Or is this a sign of an impending OB? I guess it could also be from not shaving down there in a while (still too scared of triggering anything!). Ugh not to sound like a 15 year old girl but this is miz lol

  14. Deep breaths. It's going to be okay. I know how hard it is. I've spent the past week in an awful dark place and I'm just now realizing that I need to snap out of it and keep living my life. I still have moments that the one you're having now. It might not seem like it now, but you are going to find someone who loves you for you and you're going to be happy. This whole thing is a blessing in disguise. This guy is clearly not right for you nor does he deserve you. Karma will take care of it. For now have a good cry and a glass of wine, take a hot shower, put on your favorite movie, and go to bed early. One day at a time. I'm here for you, we all are. Xo

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