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Posts posted by Turtle

  1. Hi All, 

    I have posted on a different thread about what I have been trying for a week or two now that is working! I have been reading about the mind body connection in chronic pain and have been able to get this pain under control. It is gone most of the time and when it does start coming on I can stop it pretty quickly. Accumulated stress and trauma seems to be the case, for me anyways, and I highly recommend looking into it. John Sarno is a doctor that did a lot of research on it and I am following his advice with very good results. 

    Good luck and peace! 

  2. Hi Bonbon, 

    I"m a dental hygienist and so much dental pain and periodontal issues are also stress related, especially due to grinding. Try a night guard and warm compresses. Work on deeper breathing, that is what works so quickly for me.  Our mind is making all the stress we are exposed to into too much of a big deal of life and death when it is not.  I constantly tell myself that I am safe while deep breathing. I never believed it would work for me because I was too far gone, not worthy, etc. but it does!! Stress also makes our body chemistry more acidic which makes it easier for viruses to live, hence giving HSV an easier way to replicate and come out....don't let it! I have to have some minor hand surgery next month and I'm curious to see if I can keep it together haha and not get stressed. It's now becoming interesting experiments instead of overwhelming stress.  I also use the tapping method to change my stress levels also and it works pretty quickly too. I think I like it more than just straight meditating because it gives me movement to concentrate on. 

    Keep on keeping on and remember that you are safe!

  3. The one main thing I have learned from all my research into the mind body connection is that our nerves are not damaged or being destroyed or inflamed. The brain is sending less oxygen there to make them hurt, just like it does to people who suffer more muscle pain in their backs or shoulders. The first step to feeling better is really believing that your nerves are fine, they are healthy and your brain is just using them to keep your attention on the physical so you don't have to deal with the mental stressors that it has deemed too dangerous for you to handle. But of course we can handle the stress and anxiety and past traumas and you should ask your brain to stop bypassing that. I know it sounds weird and woo woo. I am a science person first. John Sarno spends a lot of time explaining the neuroscience behind it all so that is what won me over. The mind is an amazing thing! This stupid virus has been around for thousands of years and is helpless and useless and does not deserve any attention...let it stay dormant forever. I visualize it being trapped and dying from lack of oxygen! 


  4. There is so much research into stress and the way our brains store it and process it. We can learn to rewire our brains and it really isn't that hard. I constantly am telling myself that my body is healthy and whole. I also "yell" at my brain to stop giving me the physical pain and that I want to feel the emotions behind all my experiences. I do this every day on my drive to and from work. I have actually accessed stuff and find myself crying in my car...and I'm not a big cry-er. I have always had to be the strong one who took care of everything. After these episodes, I amazingly feel so much better. I find that when I access abuse I have gone through, I get extremely nauseous, but then the anger comes.  It's weird but it's working. 

    There are many youtube videos out there also that delve into the mind body connection. I hope you find something that resonates with you and can help! 

  5. Hello, 

    I had almost constant full body nerve pain for the past three years...started right after my herpes diagnosis. I recently read Dr. John Sarnos book on the mind body connection. It clicked with me and I have been practicing his tips for the last week or two and amazingly I am pain free except for occasional pain which I can get under control pretty quickly. 

    I highly recommend looking into the mind-body connection and the role of unprocessed trauma and emotions. I really thought I had dealt with the things in my life but didn't. I was the strong one who could handle anything...but the nerve pain kicked my ass and made me reassess. Dr. Sarno has great information as well as Nichole Sachs who has a great podcast and book as well, I think. I'm sure there are others too. It's amazing how powerful the subconscious mind is and what it is capable of. 

    I hope you all find healing and peace! 

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  6. Just an update: I recently read Dr. John Sarno's books on the Mind-body connection and it all made so much sense to me. I started practicing his strategies and I'm happy to report that my nerve pain has disappeared for the most part. I have occasional pain that I can get under control pretty easily before it worsens. I believe unresolved trauma and repressed emotions are a big part in chronic pain and finally decided to face it all. It's an ongoing process as stress is always with us, but I believe I am on the right track. 

    I highly recommend his books or other mind body resources. Nichole Sachs has a good podcast and maybe a book as well. 

    Peace and health! 

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  7. I just recently finished a book by Dr. John Sarno about the mind body connection and I think that most of my UTI symptoms that had no bacterial cause were possibly another manifestation of the mind-body connection. I had nerve pain throughout my whole body for the last 3 years which came on right after the herpes diagnosis. I have been working with releasing past trauma and emotions and I can say that I have been generally symptom free for the last week, with only random nerve pains that I can get under control pretty easily. 

    I highly recommend looking into his books or other resource of the mind-body connection. Nichole Sachs has a great podcast and also a book I believe. 

    I don't think I had other symptoms with the uti's but stress was a major factor in them. It seems the manifestation of my emotional pain has moved from uti's to the full body nerve pain I had, which is common according to this doctor. When there is no physical reason for pain, i.e. no bacteria and healthy nerves(in my case) then look to the brain's work in it all. The mind is a powerful thing. 

    I wish you luck and health and peace! 

  8. Hello all, 

    I have had nerve pain everywhere in my body for 3+ years now. I have tried everything, acupuncture, chiropractic, neurologists, naturopaths....all have cost me lots of money. I recently read the books by Dr. John Sarno about the mind/body connection to chronic pain. It all makes so much sense, especially since stress makes it worse and vacations or spending time with my kids or yoga and meditaion makes it go away. I have had a lot of trauma in my life as well as lots of stress...as we all have. Trauma can be big or small but the mind still processes it the same. My herpes diagnoses was the final straw I guess and to avoid all the emotions of that and past traumas, my brain decided to give me nerve pain to distract me from processing all the emotions I've suppressed. There seems to be a lot of science behind it and I've been working at if for over a week now and I have no pain generally with some minimal episodes that I can get under control pretty quick. 

    I HIGHLY recommend looking into his book as well as the many other mind-body resources. Nichole Sachs has a great podcast and I believe a book as well. 

    I feel very liberated now...not only physically, but emotionally from a lot of stuff! I so hate what the negative stigma of having this virus does to people! 


  9. Hello, 

    I have had UTI's my whole life...I'm 54 now and thankfully haven't had one in a few years. There were times the test was negative for bacteria and times it was positive but the symptoms were always the same and very painful, including blood in the urine. A doctor once told me I have interstitial cystitis, meaning the lining of the bladder gets inflamed for reasons unknown. I'd say it was possibly stress related or food related but especially acid related which was why drinking cranberry juice which is acidic did not help but made it worse. Every time I started getting symptoms I would do a shot of baking soda in water, which is alkalinizing, as many times during the day as I could. Sometimes it worked and sometimes not and I'd take the antibiotics and it would go away. When I was 51, I was diagnosed with HSV1 and 2, but have never had any symptoms and I'm wondering if that was the way it presented? Who knows? 

    Try researching interstitial cystitis and see if you find any help. Changing your diet to eating foods that make your body chemistry more alkaline may help. There are lists of alkalinizing foods. I hope you find some relief because I know the pain and anxiety of having a UTI! Good luck. 

  10. Hello, 

    I don't want to be a downer, but I have had the nerve pain now for over three years. I have times when it goes away for a few days at a time. I was laid off for 2.5 months due to Covid and it actually was gone the whole time...once I got over the stress of the layoff and uncertainty of it all. Came back within a month of being back to work, which was so different and busy! I do believe it's stress related but I was wondering if anyone has had any luck finding out if the nerves are actually damaged? This pain travels all around my body...legs, face, back, chest, vulva, etc. It's so disheartening. I was diagnosed with HSV 1 and 2 three years ago, but have never had an outbreak, genitally or orally. There may have been a blister on my vulva at that time but it was never painful and went away in a day. I thought it was from tight jeans and feminine hygiene pads. If only. 

    Thanks for reading and please let me know if anyone has had any relief or answers! 


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