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Posts posted by playingthegameoflife

  1. I learned about a month ago now that I had H. I still haven't had ann outbreak even though I've unknowingly had it for almost two years . I have only been obligated to tell one person for their own health.he took it well but now we don't talk or see either. I've recently met a new guy. We went out on a date and had a lot of fun the next weekend he came over so we could watch movies and nerd out,, we ended up making out in bed and after a while we went all the way... I know I should have stopped it but I just couldn't resist how good it felt to have someone want me, to want to cuddle and be intimate. It's been about for days since and I still haven't plucked up the courage to tell him. I know I need to. He's leaving in four months to join the air force. How should I tell him...?

  2. I've known for about two weeks now that I have herpes. I wasnt surprised when I found out I had it. My ex found out a little over a year ago that he had it. He told me right away so I went to get tested. The doctor didn't test me for herpes though because I didn't have an out break. I must have had it for a year or so know and just not know because I still haven't had an outbreak. When I went in to get my depo shot this last time I made them check me because I'd been having weird symptoms. When the doctor called I couldn't stop crying. I knew I had to tell my most recent ex since we had been trying to workings out. When I plucked up the courage he said everything was okay and he was not mad. Every since I told him though he's been acting different. He's decided that we need too stop trying too work things out because he needs too focus on himself because he is in treatment and I understand and respect that but I can't help but feel it has a lot to do with what I have. There hasn't been a night that I haven't cried myself to sleep since I found out. I don't know what to do. I just feel like I'm turning into a black hole, just nothingness. I don't want to do anything or see anyone. I didn't even go to work the first gee days after and when I did I say in my car and bawled. Thinking about how this is going to affect the rest of my life, my relationships, eventually husband and kids, it kills me.

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