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Posts posted by Ovechkin8

  1. I was diagnosed with genital HSV-1 back in August and in November/December freaked out bc I had another outbreak and got tested again. (see my absurd fretting and backstory here- http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/1979/conflicting-herpes-test-results-and-i-have-no-idea-what-to-do/p1)


    I had another IGG blood test done in mid December to quadruple confirm that I have HSV-1 and not 2. That would have been about 16 or 17 weeks after my initial symptoms began.


    So it's almost 5 months, and I've had two OBs since the initial one and fear another one is coming because I feel a bit of tingling uncomfortableness down there. The last two were very minor- the first one was two small sores, and the one last week was just one and went away in less than two days. I've had 3 blood tests and a culture test come back negative for HSV-2, but the recurring symptoms that I'm experiencing are supposedly atypical for HSV-1. Getting tested again would be borderline insane as I've already had 4 done...


    Am I just one of the lucky few that has HSV-1 manifest itself like this? I do have a pretty bad anxiety disorder, so maybe that is a factor. Any comments or advice would be much appreciated.



  2. thanks so much for the replies here. Since I posted yesterday afternoon, both small spots/redness areas have essentially healed and cleared. I'm also no longer ruminating about having HSV-1 on my lip or herpetic whitlow, so I've got that going for me.


    Having three negative tests and nurses/doctors tell me to stop worrying about having HSV-2, I'm doing my best to convince myself of this and manage any future hsv-1 outbreaks as well as possible.


    Taking suppressive valacyclovir, being open with my girlfriend (we talked again last night and like before, she was supportive. Obviously, we refrained from intercourse) and family, and seeing a new counselor for the second time tomorrow to attempt to get to this all under control is all I can do for now I suppose.


    Seriously, thanks again so much for the support. I'm going to spend the rest of the day building a bicycle for my girlfriend for Christmas :)


    EDIT- damn, I haven't had to compose paragraphs of this length since college. Oh my how my writing skills have declined.


  3. Let me preface this by saying that I have a history of anxiety and depression, so I'm sure that is just adding fuel to the fire of what I'm going through. I guess I can just get right into my 'timeline' of what's been going on. I was dating a girl over the summer and after a few protected encounters, we had the 'you're clean right?' 'ok so am I talk' and proceeded to have unprotected sex.


    The later part of the second week of August, I had painful urination, tingling, and then a group of blisters appear on 8/11. No other symptoms of fever, aching swollen lymph nodes, etc. That day I go to Urgent Care and had a type specific IGG blood test done. I kind of knew to take the results witha grain of salt since it might take a while for antibodies to build up. The doctor also said she wasn't convinced it was herpes.


    Type 1- 1.74 index value- positive

    Type 2- 0.09 index value- negative


    August 12- I go back to Urgent Care to have culture swabs taken of the same lesions (I, know not ideal bc not 48 hours recent)- results were negative for HSV-2, but positive for type 1. My girlfriend at the time's IGG tests come back negative for both.

    She breaks up with me for other reasons she says, too much too soon or something).


    The following months were ok, since I didn't have an recurrences, or so I think. Except for minor tingling and itching, with coupled with my anxiety, could very well have been 50% psychosomatic. It was out of my head, but I was under that assumption that I have genital HSV-1.


    Fast forward to now, and I've been dating an amazing new girl. We've been seeing each other for a few months, I gave full disclosure about my medical condition, and she supportive and understanding.


    November 19th- two small bumps/red spots that were never really lesions appear, prodome occured night prior. Take avacyclovir (for 10 days or sp) and those heal. Hit rock bottom thinking that it was HSV-2 bc that is more prevelant to come back, had to tell my current girlfriend what was going on bc I was an anxious wreck, etc.


    November 22nd I go to my doctor- had another Igg blood test taken, results came back and I have no idea how they could be real.

    Type 1- 0.19 index value- negative

    Type 2- 0.09 index value- negative


    Day after Thanksgiving I go see my Dr to examine what I thought to be another visual outbreak, she said it wasn't, and provided daily Valavyclovir as a daily suppresent/mind easer.


    Two days ago, a small red bump appeared on my bottom lip that is now gone, so I rushed to the the doctor's again to confirm I didn't transfer or have herpes orally. Upon visual examination, the Dr and I talking about my test results up until now, told me it doesn't look like herpes and that I should lay to rest the fear that I have HSV-2.


    Then later that night and the next morning, I worry about having herpetic whitlow bc I have a cut from skateboarding and some small weird rash on my wrists. THEN this morning I notice two small red bumps on my penis and have another complete freakout, but they are by no means lesions. I don't know what to do and am a wreck for the following reasons


    1. I've had three tests that conflict, and three visual examinations telling me that whaever is going on at the time doesn't look like herpes. What can I do to know for sure what's going on?


    2. Maybe the most important one. I don't want to scare or push away the girl that I am dating by being this nervous wreck and having to repeatedly tell her that we shouldn't have intercourse bc I fear that an OB could be happening. I feel like this is way too much for her to deal with this early on in our relationship.


    I'm really sorry for this being so long, but I have used mom and sister so much as a support group I'm sure I have tired them out. I'm also seeing a therapist to deal with this and am taking antidepressants.

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