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Posts posted by lilyf26

  1. Hi! Has anyone else experienced this?!?!??! 

    I tested positive for HSV2 in December, which was a huge shock for me considering I never had any symptoms, and when I told the people I have slept with, they got tested and all tested negative. My igG test was at 1.12, so I was leaning towards maybe having a false positive. I waited about 3.5 months to get retested with my OBGYN. She didn’t even want to administer the test but I am glad she did as my results came back NEGATIVE! When I asked about the Western Blot test, she said the blood test is nearly almost as accurate, so that wouldn’t be necessary. She said I can move forward with telling my partners I do not have herpes. Should I disclose that I have tested positive at one point, or just stick to the fact that I got a false positive and move forward? Has anyone else experienced this?! 

  2. Hi there, 

    I’m a 20 year old female who was diagnosed in December 2020. I went in for BV (which I’ve had before so it was mainly to get confirmation and antibiotics) and got routine STD screening. I had multiple partners in the few months prior, which prompted testing. Everything came back normal, and I was feeling pretty good, until my HSV2 result. The nurse basically just told me that I was positive and that I needed to contact my past sexual partners (which was scary, but of course I promptly did to relieve anxiety) No other information given, and I’ve never had any symptoms. So of course, I started my research. Basically any article out there about HSV2-I’ve browsed. I basically had to beg my doctor for my igG test number- 1.12 which made me even MORE upset because from reading, I recognize this is a low positive. Has anyone gotten another blood test a few months later to find out it WAS a false positive? I know about the Western Blot test, but unfortunately, me being a poor college student, I am unable to afford it right now. Looking for guidance here! 

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