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Posts posted by Reality

  1. Herry....thank u muchly for your response. U make a lot of sense dude!!! He said he didn't know and has procrastinated with getting his bloodwork back n gets frustrated when I question him. Which leads me to believe he knew. I once again put my trust in someone. Definitely a hard lesson learned. Your words just confirm what I know is true but it helps to hear it from someone going thru H. Thank you!! I'm a fixer....he is right if he's unhappy with himself I can't fix it. It hurts in the process. But I don't want people like that in my life.

    I didn't respond and I won't out of anger. I'm not a mean person n give people the benefit of the doubt. But yes. Re prioritizing is my goal. Building from here.

    I will heal just as we all will. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger... Right?!! Xxoo

  2. So here's my deal. Coming off a 14 year marriage which ended in divorce with one son I gave myself some time but was looking for love so I dated online briefly and met a couple jerks but thought I found a good guy. Two months later I contracted H2. I am still waiting for his test results but I know he gave me the virus. We grew closer over the period of six months seeing each other exclusively but I had doubt from the beginning and stayed in the relationship continuing to have unprotected sex. I had a full screen of STDs and will be getting another screen in a couple of months. Last night I received a drunk text stating that he's not my guy that I should move on that I'm too good for him and he doesn't deserve me. All of which I know in my heart is true. But the rejection hurts like hell.

    I know that I have to get back to me and my son I'm struggling to find that strength. I am a mother I'm sister I'm a friend I'm a hairstylist with my own business... I practice yoga I go to church I had my life together before I met this guy after going through some tough times with my divorce. Right now I feel like my world is crashing down and having the virus has added even more stress. I am learning to deal with the virus much better than before and with your support and just reading your spirits on this page has given me much hope and realizing that it could be a lot worse in life

    I know it's a sign from God because I asked for direction that I received that text last night I'm so tempted to respond to it this morning but help me people do the right thing lol. I need to find me again and know that a lot of you have gotten to that point and could really use a pick me up. I have lost ME in all this mess. I'm not treating my body right and it's paying for it. Help Guys... WVSDancer. Harry...Adrial...TheDr. And anyone else that has been in a similar situation (Sorry if I misspelled anyone's names). I'm asking for the kick in the ass I need it just might help get me out of this mental n emotional funk I have been in since diagnosed in October. Love you guys.

  3. This Sunday Morning as I wake and head off to church with my Son....as every New Morning we have the opportunity and choice to be positive or negative....give into fear and sadness or embrace the day with a SMILE....after reading this thread...I CHOOSE to be happy and love me TODAY....starting this Moment!!!


    The way I can relate to your story and the inspiration it entails alone put those feelings in my Heart. Thank you so much for sharing..I WILL reread it again and again as it's impact on me the first time was immense and when self doubt wants to rear it's ugly head again your story will be my go to.


    Welcome here dr_h_positive. We are all blessed to have you

  4. Wow! Thank you both so much!

    Dancer....you hit home....yes I just wanted that connection n obviously he was experienced in getting "his" way. He swept me off my feet n said ALL the right things. Today WILL be the TEST. I gotta stick to my guns as hard as it will be....we will see just how much he REALLY cares about me vs his OWN personal needs ❤️ Thank uu

  5. I'd like to start off by saying I LOVE this community n thank God I found you:)


    The long short of my story is.... I am recently divorced married half my life. I contracted H from my current BF who says he didn't know he had it :/. He is the ONLY partner I've had in 20 yrs beside my ex.


    If you didn't know you had it wouldn't you rush to the dr to be tested and treated? I know I did when things weren't right down there. I was diagnosed about a month ago. SADDDDD day. Scary was and is an understatement. I am still with this guy. Really it's a weird relationship. We've been dating several months but I contracted it 2 mos in. I definitely got it from him because I was tested during my marital separation. He is totally cool with unprotected sex. Not me but I have been having it with him. I know....not good. And I feel really bad about myself for it in addition to all the normal self destructive feelings I am going thru just since the diagnosis.


    How do I take control of my body again? I am POed at him on the inside for passing this to me n part of me feels like it's the biggest reason I've stayed. He is well....a bit self absorbed, but everyone has faults. I am non confrontational and a people pleaser. Probably what got me in this mess to begin with right?! I wanted to use a condom but allowed him to work his way in...literally...without. Lol. So now I'm contemplating telling him keeping our clothes on for now is our option, but he's a tad obsessed with sex I'm wondering if it would be a deal breaker. Idk. I'm rambling.... I'm in the depression, anger state of this process and trying to learn acceptance. It's tough as u all know. I am on my second outbreak and luckily neither has been terrible except the muscle spasms in my upper legs. 3 sores total. Just looking for some help ladies n gents. I never ever expected to be here. I have always taken great pride in my body and my appearance. Not feeling so pretty or sexy at the moment :((. Feeling a little insane and crazy too. Um did I mention extra emotional, over thinker..... You get the idea.


    Hope to hear from you all. Could use a shoulder:)

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