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Posts posted by kitkat21

  1. So I took the recommendation of many on this forum and tried out an epson salt bath today with an interesting result. I can't tell if it either didn't do anything or possibly made me more itchy? Is that possible has anyone else ever experienced this?


    On the other hand tea tree oil is a gift from the gods it works so well to reduce pain and itchiness and I think it helping the blisters heal faster as well

  2. eeek ok! so this whole week I've been feeling sick and then I notice these sores on my vagina so I freak out and go in to the doctor today and wouldn't ya know they think I have herpes they're running the culture to be sure but I'm pretty confident that's what it is because all of my symptoms line up. I've been researching it all day and I'm pretty certain I have hsv-1 because I've only ever had oral sex and the guy I had it with doesn't have herpes/ doesn't know he has herpes/ didn't tell me he had herpes. but I'm going with the he didn't know because I read that a lot of people have and show no symptoms I just happen to be one of the lucky ones whoopee. So I'm handling it pretty well I think today has been alternating phases of me being super positive, bawling my eyes out, and eating endless amounts of ice cream. So I have a couple of questions that I would welcome any answers to


    1. So I have three blisters 1 big one and 2 baby ones right next to eachother and the big one just straight up popped like 5 minutes ago with like blood and pus and it was disgusting and now there is an open like crater it hurt like hell. Is this normal? Does this mean that the outbreak will be clearing up soon? am I reaching the end? (please say yes)


    2. Do I have to tell the boy who gave this to me? I know it was him because he was the only person I've been with. We're just friends who were casually hooking up but haven't been for like a month. So if it is hsv-1 and he doesn't know he has it and he has no symptoms should I still tell him? It's confusing because I don't want him to feel bad and if it doesn't affect his daily life I would rather not turn the friendship into "hey you gave me herpes" I think that could put a damper on the friendship


    3. so the only person that knows is my mom and she's super catholic so she's already disappointed in the fact that I even had oral sex with a guy and I know she thinks I'm a failure. but she told me DON'T TELL ANYONE NOT EVEN YOUR BEST FRIEND. and In a way I agree with her because you never know what people will do and I don't want crazy rumors getting out and I know they would try and be understanding but at the end of the day not really be able to help in any way. So opinions is this something to share with a close friend to help get the weight off your shoulders or is this something that should be kept private between yourself and sexual partners?


    4. I've already read a few but are their any must-try home remedies or prevention steps. I'm really going to try and be proactive about this and make it as painless as possible


    5. I've heard that your first outbreak is the worst and then they get steadily less bad as time goes on. Is there any truth to this? If my first outbreak isn't that bad does this mean life might not be that bad haha?


    6. If you had one piece of advice for someone who just go diagnosed with herpes what would it be?


    wow sorry for the essay guys. If you skipped to the end here's the summary: I have herpes, im dealing, go back and answer my questions. Thanks for everything!

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