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Posts posted by Clover144

  1. Thank you so much for your reply.

    I always get one single sore, always in the same exact spot. The discomfort was gone after a couple days, as I took a cycle of valycyclovir. And if it did scab it was very mild, I barely noticed, which is normal for me. Then it was just smooth skin with a mark where the blister was. It's been this way for maybe a week now. The mark has gotten lighter over the past few days. There is sight redness in the line of my bum (sorry but we're all dealing with the same thing here so I hope that isn't too graphic.) But it doesn't bother me at all. I think I have random psychosomatic itching because I am so paranoid about it coming back again. It's like mental terrorism. It's so frustrating. I've also been taking spurts of acyclovir out of fear that it will return. (400 mg twice a day). 

    I will try the vitamin e and lysine cream. Can this be used preventatively? I'm thinking yes...

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  2. It has been 3 weeks today since I got a blister, and I can still see a dark mark where it was. I can't feel anything there, it's just dark, almost like a scar maybe? I don't want to put my partner at risk, but am also getting quite impatient. Does anybody have experience with this? When do you know you have fully healed and are back at the general risk level for intercourse? Also, do any of you have suggestions about how to enhance the healing process? I don't know why it seems to take so long for me. I had 10 years of no symptoms and now they seem to pop up every few months and take forever to go away. Always one, always in the same spot on my poor little butt crack. I take lysine, garlic sometimes, I bought this rub with lemon balm and other ingredients... I'm at my wits end with this right now.  Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated. 

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