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Posts posted by Thankfulforthisgroup

  1. Thank you so much for responding so quickly. I have heard of tapping, I’ll look into it. I have been meditating which has been very helpful for me lately.
    The assault happened in January 2020 and we were intimate again in August 2020. In April 2021 when I got shingles my Dr. gave me acyclovir. I didn’t have any of the prodome feelings then that I feel now. I have been feeling it since my outbreak with uti symptoms even with daily suppression medication and Lysine and watching my diet, so about 10 weeks now. Anyhow, the shingles rash I had went away within about 10 days but the shooting pains everywhere took a few months and some gabapentin to go away. 
    Is 6.48 a large amount of antibody and is it the same antibody that was fighting the shingles? 

  2. I will start from the beginning to make this easier to understand. My boyfriend and I dated for a year. We had sex very frequently and he was honest that his previous partner had hsv2 but they both had blood work done frequently and he had not gotten the virus. We broke up for 10 months and then slowly started a relationship again.
    He told me he was not with anyone else while we were broken up. I however was raped during that period of time. I did not get tested afterwards because I was trying to ignore that it happened. I have since been through 12 weeks of therapy which has helped, but with this diagnosis I am now struggling.

    We had sex again and 5 days after he noticed a bump and got tested. His result was positive for GHSV2 from PCR. Negative both for IGG. I also got tested by 2 separate providers and both came back negative for hsv2 and 1. I thought I saw a bump and swabbed it, But no indication of herpes.

    Fast forward about a year. I had a Shingles outbreak for the first time and was put on antiviral meds. I’m sure from stress at work and therapy was stressful. We had sex maybe a few times that year because I was having a difficult time through therapy. He was on daily suppression medication and had no more outbreaks.

    3 months later we had sex and 2 days later I noticed a bit of a smell. 3 days after that a large amount of thick discharge and UTI symptoms. 11 days after that I noticed a blister, then 2 more the next day. I got swabbed and they confirmed GHSV2. They did no blood work that visit because “I already had it and it came from my partner that has it”

    I went and had bloodwork done again 10 weeks after the positive swab. I knew it would come back positive. The result was HSV 2 positive at 6.48. Now that I know what an outbreak feels like, I know I have never had this feeling before. Is it possible that when I had shingles hsv2 would remain dormant? 
    I really wish the doctor would have tested my blood when my swab came back positive. Would it be helpful to get Western blot at this point? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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