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Posts posted by newt8

  1. Thanks, I was hoping since I only had a fever and no other symptoms and I was feeling better today I may be out of the woods so to speak in regards to an outbreak. I hace read though that some people don't have symptoms between prodrone and outbreaks so now not sure.

  2. Flower teacher we are still waiting until 8 weeks so she can be tested. I appriciate your imput and support. I know your have been a supporter on this forum for quit a while. Have you ever seen someone transmit hsv by hands or fingers in all your work on this forum? And all your work on this forum is appriciated. 

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  3. The discharge that she had on day 6 after exposure lasted the 6 and 7th day then she hasn't had any symptoms since then but again she took acyclovir the evening of the 6th day 400mg, 7th day morning 400mg, 8th day 400mg morning, 9th day 400mg morning then stopped. She had her cycle 16 days after she stopped the acyclovir that was late by 10 days. She didn't have any symptoms during that time either. From my readings it would seem at ghsv1 can lay dormite longer and is easier to suppress with antivirals. I keep reading that there hasn't been a documented case of hand transmitting herpes but then I read testomony by people that say it happened. One of them was on Terri's site that seemed very likely but was not confirmed or documented. It was mutual masterbation where the uninfected person became infected with hsv2. I feel my surgery is what triggered my outbreak. I really wish I hadn't been so careless.


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  4. She had headache, diarrhia, and discharge nothing else. If she would have come down with a cold or the flu or something then I could say oh that was it but I can find anything else with just those symptoms besides herpes and believe me I have been trying. I am sorry for so many questions and I really do appriciate your help.

  5. Dr. Hansfield also agreed the hands are unlikely to transmit, that is what I am praying for anyway. I just think the odds of what happened afterwards is very unlikely to be something else. Do you know if she did stop the primary how long it would take for it to return? Its been 28 days since she stopped the acyclovir. being hsv 1 genital I think it would just be a guess. Have you ever heard or experience anyone that contracted herpes from touching or mutual masterbation, ect? Sorry for all the questions I do appricated it.

  6. Man am I confused I had someone esle on another forum say that hand do not transmit herpes however I am having a hard time with the timeline. Whats the odds of having only a headache and diarrhia on day 2 and 3 after exposure with the incubation period being 2 to 10 days it must be a million to 1, no sore throad or anything else then day six unusual discharge which was followed by 1600 mg of acyclovir for 3.5 days that could have stopped a primary outbreak. Other people have said a discharge is not associated with herpes then others have said it is with new infection. I wish I could figure out if 800 mg one day then 400 mg the next 2 days would be enough to stop a primary. One person says yes the other says no way. We are on limited funds after my sergery or I would ask on one of the paid sites. If I am not being to personal may I ask if you have excessive discharge before an outbreak or may before your primary. Of corse I haven't being a male.

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  7. I appricite your encouragement vut it is definately my fault I touched her after touching my nose. Do you think the amount of acyclovir she took would have been enough to stop a primary outbreak completely. I now she still could be infected I am just hoping I guess that wouldn't have been enough and she would have continued to show symptoms which might mean she didn't contract it.

  8. I had a runny nose so my hand was a little wet, yes I would have likly been shedding since a few hours later I got a blister.  She didn't get her period intil January 12 almost 3 weeks past the incident and she also was late because she usually has hers on the 2nd. She had no other symptoms besides the headache and diarrhia then discharge before she took the acyclovir.

    I do really appriciate your thoughts and encouragement.

  9. I was hoping someone might have some insight to my situation. I have had Herpes on my nose for several years. I have been with someone I dearly care for that does not have either HSV 1 or 2. On December 17 I came into the house and she was drying off from a shower. I had been fighting a cold and wiped my nose when she called me into the bathroom. I not thinking saw her and tried to play around and touched her vagina. Later that night I look at my nose and saw a blister starting to form. I felt terrible and went and told her. Two days later her had a headache for a day then the next day (3) she had diarrhea. Then nothing until day 6 when she started to have excessive discharge that was white with brown in it. She got scarred and took 400 mg of my acyclovir that night, the next morning and then 400mg only the next two days. I think she stopped the initial outbreak. She went to the gyno and was tested for BV, yeast, trich and other which came back negative. I have read on Terri Warrens site that she doesn't feel hands are a mode of transmission however I feel with her having a headache and diarrhea then discharge I did transmit it to her. We have been very scared. Anyone with thoughts when the next outbreak will come ect.

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