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Posts posted by Sadbutokay

  1. Update at the year mark of my getting ghsv1. Still feels like every time i have sex or masterbate i end up with a near breakout. I am on valtrex 500mg daily. When i feel the tingling feeling on my genitalia (accompanied buy a redish circle at the tip of my penis) i up the dose to 1000mg twice daily. It’s happened a lot. Just sad i guess.

  2. Hi there, just trying to find a little hope here somewhere. I was diagnosed back in feb of 2022. First outbreak was't as bad as many have described. I feel lucky about that. However it seems that everytime that I have sex just once (or even masterbate three times in three days) i have to take antivirals to suppress a breakout.

    is this something common? I use lube when masterbating and sex. I had just nearly finished a longish sexual encounter with my partner three nights ago and we had to stop as i could feel the outbreak coming on. it did show up very wuickly that night as i downed the antivirals. We haven’t been using condoms as we feel the ghsv1 risk is less lower than ghsv2 as long as i am clear of a breakout.


    thoughts anyone? I hear that after a year in this kind of stuff lessens?

  3. Jeeze thank you. I posted a new subject in fear the other post would be lost in the mix. You are incredible thank you!

    my prodrome symptoms are mostly itching. No colds or flu. And i didn't miss any doses. Yes i have been taking 1g twice daily of Vatrex. When the prodrome symptoms occurred i upped the dosage to  2g twice daily for 7 days. I did engage in masterbation the night of both prodrome occurrences. So i'm guessing that might be the trigger. I HOPE THIS DOESN'T last for very long?

    and thank you for explaining the prodrome contagious timeline for me! Very helpful and super difficult to get a timeline on that. 

    not sure if i'm fearing that i've become resistant yet as i've only been on Valtrex full time for a month. But i'll be sure to run this all by my dr.


    THANK you AGAIN!! Sbo

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  4. I posted this in a different discussion post but figured i should start a new thread. I hope that is okay.


    UPDATE: so after my bout of prodrome symptoms (itching and tingling feelings near the orginal ob location) a few weeks back, i took Valtrex at 1g two times a day for a week. I decided to stay on the Valtrex as my partner and I want to engage in sexual activities (which we have not yet). About two weeks later another prodrome symptom overload woke me up from my sleep. I immediately got out of bed and took an additional dose of Valtrex and continued to take 2gms twice a day for 7 days. Which also kept the OB from happening. I think masterbation (with lubricant) triggered the prodrome symptoms 

    Questions: 1. Will this ever stop? It's very frustrating. I was under the assumption that ghsv1 didn't often have these mind of issues? 

    2. How long after (in general) the prodrome symptoms go away and there is no outbreak am I potentially contagious? I'm still taking 1g or valtrex twice daily.

    3. is it possible that Valtrex is keeping my body from developing antibodies to help keep the ghsv1 at bay?

    Thank you again for all the support!

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  5. UPDATE: so after my bout of prodrome symptoms a few weeks back, i took Valtrex at 1g two times a day for a week. I decided to stay on the Valtrex as my partner and I want to engage in sexual activities (which we have not yet). About two weeks later another prodrome symptom overload woke me up from my sleep. I immediately got out of bed and took an additional dose of Valtrex and continued to take 2gms twice a day for 7 days. Which also kept the OB from happening. I think masterbation (with lubricant) triggered the prodrome symptoms 

    Questions: 1. Will this ever stop? It's very frustrating. I was under the assumption that ghsv1 didn't often have these mind of issues?

    2. How long after (in general) the prodrome symptoms go away and there is no outbreak am I potentially contagious? I'm still taking 1g or valtrex twice daily.

    Thank you again for answering 


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  6. Okay thank you so so much. Yes my prodrome symptoms (if that's what they were) were last felt on sunday. So they are gone now. I've been on the Valtrex ever since. Aside from the feelings inside my penis that have been semi consistent since my first outbreak. They are minimal now in comparison however and I imagine my shedding period has passed?

    Another question: is it suggested that suppressive therapy is not a great idea for ghsv1? It seems every thing i've been reading here says's it's not necessary?

    will read through the materials again to see if i can find more info. I spend the last few hours scanning your posts on the issue of ghsv1. Thank you for your efforts in all subjects here.

    love and light to you! 

    • Like 1
  7. Okay my next questions are regarding suppressive therapy with anti virals/valacyclovir/etc. 

    I think i was about to have another OB about 1 day after the initial OB seemed to have gone away (1 day after my last post)... and I quickly started taking 1g of vatrex twice daily and the symptoms went away over night. So stressful! It could have been in my head? I don't know. 

    However the sight of the initial ob seems to have a new small bump that looks healed. I'm still taking that dosage. It's been five days.


    1. Is it normal to have minor itches and pains in my penis sporadically? Is this healing or potentially the ob happening again? It's not at the foreskin ob sight. More inside the urethra.

    2. If i'm all healed up, can taking suppressive therapy work immediately to help reduce transmission? If not how long does it to be effective with GHSV1? (So little info out there on this topic for Ghsv1.)

    3. Any general info anyone can share regarding GHSV 1 and suppressive therapy? 

    Thank you. 

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  8. Super helpful thank you. And i don't mean to ask too much but it's appreciated. It's funny the pain in my urinary track was painful (almost like i imagine a uti infection might be) but the one small cluster of sores (like small 3) on foreskin had no pain at all. My penis opening still appears a little red to me but i maybe imagining that. If this all sounds out of place perhaps i'll see a dr again.

    More sores are gone as of now but there is slight traces of evidence. I imagine that means i'm in a shedding phase? 

    Anyways, i've taken enough of your time but it's been appreciated and thank you for the support!



  9. Thank you so much for the kind and positive words. And for taking the time to reply. It's all a bit much for me to take in. I do have a few more questions now that you've offered. It's hard to get definitive answers and my Dr mis diagnosed me for an STD at first which was problematic as i was on antibiotics for a week prior to the first visible sore. 

    1. Inside my urethra regarding the pain. Is that a symptom on it's own for ghsv1? Or as you mentioned, does it have to mean I had and ob inside?

    2. Regarding waiting another three weeks for sexual activity... i'm assuming that pertains to masterbation as well?

    3. Re my lingering symptoms: should i be on other drugs to make all of this unpleasantness go away faster? I've read about supplements and creams etc. are there any recommended here? More antivirals? 

    thank you again for the kind words.



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  10. Male (41) Hi there, i've just had an ob about 6 weeks ago. My first one. I've been swab tested and diagnosed with ghsv1. I have finished my antiviral meds 2pills 2xs a day for 7 days. I also was screened for other sti possiblities.

    my symptoms were terrible pain urinating inSide penis (i'm a male) and one small cluster on foreskin near head of penis. And pain in glands in groin and bladder area.

    my questions are these:

    1. should i still have symptoms still? I've been done the medication for weeks. But still the hole inside my penis has some pain. No where near what i had previously. and the sores are gone but the skin is still dry around the area where they were. Am I contagious like i was when the sores were new?

    2. This question isn't PG: my partner and I (she knows about the out break and as far as she knows she's not hsv positive) have an active sex life. Can i give her Hsv through ejaculate on her face and body? In her mouth or vagina?


    3. How contagious am i right now with the sores gone?

    thank you in advance i'm trying to deal with the shock of this and am searching for answers


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