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Posts posted by Dangermouse

  1. Hiya! When I have my first outbreak last month ( still healing as there's a sore/uncomfortable spot on my labia where an ulcer was) I was sitting in a tub of salt water and cleansing with a cotton pad and drying with a hairdryer๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ. I mixed 3 drops of teetree oil with 8 drops jajoba oil and that all gave me instant relief. I hope this helps you and you recover soon ๐Ÿ™ .

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  2. Hi all ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Just a wee question regarding hair removal down below. In the past, I have always shaved but have the fear that it may trigger another outbreak as I've just healed from my very first one. (Ooooft, that was a nightmare). I've heard waxing and laser can be a trigger but what about hair removal creams? Anyone had experience of doing this and was there an flare up? I like to have no hair at all around the genital region as it makes me itchy and uncomfortable. Thanks.ย 

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  3. Thankyou for the reassurance. I didn't have any sores near my anus and can't see any now. Just incredibly itchy and red but painful if I itch too much. My doctor fobbed me off onto the sexual health clinic as "that's more their expertise " so seen the consultants/nurses there.ย  The only other thing I can think of is when I was "peeing" I had to push/force it out so perhaps that put stress on my bowel area ๐Ÿค”.ย  ย I dipped my urine at work and no signs of a uti. I've not worn knickers for a month and getting a bit too use to itย  ๐Ÿ˜‚

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  4. Hiya all, new to the forum and G.H type 2 in general. I had coronavirus so I'm guessing that having my immune system compromised has caused my awful primary outbreak.

    I went to my sexual health clinic and they confirmed it was G.H so been given acyclovir to take 3 times a day. After the sores appeared on my right side, my labia got really swollen and I had to take time off work as I couldn't walk or sit and had the prodrome aches in my leg and bum cheek. Fast forward a few days and I found salt water baths and a few drops of teetree oil and jajoba oil instantly soothed the uncomfortable pain (yey). Labia swelling has gone down but I began struggling to pass urine or empty bladder properly so was given 800mg acyclovir to take 5 times a day ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ. Not cured but getting there slowly. It has been a month now. still slight marks on inner and outer labia and never going away prodrome legs but 3 days ago Iย  had crazy red burning itching all over my vagina. needed to just claw at it (applying canasten external cream and had a pessary for possible thrush along with teetree+ jajoba oil)and itchy red bum hoop ๐Ÿ˜ซ Passing stools every day but uncomfortable when exiting. Now today....I feel like I'm getting prodrome symptoms on my other side now too!! The achey legs and a tender spot on other side of my vagina although I'm still taking antivirals. Is all this normal. I work in hospital doing long different shift patterns and think this could not be helping with stress/immune outbreaks. Taking vitamins and all that but it's really bringing me down if I have to go through a second outbreakย  so soon. Thanks for reading

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