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Posts posted by newtothis122013

  1. Thank you all! Do any of you have a suggestion of how long I should wait until I get tested again for more accurate results?


    Aimee, I am definitely going to do some research and find a place nearby me when I get home that will do a Western Blot test on me. I became inflamed and irritated within hours of having sex for the first time with my new partner for the next several days. About 5 days after that, I came down with severe flu-like symptoms. My usual doctor said she saw a bump but didn't consider it herpes because I had recently been tested and those results were all negative. She concluded I had a yeast infection and put me on medication for that as well as a z-pack. I left the following day to go out of the country and that's when the bumps and blisters began to show (so about a week from having sex with him)


    @WCSDancer2010 -

    They did a blood test and a swab culture. Results from the microscopy came back negative for IgM and IgG for HSV1 and HSV2 and the swab culture showed "Absent" in all fields and a '4' on the nugent score. The aerobic culture stated a mixed growth of organisms was obtained with no dominant organism and no typical genital pathogen was detected.

    And thank you for the links! It's been easy keeping the information from him since I've been out of the country but I head back in a few days so I know I need to sit down with him and explain everything that I just went through.

  2. Sorry if this is really long but I'm utterly clueless and scared of all of this. I have what I think is my first genital outbreak. Red bumps on and in my vagina and a cluster of blisters between my buttcheeks. It was inflamed to about 2 1/2-3 times the normal size and burned so bad when I peed that I would cry. I couldn't sit down without being extremely cautious. It itched for maybe a couple days before turning into pain every time anything touched it.


    I have been out of the country and went to the nearest hospital and told the doctor how they appeared after having used new soap and deodarant down there so he first looked at it as an allergic reaction. I also informed them that I had sex without a condom recently. He then called the gyno in who took one look and said it was genital herpes. It felt like I had the life sucked out of me. He prescribed me about two week's worth of oral pills and a cream to put down there. The pills and cream have run out but the bumps that opened and blistered are still visible and the buttcheek blisters now look like a bad rash. The itching had never stopped but he also gave me pain pills that helped cure the swelling and inflammation and I am now able to walk and sit down somewhat comfortably again.


    The doctors did 3 types of tests on me for HSV and all came back negative.. Is that possible? I have been nonstop googling what herpes is, feels and looks like and I feel like this must be what I have. Has anyone heard of negative results? Or how long I should wait/if there's a certain time I should go to get re-tested? I am 99% sure I have genital herpes, especially because the outbreak started just a few days after having sex with a new partner but since the results were all negative I'm too embarassed/scared to ask him.

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