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Posts posted by College_Guy12345

  1. Well thank you GreenEyes, and yes Adrial is awesome! But the weird thing is you could 10 years ago and it will decide to pop up now, the intricacies of this virus are quite interesting, hence the reason in which why it is so hard to cure. I have become more wise over the past few years and I feel that H has been a part of that, but is it better to be on year round suppressive treatment? Because I only take valtrex when I begin to have an outbreak. The only reason I ask is because there are certain drugs out there that should be used in cycles due to the risk of liver damage. Oral drugs, once swallowed and digested have to be broken down in the liver, if the drug has certain chemical properties (obviously high pH ratio) it will end up causing liver cancer or failure in the long run.

  2. Hey Everyone:


    You have all been very supportive since I joined and just wanted to say thank you!


    I just wanted a little catharsis and tell my story to maybe find something about myself, so here goes.


    I was born and raised in South Florida, I was an above average kid in high school. I played football and was pretty good, well good enough to play a season of D1AA ball. Well anyway I was stupid and decided to have a serious relationship with some stupid girl during my senior year. While I wasn't the most popular kid in school, I was still well liked b everyone and was pretty easy on the eyes and flirted and partied with everyone. Well then I began to realize this and started to fool around with a few freshmen girls (Yes I cheated, been cheated on, who hasn't). During this time I was getting head like every other day and I wasn't using protection because I didn't care and was seriously unaware of the dangers despite all of the sex ed in school. Anyway, this went on for a good 3-4 months, and eventually I put an end to it, I couldn't deal with all of the lies and close calls, and stress. Before I left for college I told my girlfriend what I had done like 2 days before I left, (I know, not the best thing to do, in hind-sight I chose the wrong girl to be with I should've picked the younger girl I was cheating with, she was so much better, and so much more mature on every level). (Also, to be clear, this girl did more than enough fucked up stuff in the relationship too, in these cases it always takes two). My first year of college sucked because she still wanted to be with me and I felt obligated to be with her to redeem myself, so we drug it out (long story short, a lot of needless fighting and surprise visits and meaningless BS to deal with that wasted both of our time). I decided to transfer universities and move back home, shortly after I came home I had to permanently end our screwed up relationship. After about 6 months home I get the first outbreak (the worst), I go to the doctor, get the culture test done and find out I have H. I was in total shock and though my life was over (I still have plenty of bad days dealing with it now). Eventually I began to realized this is better than having AIDS or HIV, and I just have to play the hand I'm dealt, shitty as it is. Now I'm an FAU senior, having H has made me focus on what's important, I made the dean's and president's list and am looking at all of the top business schools for my MBA.


    Now, looking back, everyone including myself were laughing at the statistical information and images and information at the sex ed seminars, now the table has turned.



    I'm just college kid, I'm 22, I found out I had H when I was 20 like right when I got home from my first year away so yeah I was extremely depressed and enraged, I had no idea what to do. I only recently confronted my ex-girlfriend and she told me she had HPV, so as if only having H would be bad enough I might have HPV too, great... After all of the research I've done on these two subjects, it is clear that HPV is more common and widespread than H. But in the contrary regard to asymptomatic types who possess HPV, no symptoms = high cancer risk, while possessing symptoms = low cancer risk. I figured I would start to share information like this since I don't date much now.


    Can a few moments of fun be worth a lifetime of punishment? The simple answer is NO, I continue to pay for what I did everyday and would definitely change it if I could.


    I'm sorry it's not the best story, but it's MY story and they were MY choices and I bear the consequences of my past.


    I wrote this for my own reasons, take away from it what you will.

  3. Thanks dude!


    I wish I could go to the seminar in NC but I cant take the time off from school and work I wish you the best of luck but I already know it will go off without a hitch. I just hope you will do another one maybe in FL.


    I hope I didn't come across as arrogant in my previous post, it's just that understanding the intricacies of the virus is pretty complex especially with all of the misinformation out there.


    Anyway I'm just going to take things slow with her and hope she understands, like in lonelygirl8675's story which is awesome by the way.



    Thanks again for providing us with this forum, it really helps on those bad days.

  4. Hey Everyone:


    Sorry I've been away for a while, school started back up for me and I'm doing extremely well as far as academics go, but I've recently started seeing this girl I've had a huge crush on and we've been really hitting it off. Just to be clear we haven't even kissed yet, but I feel as though I could really have a serious relationship with her and I don't want to waste her time because she's so beautiful (brunette, green eyes, latin accent OMG!!!) but in all seriousness I really respect her because she's mature and intelligent. I don't want to sound arrogant but I'm not sure she's as smart as I am and will understand the complexities of the virus (HSV-2 or 1 it's on my genitals and there's no 100% sure way to tell which one). Either way, she's so sweet and innocent and I feel like a freak having this ugly, disgusting disease. I want to do what's right, just be honest and up front with her but I'm freaking out about it, just recently getting over an outbreak. PLEASE HELP!

  5. Lelani, you're so knowledgable like in all of your other posts!




    Bro I'm the same way, I'm 6'1 225 lbs. Anyway Lelani is right, keep a good nutrition and vitamin regimen. Since this virus has a lot to do with the immune system, and I'm sure you're familiar with GNC get the probiotic50 and lysine1000 they're both really good supplements and it will keep you from getting sick as well. Olive leaf works really well too! Typically I only use Valtrex when I get an outbreak like 2000g within 24 hours. Keep in mind foods high in lysine (milk, fish, eggs, poultry, beef) THANK GOD LOL usually keep the virus at bay. But carbs on the other hand, (rice, wheats, grains etc) are high in arginine in which the virus thrives. Keep that in mind and keep doing what you're doing. Oh and just keep that area dry, for some reason everyone's nether regions tend to produce a different type of sweat than that of the rest of your body, so use some baby powder or balla powder (its good I use it).


    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask dude!

  6. Hey Carlos! Yea man you're right everyone on here is really cool and I appreciate any advice offered by anyone. Only this past week I've told a couple of my close friends about it and they were cool, I was pretty emotional about it and its was really hard but I guess it prepares me for when I tell someone I want to be with. Anyway, you're right on the gonorrhea subject, I hear it's developing into an even stronger disease and on the verge of becoming incurable in England especially according to the WHO (World Health Organization). Which sucks because I'm trying to get into Oxford for my master's degree. Lately in the news Glaxo-SmithKline (Pharmaceutical Giant) is facing a huge lawsuit for ineffective drugs. So basically that means the only real prevention is being honest with people and getting tested before having sex, because even if that person doesn't show symptoms doesn't mean they don't have it. Even more rampant than Herpes, HPV is probably spreading ten times more quickly and everyone reacts differently to it, genital warts is the most common side effect. So everyone has to be extremely careful now, for their own sake, I guess now I can understand if someone rejects having sex with me because it would be an unnecessary risk to them. I know it's not rejecting me it's just rejecting the risk, can't say I wouldn't do the same if it wasn't a serious relationship.


    I appreciate you're input Carlos, if you want to talk more about it hit me up.

  7. It's weird you say that, I just had a pimple on my lip line and I thought it might be oral Herpes. It didn't look like it though and it disappeared in a few days as form my HSV-2 breakouts usually last up to a week, so I really can't be sure.


    Really!? Rough sex can cause outbreaks? Great....lol. How can oral sex be normal now? I mean I know I can eat a girl out no problem before I put it in, but how can I get some mutual enjoyment? Isn't wearing a condom while your getting a blow job weird? I hate to think of sex being a job now, you know what I mean?


    Do your outbreaks hurt if they're inside you? I really don't know how Herpes is for a woman, I'm sure there are similarities and differences. And you're not being paranoid by doing that, if you can't see or feel an outbreak how would you know it's there, so you're just taking care of yourself that's all.

  8. Hey Iris! I know exactly what you are going through. I've been with a few people since being diagnosed but haven't had sex though. But I did meet one girl through a herpes dating site, it's a good site for meeting people in our situation. But if you read on some of the previous discussions, you shouldn't just limit yourself to people who have H. Trust me I know it's hard and I haven't disclosed to anyone yet so we're in the same boat. But Scornedvillager is right, everyone is different, and we all deal with it differently, you just have to be honest with your partner. If you want, you should keep an eye on my discussion, you might find some answers to your questions.

  9. Thanks ladies! I really needed to hear that. It's weird I didn't really see it as a big deal last year but until now it's been hard because, I really want someone to spend my extra time with and it's just one more thing to deal with. But yeah, if she's smart then maybe she'd still want to pursue a relationship.


    This is going to sound weird but, I need a woman's perspective on this: What is sex like for you ladies now? Like what do you do now or what do you do differently? Sorry if it's too personal and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but I can't seem to find any answers anywhere. I'm a smart guy and know how to do extensive research but there's nothing around regarding what's safe to do and what's not. Like this girl I met she was so hot and she had Herpes type 2, if we went down on each other would we both get it in our mouths? HSV2 isn't known for being present in the mouth. And yes, I know basically everything you do with someone who doesn't have Herpes has the potential risk.


    Again sorry if I sound ignorant, I just want to know so it doesn't happen to someone like it did to us.



  10. Hey Lelani, writing about this has made me feel a lot better, I guess I just needed to get it off of my chest. I'm still worried about disclosing to someone, I mean I live in South Florida and pretty much everyone here is shallow, except for a few good people. I guess I'll just have to accept that I have to be really careful about who I tell. It just sucks that I can't even hookup with someone let alone get some head, it's so unfair! This has taken just about all of my favorite things out of my life, I can't be free to do whatever I want with whoever I want, I feel like I can't be free to live the life I want!

  11. Hey guys, I'm a 22 year old guy, I was diagnosed with HSV-2 about a year ago, and I have recently come across this site and read a lot of the past subjects and you all seem to have come to terms with this "gift." Well, simply put, I HAVEN"T!!! All of the time I feel like I can't have a normal relationship with someone. Honestly I don't care if it's casual or long-term, I just want to physically be intimate with a woman. I know know I'm a good looking guy I really do, plus I have an excellent career future, but I can't stop thinking about despite all of those things who the fuck would want to be with me?! I can't say I'd be the first to stand up and be willing to get it. But, maybe that was the old me? I mean I'm a great guy, and I got this from the first girl I ever slept with, how pathetic is that?! One stupid relationship in high school led me to this kind of life.


    I met a few people from a STD dating site one was cool and worked at a her pretty close to where I live. The second was a single mom my age and was the she perfect package: Smart, Sexy, and oh yeah SEXY! We went out a few times but ended it because we lived pretty far apart. I still think about her a lot. But I guess the point of all my ranting is this: I'm a freak, I can't just have regular sex with someone, I can't have any restrictions with her, it has to be kinky and really HOT. And I realize more and more that it will only increase the chances of spreading it (if she didn't have it that is). But do I have to settle for less? What's the point in living if you can't feel alive right?


    I just don't know what to do, I don't really have anyone to talk to about it. I mean I've told my parents but how could they understand something they don't have? I think I've accepted that I have it, but it's really hard to deal with sometimes, and for some reason this month has been the hardest so far. I haven't had to have "the talk" with anyone yet and I'm dreading that the most, I would feel like I was wasting her time or something. I feel like I'm doing the bait & switch scheme with women, except they don't find out until I tell them later in the relationship.


    I think I've covered all of the bases guys and I fell better now that I've actually said something, I know I'm a newbie on here, but if some of the older members could take the time to read& respond, it would be greatly appreciated!



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