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Posts posted by protacotaster

  1. I just wanted to start this topic and see how many people can relate...  It's something I'm very curious about on weather or not others experience this same issue (those that have HSV2.)


       I almost always feel an outbreak coming on weeks before the actual outbreak arrives and will often feel sick to stomach, loss appetite, insomnia, depression, anxiety, sadness and a bunch of other symptoms like a dull ache in the back of my legs, pinch which urinating, etc...  Sometimes though.. I won't even get the outbreak at the end of the prodrome phase...  Anyone else here care to chime in?

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  2. This is a topic I'd like to hear about....  For those of you that got the vaccine a couple years ago, did you notice a

    change in how often you had an outbreak? I heard on the other H forum about someone saying it's constant now that they

    got the vaccine... One outbreak after another... 

    I have yet to get the vaccine (and don't plan to) but was curious on this topic regardless...

  3. Well thank you Mr.Hopp.. Very kind of you... yea you have been on this roller coaster long enough I'm sure to have had some of the same issues as I...

    And just how you put it... when that actual "outbreak" occurs... It's almost a celebration for the mind (for me anyways) that this has reached it's end...

    What I've learned about all this from the years of dealing with it and from reading this website, is this is a patience game... This "Prodrome" part can be lengthy and cause sadness, depression, anxiety... It's the real deal... It's great that there are websites out like this one...  Seeing all the other people in this forum and reading their stories on what they've gone through as well.. A lot of them are very strong people dealing with this over and over again...

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  4. So I've known about having HSV2 for over 20 yrs now...  I am almost a pro now when I sense an outbreak coming...

    Right now, I'm currently in the middle of a Prodrome phase which usually lasts me a good 2-3 weeks before it's complete...  But each time

    it comes on, it's a little different...  It usually starts like this-

    - poor sleep one night...

    - followed by fatigue, tired all day, perhaps dizzy..

    - depressed/anxiety...  increase in pulse

    - back pain/sore muscles

    - feeling of wanting to sob/cry


       Once that all happens... then it's this burning feeling from behind the legs that comes down to the heal of the foot...

    Then that's followed by a pinch when peeing...  Once that all happens... on comes an outbreak...  (which only happens 1/2 the time.)


       But the outbreak is the easiest part cause you know it's the end of the drama... 

  5. yes, I have...  and it was negative in the past for the hsv 1....  so that's why I wonder about this if the folks that have 2 get this in the prodrome phase of things.. seems like clockwork for me...  Yea each one of us is different like you say.. so true...  Some of these people on here just seem to get the outbreak part and I'm sitting here saying to myself... All u all are lucky! 🙂

  6. I took Acyclovir years ago... I've had HSV for years now.. many...  But learned that it's best to just not take any antivirals at all (for me anyways)  It seems as though your immune system will beat this on it's own..  You'll get the symptoms with/without those pills so why bother? I'd rather know my immune system is doing it's job when the symptoms vanish...  My secret? Just eat a balanced diet, take your multi vitamin daily and exercise...  Simple..

    And yes, I experience outbreaks from time to time now just as I did back when I did those pills... 

  7. I am curious how many of you experience Back pain before an outbreak? I recently had all my other symptoms that typically come up before the outbreak (loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, dull pain in back of legs, tingling, insomnia.)  and now...  an outbreak...  anyone else get this one?

  8. Ironman,   your loss of appetite I believe is from the HSV....  I've had it around 20+ years now...  But that nausea or not wanting to eat usually happens for me during the prodrome stage (just before an outbreak)  Then once the outbreak happens... I can eat normal again and want delicious food once more...

    Just understand that's what's going on though and done look any further...  I've been there done that... visited many a Dr....  Had many Blood tests too cause it makes a person believe something else is wrong... And no it's probably not from any pills though I don't take them...  I'd rather deal with HSV naturally that way when it gets better... I know my immune system did it's job and not a pill...


    Advice- eat a low fat balanced diet...  cut out greasy foods during these times...  Get rest as much as possible even though Insomnia can be a problem during these times too...

  9. Yea I know EXACTLY what you are experiencing with the colon issue...  It's a part of the process...  it's like a dull itch kinda thing... You can keep it clean and wash with soap like Dove which has a bit of moisturizer in it...  Helped me... 


       But yea, it'll last a few days before HSV starts to effect other parts of the body including nervous system...  gives the loss of appetite, stomach aches, depression even...


       Finally - as for the valtrex or acyclover...  I don't take any of that stuff... been there done that...  Better off doing this all naturally... That way I know it's the immune system handling the situation when I start feeling better and not from taking pills...

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  10. vaccines are good I thought if you haven't caught something yet... what about for those that have it? Yea the antivirals are nice to have out there... just hoping for a cure for those that have it already... you'd think by now they would when 1 in 4 people have it...

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