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Posts posted by Jojo21

  1. So I got diagnosed as HSV-2 positive over 5 years ago. I had gone to the GP for something else and she noticed two small spots and she said she was in two minds whether to test or not as she didn’t think it was H but just to be sure. In a way I wish she hadn’t because it came back positive and now the anxiety of disclosure is killing me. I’m single and dating and I guess keeping it in perspective I have told 4 people and they were all fine with it, only slept with 1 as the others fizzled out before that stage but I had another date at the weekend and he initially said he was fine with it but I got the dealbreaker text the following day and I’m gutted! I’ve never had symptoms with the exception of those 2 tiny spots and I’ve never passed it to anyone as far as I’m aware. Given the transmission rate is so low and so many people have it and don’t know it feels unfair to face the stigma for carrying a dormant virus. I know it’s the right thing to disclose but I don’t actually suffer from herpes and the confession doesn’t match the reality for me. Sorry for the long post I’m really struggling with it because of the recent rejection. Any advice most welcome x 

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