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Posts posted by LovelyB91

  1. Has anyone ever seen an infectious disease doctor for their herpes outbreaks? If so were they even helpful? I have had herpes for 14 years with no issues but for the last 4 months I’ve had outbreaks nonstop which is driving me to the deep end. I’m currently on suppressive therapy and I’ve tried all the antiviral medications I also take daily supplements lysine vitamin C, Zinc with no luck. I requested a referral from my doctor to see an infectious disease doctor but the process has been almost impossible still waiting a month to see the specialist. I was hoping someone could give me some insight on their experience. If they are only going to recommend everything I’m already doing I won’t keep fighting to see the infectious disease doctor 

  2. I’ve been also thinking about seeing an infectious disease doctor. I’ve had genital hsv for 13 years now I’ve never had regular outbreaks until July of this year. I’ve been on acyclovir and valacyclovir and neither are working to stop the outbreaks. I’m so overwhelmed and I’m sure me stressing about it is not helping the situation. I’ve also tried lysine nothing is helping. I started thinking that maybe I contracted something else worse like HIV and that’s why the antivirals aren’t working. Never go online looking for information you will always scare yourself and go down a dark rabbit hole. Before one blister can heal another one pops up. I hope you find some relief and if so please come back and share and I will do the same. The best of luck to you and fast healing.

  3. Hello

    I am a 32 yo female and I’ve had genital hsv for 13 years now I’m unsure if I have hsv1 or hsv2. Over the years I’ve had very few outbreaks but recently I started suppressive therapy with a 500mg Valtrex pill daily. Now it seems I’m having constant outbreaks. Has anyone every experienced this? It’s weird that the antiviral meds are causing outbreaks when before I didn’t have any. I started a new relationship with a great guy and wanted to ensure I did everything possible not to transmit it to him.

    Also, I wanted to know if any of you have any positive success stories of long term relationships and the partner did not contract herpes from the infected partner

    Thank you in advance for any responses

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