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Posts posted by dd123

  1. I had genital herpes for many years. The outbreak on the penis happens once every several months. However, there are other types of outbreak. It happens in the area between the testicles and the anus. It happens more often and lasts much longer. One area is healed and then another area starts. By accident I found that TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)helps reduce the outbreaks of the herpes. It seems the herpes virus doesn't like the electric current. Couple sessions of TENS treatment would send the virus into remission. Nowadays there are many hand held TENS devices. It doesn't cost that much. But I do recommend to purchase one with a good quality. They are safe and do what it supposed to do. Don't buy cheap ones. The treatment can be done by oneself. It's actually quite comfortable as long as you don't turn the voltage too high. Most of the time it's just feeling a little tingling. Place the two electrodes on the opposite side of the area where outbreaks tend to happen. And area where you have nerve pains. Of course don't over do it as it may have other detrimental effects. Also don't use it above one's waist because it may cause heart attack. I highly recommend to give it a try.

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