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Posts posted by VenomousKitten

  1. I was diagnosed with genital HSV1 over 3 years ago. After the initial outbreak, which was pretty bad, I had one a couple months later, which was very mild with only like 2 sores, and I had 2 more since then, about one per year with just one sore showing up. And each time, I started taking Valtrex and it was basically gone in a day or two.

    So I started having sex with a new partner back in March of this year, and he had never been tested for HSV anything, as he had had no symptoms, and even knowing better, I didn't think much of it being an issue in that case. I guess I still didn't realize or consider so many people can be completely asymptomatic.

    I started looking into it again because just this week, I've had the worst outbreak of my life lol. I don't have ALL of the sickness feelings that went along with my initial outbreak, but there's about a million of the sores and I've had a headache the first couple days and it's making me paranoid about the chances of having contracted HSV2 on top of it. I had the prodrome symptoms leading up to it and should have started taking the Valtrex then, but I just wasn't sure it was actually an outbreak.

    Does anyone have any experience with that? Does it just sound like a bad outbreak? Is that typical with HSV1 out of nowhere? I have been pretty stressed out lately. Is that how HSV2 would present if it was an "initial" outbreak after having HSV1 first? CAN they even be contracted in the same area? lol this is confusing to me, and I'm not sure how much it matters since I already have HSV1...I just know it's been very mild to me and easy to deal with, and I'm worried about dealing with it on a more regular basis if it was HSV2. I guess it's still in my mind that HSV1 is the "good" one to have lol.

    IF it was HSV2 on top of it, would I have to expect more outbreaks, or should the HSV1 act with some level of immunity?

    I know everyone's different. I'm mostly just curious about any experiences with this.

    My partner is getting tested, but he couldn't get in for a few more weeks. And we were in no rush, what with nobody having symptoms. But now here I am, obsessing over the possibilities lol.

  2. Thanks!


    I guess I got kinda worked up just because the whole "oh, it's HSV1 so it's "better"' thing is how I guess I've dealt with it in my head to make it seem not so bad, and it's been reiterated in what I've read, what the doctor said, and just from other people's experiences I've heard about. And then with me, it pops up again right away. ugh.


    I know a few people in real life with HSV2, and they seem to have frequent outbreaks in the first year, but the ONLY one person I know with HSV1 (genital), didn't have a second outbreak for like 7 months. NOT FAIR. lol. :P


    In reality though, this second outbreak is NOTHING like the first one at all...way milder symptom-wise all around. And looking back on it, I was having the prodrome symptoms all week; just didn't recognize that's what it was...it was kinda odd the way it came about. But had I known that's what it was, I probably could've taken the valtrex sooner.


    I think I'm just gonna take the valtrex as needed still, and see how my body adjusts in this first year. If it does start to get too regular for me (as in every two months probably), I figure I might as well start taking it daily to suppress it, and see what happens next year.


    My skin always gets really touchy when there's an issue though and ends up calming down to practically non-existent with other conditions I've had arise...so hopefully, this works out the same way.


    Thanks though, appreciate the insight! I'm just not a very patient person, and this hit me left field...AGAIN. :)

  3. Well, after being diagnosed with genital HSV1 on January 1st by a culture, I had a follow up with my doctor (and a blood test), and my boyfriend also got the blood test. His blood test came back positive HSV1 with like a 5 igg result and my results were 3.61. So the theory from my doctor is that most likely he has carried HSV1 orally for a while and not known he has it, and thinks that he just passed it to me as my symptoms were typical sounding of a first outbreak and she also said 3.61 was a low number that could indicate recent infection, although she said that's not 100%.


    Now when I was at my appointment, she emphasized that HSV1 tends to be milder, less frequent recurrences and whatnot, but she also suggested that I take valtrex daily for a year as suppressive therapy. I finished off the 20 I had that they have me for the initial outbreak, but figured I would just see how my body handles it. Especially since HSV1 is supposed to be so infrequent in the genital region.


    Well, here I am not even two months later, and I'm pretty sure I'm having a second outbreak...so what the fuck, HSV1?!?! It kept itching down there where the first outbreak started off for the past few days it I could t see or feel anything...but today there is definitely a bump! I has the valtrex refill on hand so I took one right away hoping that cuts it short, but I wasn't expecting to have one so soon...what's the likelihood that they read all these results wrong and it's HSV2?? lol. Furthermore, I have NO idea what "triggered" it, none at all. I've barely even thought about it since the first one went away, and I've actually been much better health wise since this happened than I have in the last 5 years. This is really frustrating!


    So I guess I'm wondering...should I just do the year of suppressive therapy like my doctor had suggested? Is there any long term benefit to that or will it make me rely on the medication to keep it under control? I guess that's my main thing- I don't want to be dependent on it I guess, if that's even possible. Has anyone ever taken it for a year? What happens when the year is up? Is it less likely to come back or does it pop up right away again?


    I know it's only one stupid bump, but all I wanna do is sit here and cry all over again. And I don't know why...I've accepted it and done the research. But now it's like it's just NOT okay again, and it's also like...well, wtf am I doing wrong that it's back so soon? Ugh.

  4. Gotcha! Thanks for the info.


    I've dealt with eczema and sensitive skin and irritation for a long time, and I've gotten all the products and balances I'm okay with there FINALLY over the past few years. Just hoping I don't have to do too much re-configuration for this. :\ And I just CAN'T stop shaving. lol. :P


    I'm sure it's more possible overanalyzing it will cause it for me, stupid anxiety.


    I'm eagerly awaiting to see what his results are. Just because...one less piece of mystery to this situation, I guess.


  5. Okay, so it seems to vary a lot person to person as to what triggers an outbreak...and having just got over my very first one, I have two things I'm wondering about. In the genitals. lol.


    #1. Shaving. I have a bad/good/OCD habit of shaving every day. Every single day. Does that make it more likely to have an outbreak?


    #2. Sex. Does having sex frequently make an outbreak more likely to happen?


    I have no idea if I've even seen talk of these things come up so maybe I'm way off here, but I just feel like I have to be extra gentle down there or something. lol. Like I suddenly have this fragile, delicate flower. Do I?! Or can I just go about business as usual?


    In other news, the boyfriend gets his blood test done on Wednesday to find out his status, and if it comes back that it's positive, is there another kind of test to see WHERE he carries it, orally or genitally? Can't remember if I've seen that answered before. :)

  6. Yeah, there was the UTI, BV, and on top of it, I was just getting over bronchitis and possibly walking pneumonia. It's just that I don't know if I was so sick and run down with everything that that's when the symptoms showed up for the first time...or if that's why I *caught* it for the first time...from my boyfriend...who would've had it forever, apparently...


    I always hated the fact he'd never been tested, but chalked it up to being "okay" because I was wayyyy more promiscuous in the past than he has been. lol. So I figured HE was "safe" if I, myself, had seemingly escaped my journeys unscathed.


    Didn't look like the google pics of herpes though. I even sent pics to my sister (who has HSV2), and she couldn't tell because it wasn't like hers.


  7. Wow.


    See that's the same thing I read about yeast infections, but with me I had the bumps show up first and then it started hurting and burning when I peed after the fact, and that's when I went in- to emergency actually. Two trips it took to get it ALL figured out. They weren't really thorough the first time at all. Just basically threw me some Valtrex and said goodbye.


    I really thought that the bumps were maybe the start of some kind of yeast infection or a skin infection from shaving or something since they weren't really the thing bothering me; just they were suspicious looking and the fact they spread the way they did.

  8. Interesting....I got my HPV vaccine! If it's herpes and chickenpox are related, you wouldn't think there's some big mystery to solve about the vaccine. Since that one's been figured out. lol. But what do I know, I am not a vaccine manufacturer.


    I don't even know that I've ever been tested for herpes. The two times I was pregnant, I'm pretty sure it was just "have you or your partner ever had them" question, and I said no and they leave it at that. Adding more mystery to the situation now. ugh.

  9. By the time I heard that, I'd already done a lot of reading so knew that wasn't exactly the case, but it was just like...you're supposed to be the healthcare professional here? Because it didn't seem like they really had ALL the facts. Or at least clarified them to me.


    I'm following up with my actual OB/GYN doctor so hopefully, she has more expertise in the area!

  10. Thank you! :)


    My sister actually has HSV2, and her first outbreak was way milder than mine...she had like 2 or 3 bumps, and I ended up with like 10 when it was all said and done. And ends up, I had a UTI and BV on top of it...which I'm not sure if that's a result of the herpes showing up, or the cause?? lol


    There's sooooo many different stories, and so much conflicting information. When I went in to be seen, even one of the nurses told me that 'you can't pass it if you don't have sores'.


    I never had any idea that you could have it without knowing; I always figured its source was obvious. And I always figured you got it RIGHT AWAY after being with someone who had it.


    That's crazy about the pregnancy stuff, too!


    I'm eagerly awaiting next week to see what his results are. The more you know, I suppose.


    I've dealt with a couple other skin conditions, which were irritating but manageable, but at least with those I'm able to pinpoint what brings it about. This herpes thing is just so, so odd. lol

  11. LOL...I honestly did not even THINK to that aspect of the name when I wrote it...it's something else kinda random, but that's hilarious.


    I didn't wear white at my wedding, but it's the pregnancy thing that bothers me I guess. It should've shown up then, due to hormone changes and whatnot IF I had had it previously, from my past. lol. This is what's convincing me I just got it from him, moreso than I'm the one that had it. And I can accept the fact that he's possibly had it FOREVER and it never showed up, but then WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG FOR ME TO GET IT???? lol.


    I want this to thing to play by my rules. lol. Then I want answers! :P


    Hopefully, it isn't frequent because I'm sure I'm gonna play through all the scenarios in my head every time an outbreak happens. haha

  12. Thanks! I'd be very surprised if his test came back negative. It just seems like there's been plenty of opportunity in the past for the herpes to make their appearance if I was the one carrying it this whole time. So in my head it makes more sense that I would have gotten it from him, although I don't understand why it took 3 years and not 3 weeks to catch.

    This is a complete mindfxck.

  13. Hello!


    I was just diagnosed with genital HSV1 on January 1st (Happy New Year...).


    Everyone else I've known that has any kind of herpes usually has a pretty cut and dry story. They had sex with someone new, a week later herpes popped up.


    I don't know where mine came from, and it's driving me crazy! I've been in a relationship for the past 3 years with the same person. Beginning of December, a bump appeared down there, but it disappeared within a week and just went away so I didn't think much of it. Then, mid December I thought I had cut myself shaving...noticed a couple bumps in the spot a few days later...jokingly accused my boyfriend of giving me herpes...more bumps showed up the next week, long story short, ends up it IS herpes. (after a month of non-related stress and sickness, guess it was a good opportunity.)


    I know I haven't done anything outside of our relationship, and he SWEARS he hasn't either. I don't just 'believe' him...I checked EVERYTHING for facts, lol. And I'm coming up with no indication that he's cheated. So it would have to be that one of us has had it for a while? It's just hard to make sense of that still to me. I know it's possible, but is it likely to happen? How often does something like that really happen? Where it lays dormant for years and years and then someone gets it? He's getting the blood test done next week, and I follow up with my doctor then, too. But I'm reading everything I can about transmission and percentages and chances and at times that makes it even more confusing. He claims he's never even had a cold sore ever...is there a way to tell WHERE he carries it if it ends up his test is positive?


    Before this relationship, I was with my ex-husband for four years prior, and we never had anything come up like this and I also went through a prenancy during that time...with all the hormonal changes and stress that comes with that, if I had been the one "carrying" herpes, wouldn't I have had an outbreak at that time? Is it more likely that my current boyfriend carried it (he's never had any sympoms) and JUST NOW gave it to me, 3 years later??? We've never really used protection during sex so nothing has changed there.


    I know there might not be any answers, but like I said it's hard to make sense of it. And I hate thinking about all the possibilities. But I'm an anxious person and feel like I have to solve things so I can't help it. I'm also really scared that me constantly stressing and trying to figure it out is going to make them come back...


    Anyways, that's my story. The posts I've browsed through here seem to have some really good information so I just wanted to join and read about others' experiences and maybe get some insight based on that.

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