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Posts posted by Gemms28

  1. I am a F in a committed relationship with a M with HSV2. He has had it for about 5 years and we met after his diagnosis. To date, I have not gotten the virus and I'm wondering about condom use. My partner's symptoms are very few and far between (last outbreak approx 3 years ago). He takes daily meds for my protection. His outbreaks occur as 1 singular leision that comes around his pubic bone area (ie approx 3cm above the base of his penis). I'm wondering about condom use - given the infection site is not covered by a condom. I have read many conflicting bits of information - some saying HSV2 can be transmitted via semen and some saying it is only transmitted through skin to skin contact. 

    Frankly - I'm a little confused. If the skin contact area is not on the penis - is there a point in using condoms? or it transmitted through bodily fluids? Honestly - I'd rather not use condoms anymore but are we putting me at risk if we don't? 

  2. I'm a negative HSV2 female, educating myself prior to engaging in a new relationship with a positive HSV2 male. I've read so so so many fantastic success stories of discordant couples that have gone on to have several months / years / decades of not transmitting the virus after using precautions. The precautions I am interested in engaging in are condoms, daily suppressant medication (him) and not engaging in sexual activity during a flare up. These stories and personal accounts are all really great to read and looking at the low transmission rate statistics when engaging in these precautions also help to remain positive. 

    I would really love though, to hear from those that might be on the other end of the scale. Those that DID use all the precautions, but still ended up transmitting, or being transmitted to. Is there anyone out there that can speak of their experience in this scenario? How long into using precautionary measures did it occur? how often did you engage in sexual activity? How did you feel having known you did your best to avoid transmission yet it still occurred? Did this hurt you emotionally or mentally? 

    Thank you. 

  3. I am a HSV1 and HSV2 negative female and have recently started dating a HSV2 positive male. He was upfront and truthful with me about his diagnosis. I have been looking into treatment/prevention options so that I can be comfortable in continuing and furthering the relationship. 

    I keep reading that daily suppressive therapy (ie daily meds) can significantly reduce the likelihood of transmission to partners than non-medicated persons....however I also read that 'medication must be taken over a long period of time' 

    No where does it really specify what the 'over a long period of time' actually means. Does this mean - it doesn't start to reduce the likelihood until youve been taking it daily for a while? does it mean it only continues to work if you do take it daily etc. 

    Further, this is also quite possibly a silly question - but for myself who is currently negative, is there a benefit of me taking anti-viral meds in order to attempt not to get the infection? (to be fair, it probably wouldnt be prescribed by a doctor without a diagnosis but the question is worth asking). 

    The positive male in question has advised he has had this diagnosis for approximately 9 years and used to take daily meds however stopped roughly 3 years ago and has not had an outbreak since. With this being the case, would it still be beneficial for him to start taking them again, if for no other reason than to assist in my protection? 


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