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Posts posted by theonewhereishop

  1. Okay I'm confused. Largely because no doctor has NEVER explained this to me. I've never had an actual cold sore on my mouth. I've had times in high school for example, way before I was actually diagnosed where my upper lip would itch and if I rubbed it would get bigger. Like an allergic reaction. I do have both forms or Herpes though. So maybe they're both genital? I would like to understand for future disclosure purposes.

  2. WCSDancer2010,

    I think I will try to do that. I basically decided years ago I would take the medicine everyday even though I wasn't sexually active after I found out. I have met guys who were okay with it and that is promising. Yet I do want to feel that I know my body and how it reacts to certain things so thank you for yor advice.



    Definitely read those stories and how to stay positive when talking about our skin condition. I don't know about anyone else but I found telling my best friend and sister hard but also good because they know me really well. They always provide positive support just like this support group does. :)

  3. I've read a lot of the discussion here about the body getting used to the virus resulting in fewer herpes outbreaks. I've been on suppressive therapy since I found out in 2009 and if I miss a few days I notice the itching. The drs said I have both HSV 1 and 2. I'm wondering if I stopped the Valtrex would my body do the same. I've never tried because I'm always under stress from my job and I found the pressure of outbreaks too great. Can anyone else shed some light here?

  4. I woke up the other morning and felt compelled to find a community such as this where others knew how I felt.

    I'm a 29 year old female and have known about my HSV-1 and 2 since 2009. Ironically it was a fear of mine before I was actually sexually active and I nor my friends really knew anything about it. Yeah irony really isn't even cool in literature

    Anyway, I'd love a buddy. That is a big fear in life for most- feeling alone. I'm down in ole Mississippi just trying to figure life out.

    Forever hopeful.

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