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Posts posted by HLL87

  1. Thanks for your input @ChanelChanel, I guess I should have mentioned that I actually (luckily) know the small time frame that I contracted it.. You see, when I got my test results back from my Dr. my blood test was actually negative, but the culture was positive. He said that, that shows that this was a "recent exposure", so recent that my body has not had time to build up the antibodies to the virus.. My long term boyfriend has tested negative, So, the wax is the only other possible option?? Unless.. my doctor was wrong about my blood test?? I know that in England or some other country, scientists did do a study on library books a while back, and they in fact did find HSV on a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey ( how convenient!!) but, it was HSV 1 and the story was very vague, didnt have many details at all.. You can google it if your interested in finding it, I cant remember the name of where I found the story at, just google.. "Scientist find Herpes Virus on Library Book".. Anyway, thanks again for you input.. : )

  2. Hi guys! I know I haven't posted since my initial post when I found out I was HSV-2 positive back in January but, I do read your posts almost daily, and want you all to know you have helped me out tremendously while dealing with this. So thank you.. As time has passed, I've spent a lot of time wondering who may have passed this lovely little gift on to me, and I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to catch it from receiving a Brazilian wax? You see, 2 days before the "oh no, im getting a yeast infection" feeling popped up, I went in for a Brazilian wax, as I normally did every 6 weeks.. I would really like to know if it is all possible? I've done some research but haven't found much information on it. I also mentioned it to my Dr when I went in for my "yeast infection", and really all he would say is that I should be careful, and that you never know when tools are sanitized properly or not. I know that H can enter the skin through breaks/tears, and obviously a wax like that, can cause breaks or tears in the skin.. but, i'm unsure as to how long H can live outside of the body? Is it possible that my Aesthetician waxed someone that is H positive right before me, and it was either in the wax or on her tools and was passed on to me? Im very confused about this. Any thoughts or comments would be very helpful! Thanks : )

  3. @victoriaxxx Thank you as well for your post! I as well have a boyfriend, we've been together almost 3 years and we live together. So far, he's handled it pretty well. He has never had any symptoms of the virus, and is going to get tested this upcoming week. I don't know what is going to happen once we get his results. Honestly, if his test comes back negative, I don't really know how that will affect our relationship.. but, i'm trying not to worry about that, and if it is not meant to be, then its not. I think its super awesome that you have someone so close to you that has also been affected by this! I personally do not know anyone that has HSV or atleast, anyone who is open about it. I hope to meet some real life people with it soon! Unfortunately, there is no local support groups that I am aware of! My mom is doing her best to be supportive, I just think she needs to be a little more educated on the issue and she'll do just fine! Anyway, thanks again for your post! It has helped lift my spirits tremendously this morning! : )

  4. @wcsdancer2010 Thank you for giving me your feedback! For the moment, I am handling it pretty good! I hope that doesn't change. I figured that I had two choices, I could either give up on life or I could try to stay positive and move forward. Yesterday morning was pretty rough, this morning has been okay.. and I thank you & @victoriaxxx for that. It was very nice waking up to some very encouraging words! Its also very encouraging to hear that you've lived with this for so long and it seems that you live a normal happy life! Again, thank you for your kind and encouraging post! : )

  5. Hi everyone! I'm new here, and just had my HSV 2 diagnosis confirmed yesterday. I want to share my 2 week long journey of finding out I have been exposed to Herpes..


    So, here goes:

    Last Monday morning I woke up with a horrible itchy burning feeling down in my lady love parts, my first thought was "Oh no, you've got a yeast infection".. Luckily, I had a diflucan in my medicine cabinet and decided to take it and go on about my business.. Two days later, the itchy burny feeling was worse!! Normally, diflucan works for me, so I called my doctors office and made an appointment for the next morning. As I was showering and getting ready to venture out to my appointment that morning, I felt it.. a very large bump down below.. I assumed that maybe it was just irritation from shaving and continued on my way to the appointment. Boy!! Was I wrong, my doctor takes on look at it, and asks " Do you normally get sores down here".. I freaked!! I told him no, and that I assumed it was just a little irritation!! He then looks at me sympathetically and says " This may be Herpes".. Immediately I was in tears! After calming me down, he decided it was best to take a culture of this said bump and also do a blood test. He then told me it would take 7 days before all the results came back and he would be in contact with me! I thought 7 days!! That's a helluva long time to have to wait!!... Fast Forward to two days later, several more of these bumpy blistery things had now popped up and I was very uncomfortable! At that moment, I knew in my heart that the Dr. was correct, and that I, in fact did had herpes. I don't think I have ever cried so much in my life over the past 8 days! I took the time waiting for that 7th day to arrive and educated myself! I read website after website, and even came across this website! : ) I knew so much about the virus before I was 100% positive that I had it. I could probably teach a class I've learned so much! I'm glad I had a full week to prepare myself and digest the idea of having herpes. By the time that , that dreaded phone call came yesterday, it had really sunk in that I had genital herpes and my life would never be the same. The first thing I said to my Dr once he gave me my positive results was " I know, there's more of them down there, I need that medicine ASAP!!".. He applauded my bravery and told me that I was already on the right track by already educating myself on this.. Today is my 2nd day taking Valtrex, and I can already tell that my outbreak is on its way out the door! This has been a very emotional 8 days, and I hope that some good will come out of this. : )

  6. Hi! My name is Heather and just found out yesterday, that I have HSV 2. I am looking to meet new people, and make new friends that are also experiencing this. I live in Tennessee, and would like to be able to meet people locally, but location doesn't really matter too much. I have no preference to gender, just hoping to meet nice people who can possibly help a girl out on this long journey! : )

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