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Posts posted by serenity7744

  1. Thank you Adrial and Dancer-- the internet is dangerous. I will be sure to read up on your surely more valid information. I guess I just panicked bc I'm possibly entering my first relationship since being diagnosed. I haven't had to disclose yet- when I looked it up, it didn't look good.


    I certainly didn't mean to offend, Helzbelz. I know that, of course. Was just giving a bad analogy for how I feel. I apologize.

  2. So from what I read, even with condoms and only having sex while not having an outbreak, we still pretty much guarantee passing this virus to a non-H+ partner? Bc of "shedding?' If that's true, why even bother trying to have relationships with H negative partners? Just keep reading there's nothing we can do to not spread it to a partner, so I don't understand the point of dating outside of our "kind." Or even bothering dating/disclosing to a non H, bc who in their right mind would want to knowingly take such a risk? Just makes me sad to come to this realization. Thanks for any thoughts...

  3. I had my initial herpes outbreak a few weeks ago, which was brutal. Got my diagnosis and medicine, which I only finished less than a week ago. I felt physically normal again, but now I'm having weird feelings "down there," and concerned that I'm already starting OB #2!! Can it happen again that quickly? And what are the symptoms? My doctor said when I "feel it coming," to order more meds, but I'm so new to this that I don't know what "it's coming" feels like. Should I just go ahead and order/take more just in case it is about to happen? I truly do not have time to be bedridden for a week again! And then there's the cost-- my paycheck for the last week will go to medication. SO frustrating and frightening that this is my life now?

  4. Victoria have you tried online dating at any time? I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan. I prefer to meet people organically. I agree with Orn, first dates are awkward, but I'm just generally awkward lol, so maybe it won't be that way for you:-) But I feel like when I'm ready, I would feel more comfortable dating another person who is H+, at least for now…. which means online dating I guess? I need to ease myself into this...

  5. Wow Dancer, I just read your "coming out" blog. You are my hero! I'm still finding myself whispering the word "herpes" when I discuss it with the two people I have told. One is my best friend who cried when I told her and said, "it should have been me." (She's been repeatedly unsafe). I explained that it can happen to anyone. Hopefully this will hit home for her and she will take more precautions. I also told my married sister. She is supportive, but also whispers the "H word." I read to her what you wrote about not giving people the time of day who have ANYTHING mean to say. She thought it was amazing and even related it to a friend who treats her badly in her own life. I have a long way to go, Dancer, but you have paved the way for self-acceptance and hopefully someday I won't feel the need to whisper the "H word" anymore… :-)

  6. Thanks for the info…:)


    I think I'm too nervous right now (just diagnosed) to try a "regular" dating site because 1) If I DON'T disclose right away on my profile, I'll have to if I meet someone I like and I don't think I'm strong enough (yet) to put myself through that, and 2) If I DO disclose on my profile, I'm afraid of mean comments I may get, and just can't handle that kind of negativity right now.


    Mostly just want to check it out (an H+ site) to see that when I'm ready, I do have options. But thanks for the heads-up about the rushing and/or disappearing! That will make me run for the hills both pre and post diagnosis!!


    Is it weird that I'm actually hoping I DON'T meet someone I like in my everyday life? What if he likes me too and then I have to have this horribly awkward discussion? So I just want to avoid it. I feel like I'm talking like a teenager right now saying "like" so much, haha… I guess I should say "interested in."

  7. I had my first outbreak 3 weeks ago, and was diagnosed 1 week ago. I know who "gave" it to me, but he is AWOL. We used a condom but then he took it off and got rough and scared me and I kicked him out. Thankful that he left, but he left me with this. What concerns me is that 1) He knows he's infected and did this deliberately (his behavior that night tells me he doesn't mind hurting people) or 2) He doesn't know and is out infecting other women. But I can't contact him- I have tried. I guess that is out of my hands, which is frustrating. I just hope he doesn't do this to anyone else.


    In the meantime, my outbreak was rough. It was difficult to walk because of the blisters and also had major leg pain. Also had the flu symptoms and was very depressed. I'm finally starting to feel "normal" again.


    On a positive note, I am SO thankful to have found this site. Just reading other people's stories/concerns/questions and accomplishments make me feel less alone. My first thought was that I can't tell anyone, and that nobody will ever love me. That thought is still there, but getting weaker.


    To my fellow newbies - I understand. I am scared too and have SO many questions. To those with more "time" - thank you for being here for us.

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