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Posts posted by daja315

  1. The culture was taken at the hospital since I didn't want to wait to see my obgyn. So they just gave me the results. My blood results were taken at my obgyn, which I'm still waiting for. I'm going to talk to my doctor about the acyclovir. But he said he didn't think it was anything, so I don't know if he will want to prescribe it. Thank you I'm trying to stay calm :) hope everything is fine

  2. How do you know when a outbreak is happening? Everybody I need help. I just got my results for the culture test and I don't understand them. It says


    Source pelvic lesion

    Culture herpes see note

    Culture, Herpes simplex virus, rapid method


    Micro number:40066067

    Test status: final

    Specimen source: pelvic lesion

    Specimen Quality: adequate

    Hsv culture: None isolated


    Is non isolated the test result? does it mean negative? This is confusing

  3. My boyfriend is going to get tested at health center next week. Even though he keeps changing his mind saying he doesn't need too. I think he's just embarrassed of having to go through the testing. I hope he really does because I'm so worried. I was tested for everythinh except HSV until now. Earlier in my pregnancy I was diagnosed with chlamydia. We took the antibiotics but I'm not convinced it's gone. Since I had that std I've been so worried about having any other. Has anyone had genital herpes and only had one bump? And usually how long do outbreaks last?

  4. WCSDancer2010

    Thank you. I have been blood tested. I'm getting the results on Monday or Tuesday. I really can't wait. Did you take the medication the second time you were pregnant? How do you know when you have a out break?what are the symptoms? Is it possible to just have one bump? I'm going to see if he can get tested this week coming up. Though I called planned parenthood and they said they only test for herpes when there are symptoms or an outbreak? My obgyn said it didn't look like herpes but she took a culture of it. I'm just worried because she took the culture almost a week after I noticed it. So not sure if it would still show up or not.

  5. Hi everyone. I've been reading these posts for a couple days. They have been very helpful, however, I haven't seen anything about pregnancy. I'm 32 weeks pregnant. I have had coldsores for about 4 years, but never put much thought into it. I realized I have hsv 1. Might be 2 but I think Its 1. I got it from my mom. She had a coldsore and I drank out of her cup. A couple weeks later, I had a coldsore. Anyway about two weeks ago, I had a small bump near my labia. It was a little painful to touch. But I didnt think it was anything since I had shaved two days before, I thought it was a razor bump. I started thinking more however and realized I had the cold a week before, I was really sick. My boyfriend had also performed oral sex on me two weeks before the bump. He had something on his lip, but he says it's not a coldsore and that he's never had any. It's winter so, his lips tend to get very chapped and they peel. He also picks at them a lot so it makes it a lot worse to where he bleeds. He's had it over a month because he won't stop picking at it. It really just looks like a scab that he won't leave alone from chapped lips. Well I've been very paranoid that he could of transferred it down there. I had a culture test done of the bump, but I don't know if results will be accurate, because I did the culture about 5 to 6 days after I noticed I had it. I tend to get razorbumps a lot so I waited. It doesn't burn when I pee, the bump was just tender at first. Now, it doesn't hurt, but still there, though it seems to get smaller. I also had blood tests done at my obgyn, but still don't have results from either test. I thought herpes was checked during std testing but it's not, and I found out late. I'm very scared for my baby. And my insurance doesn't cover elective csection. Has anybody been pregnant with herpes? I am trying to get my boyfriend to get tested as well, he's just been low on money, and says he's never had any of that. This is so stressful please help. If I already have hsv, can he transfer it to my genitals? My last coldsore was before I got with him, which was 2 and half years ago.

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