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Posts posted by Pepps82

  1. Thank you both very much. I am thinking more and more about telling my mom. I am having my parents over for dinner tomorrow and will have a better grasp on what to do then.

    I was feeling much better, the back pain subsided last week and I began running and skiing again.

    And then today I felt that weird "pinch" feeling I felt with the first outbreak. Like a tiny crab was biting me. I got home from work, dreading to see what was going on.

    Sure enough, second outbreak is already here! 1st outbreak started just three weeks ago and I'm already on #2???

    I first freaked out. Then I called the doctor and my bf. He said "don't go running, stay inside and rest."

    I realized, NO. If I stay inside I will dwell on it, make myself feel worse. I put a bandage on the OB (it is on my buttcheek thus far) and put my running pants on.

    So I ran 4 miles with my dog. It helped clear my mind. I showered right away and headed to store to get meds.

    I hope with all my might that this is no where near as awful as the first OB.

    I miss my old life.

  2. Hi Ashley,

    I'm not an expert, as I've just gotten past my first outbreak and diagnosis as well. But once I was feeling better and functioning, I did have strange lower back pain too. It felt almost flu-like and painful aches. I couldn't find much about how to resolve it, so I took Advil and rested (I realized it was my body saying I wasn't fully healed yet and I'm PARANOID of getting another outbreak).

    I am VERY active and this has been hard, but the back pain did go away after 3-5 days and I was able to go downhill skiing! So maybe some patience, Ibuprofen and healing is still what you need. I am not a patient person, so I understand it stinks.

  3. Thanks everyone.

    After I wrote this, the pain started to subside thanks to Valtrex and Percacet (sp?) and I hope to NEVER ever have an outbreak of that severity again. I don't know how I could get through it a second time. I stopped constantly scouring the internet for Herpes info to just take a break from it being on my mind so often.

    Call me a baby, but not being able to tell my mother and have her console my pain in that way that only mom's can, has been so very hard. I almost know that she can tell something is wrong/different with me.

    I am now onto tackling the emotional aspects. My boyfriend's results came back yesterday. He is free and clear. So I have had it since before him, but was unaware. I had a blood test a year ago that came up negative (this was after someone I was dating knowingly had Herpes, told me they didn't. I slept with them and then they felt guilty when I got a UTI and THEN, the truth came out).

    Since that, I dated just three people and I trusted them when I asked people "have you been tested? Do you have any STD's?" And two of them I insisted get tested before we slept together.

    And therefor I felt secure in that I did not have the infection, which wasn't the case obviously. And unless everyone starts using condoms and/or abstaining from sex, this cycle in society will continue among every demographic.

    Sex is fun. New sex is exciting. But not worth this.

    I thank the stars above for my mature, caring and understanding boyfriend. And also my brother, who had a scare last summer and has been oh-so understanding.

  4. Hello everyone,

    I have just been a bystander on these discussion boards the last two days since I'd been diagnosed.

    Luckily, the emotional part has been at bay due to my extremely caring boyfriend. Since I first had symptoms I'd been sharing every aspect of them with him (I talk a lot and feel you need to be comfortable sharing info about your body with whomever you share your body with). Actualy, I thought I had saddle sores from my spin class and was sharing that info with my friends and family. I am keeping it at the saddle sores story with them obviously.

    We are not sure if my bf has it yet, as I had no idea I had it and just had first outbreak starting last week. Actually a week ago today. We've been together 6 months. And although 6 months sounds like nothing, I'm 31 and he's 44 and we know this is it. We're going to live this life to the fullest together.

    I've broken my nose, had surgery, broken my arm, had H1N1 and many other strange, painful experiences, but this takes the cake. I am on valtrex now and that jelly you can put on the sores that seems to work for 15 minutes, but you can use it only every 4 hours. I've tried blow dryer, baths, aloe, etc. Taking advil and tylenol on a regular basis. Thought about taking nyquil to knock myself out to just sleep without horrid interruptions.

    As soon as I think I'm feeling better, I get knocked down with some new mountain of pain. No one talks much online about the varying pain, the stabbing feelings, the prickly needles, the baths you take every hour, practically passing out on the toilet, walking from room to room hunched over. Only wearing a robe for the past two days.

    Missing work! I can't believe I've been out of work 2 days. I have a very professional job and I just think, wow, my awesome colleagues would probably puke if they knew why I was at home and that I have to pee in a bathtub in order to prevent screaming out in agony. My colleagues keep texting me "are you okay?" because I normally am not sick. Plus from the outside, I look fine. I mean I thought I could go back to work tomorrow and I acted pretty chipper when my boyfriend got home from work. I even prepared my breakfast smoothie beforehand to drink tomorrow on the way to work. And I was looking at new running shoes to treat myself to for when I can actually run again. I was even walking upright and sitting regular on the couch.

    But then I got this weird, cold, intense ache sensation. A NEW pain! Its like every 8 hours I experience a new pain or itch or tingle that is unbearable. I was balled over on the couch, breathing heavy and dizzy. Unreal.

    Am I just nuts? Do people actually miss work like this? And walk around in robe like a monster? Even my dog seems to realize something is very wrong.

    Okay. I'm done venting. Just not sure why every darn thing says "you can treat herpes" but never talks about how to get through the HELL of the first outbreak. I don't care about that stuff right now. I need to survive missing work, life, fun, etc before I can comprehend the rest of this virus. If the second outbreak is anything like this, I will seriously need to be knocked out to survive it.

    Thanks for listening.

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