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Posts posted by MixedEmotion22114

  1. Believe me, after doing all the research I have done these past few days I am furious they didn't.. I am going back and demanding they make sure I have nothing else.. This sucks, but I can not thank you all for being here and helping me, giving me all the information I need right now. It means the world to me that someone's here and listening to my story and what I'm going through .

  2. Nothing has ever made more sense than what you just told me, I never thought about it like that .

    But how this all happend started because I thought I had a UTI, and I have never had one, and I guess still haven't, but I went to the doctor so they could treat it, they had me give them a urinary sample and it came back negative for a UTI . So they were going to do a pelvic exam, but the doctor just looked and swabbed my out break, left the room and came back told me it was HSV-2 .

  3. I do actually have a feeling he could have it, there were rumors going around that his last ex also has herpes. And if it's true maybe that's why he's so willing to stay in a relationship with me . But yea, I think I'm going to have a talk with him about this whole situation .


    But now there's something more, I was talking with the person I believe gave me herpes, and has told me it's in my best interest to get checked for chlamydia as well... Which after looking up symptoms I believe I also have . And now it feels like it's just going to keep getting worse, I feel disgusting all because of one guy . Not just one STD, but now I have to deal with two . I understand chlamydia is temporary, but my self esteem has plummeted . I just don't understand why this is all happening to me . At 16 I feel like this is the last thing I should have to deal with!

  4. So last Friday I found out I have herpes. And of course at first I was a mess. But now I'm actually coping with it really well, there's moments I break down and cry but I get over it. The only reasons I'm taking it so easy is because, I see it as a skin condition now instead of a huge health risk, my best friend told me she also has an std and has been helping me cope and realize as long as I'm cautious I can still live a normal life, and my boyfriend... Whom I've known for going on 3 years, we dated when we first met and decided we weren't ready, we've stayed in touch on and off ever since, and recently we got back together, I was really scared to tell him that someone had given me herpes while we weren't together, and I had no idea that I did have it before we decided to start dating again . But after a few hours of calming myself down after I found out I decided to tell him, and to my disbelief, he said "I love you, I don't want to be with anyone else, so if you have it then I do too, because you're the only girl that understands me" . And believe me it made me the happiest ever for him to say that, and I love him too, I haven't been able to not go back to him after a few failed relationships . But I just don't understand, maybe that's the only thing I'm having a hard time coping with, is how and why would he want to be with me. I just would really like some opinions on my situation, am I just making a big deal or do you think there might be something he's not telling me? And if it matters or not I'm 16 and he's 18 .

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