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Posts posted by hu142973

  1. So I called a recruiter in a different state and told him my situation. First he said since I wasn't diagnosed just to hide the possible herpes and bring meds to boot camp. I told him I thought that was a bad idea. Then he advised me to tell my recruiter and provide documentation of both the doctor who told me I had it, the blood/culture work, and the doctor who told me I didn't have it. I told my recruiter and he told me I would probably not be disqualified and that I should bring all the documentation to him. I would however possibly not be able to bring suppressive meds with me to boot camp. He said he would talk to the chief and let me know. I go into MEPS again sunday and I will probably have to explain all of this and pray they will let me bring suppressive meds in. I cannot imagine being under stress without suppressive meds and having to shower with others during an OB.


  2. The whole process has been frustrating and scary. It all started when I found one white bump near the opening of my vagina. I immediately went to the gyn who swabbed it and told me "I've been doing this a long time and I don't think it's herpes but I'll swab it anyway." The results of the swab came back negative for herpes and he told me to call him if it came back. A week or so later it came back (in what I think was) the same spot, plus another spot which was purple and painful to the touch. He swabbed both, also took a blood sample, and told me he was visually diagnosing me with herpes. He put me on generic valtrex and told me he'd call me with the official results. He called me with the blood and swab results which were both negative. He explained he didn't know why they were negative because he was sure I had herpes. He told me to continue the generic valtrex which I did, then went to planned parenthood for a second opinion. By this time the possible OB had healed and she diagnosed me with folliculitis. I was relieved enough to shave for the first time and a few days after I shaved it came back worse. I had the same red to purple bumps that were painful and eventually pussed and crusted over. I took another dose of generic valtrex and they are still there but way better. Although I am convinced its herpes, no blood or cultures have confirmed.


    The scariest part is that I am enlisting in the Coast Guard, and don't know what to tell them. I have gone through MEPS once and they didn't find anything/I didn't say anything because I had no conclusive results. However, now that I've had another OB I feel like I have to tell them something so that I can bring Valtrex with me to boot camp, (can I do that or are they going to just kick me flat out of the CG?) I go to MEPS again and am freaking out about telling them because I don't even know what to say. The website which seems to change all the time told me that you are allowed to enlist with Herpes as long as you don't need suppressive meds/have 3 or more OBs a year.Any advice please?

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