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Posts posted by Xenia99

  1. I was dx the other day at the ER I thought I had a cyst that needed to be lanced...dr said no you have herpes and whoever you had sex with within the past 2 weeks is who gave it to you. I have had the same partner for 13 months (boyfriend) I have never seen anything on him and he says he's never either before me.. I am 27 years old extremely healthy and this is an initial outbreak for sure. What is the chance it was a previous person vs my current partner? He is not really detesting that he gave it like the ER DOC told us--i am just asking because I am reading a lot of these "exposed to herpes and 13 years later I broke out" are usually from people much older than me or people who are married (are they lying? Did they cheat on their partner?) I am just confused on this transmission thing...oh btw I am female.

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