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Posts posted by AmyL

  1. Heck I'm taking both. I've been on some kind of medication since 2006 but was given meds for Bipolar disorder and neropathy from surgery since then I've had allergic reactions and crazy roller coaster rides with meds. So one more medicine is like adding bullets to a gun with me sometime. I go to my medical doctor with everything now. Including this. I hate the meds I'm on sometimes but know that my dr is trustable with them with me. I've become use to a dr visit and a pharmacy now...sucks but life can't always make lemonade when I keep getting oranges!

  2. I have been completely honest about herpes in my profile and was talking to a man that was interested in my life beyond the herpes. I was impressed and we have talked since I first posted on here, been about 2 weeks since I found out. I was talking to him before I found out too told him right away...should I worry now why someone wouldn't care if I had herpes when I talk to them? I not one to judge and if someone told me up front I would be impressed. We met and he even kissed me and we spent the night together but just slept. It felt nice to be held and not a sex object. I'm just a worrying person so I worry about worrying!

  3. Its bad to worse I have great people that I was fully honest with that want to talk to me anyway this is actually weeded out the bad and good but you know what Im feeling now... I don't want to give a good guy a present because its not always light like mine is now. I want to not give it to anyone!!! I'm feeling bad today and going with a friend I know on a ride to get out of here for a bit tomorrow. I got to get out of the house I haven't since I found out a week ago I've been here alone and depressed.

  4. True I gave myself roughly 4 months and well I still count the time pre H as relief time. I've been selfish in the best way since January. I was upset over this but I LOVE ME...and still LOVE ME...I just confuse myself. I'm the worst for time lines seriously. I have no concept of it and realized that now. I won't be defined by a relationship anymore. I had joined this particular dating site pre H diagnosis so I was already there just now found a way to get rid of the perv's Just because I married an idiot doesn't make me one it makes me an accessory to idiotism. I don't need that so when he decided to hit me in Nov. thats worse than herpes any day.I I've been kidnapped, had my nose broken and stabbed 3x retrospectively I could be dead and he could have gave me worse. I picked up this wake up call. I can hurt someone else fast and can't live with that not now not ever.

  5. OK I am single and not happy about this and thought that once I add the disclosure statement to my profile on that dating site I'm on I'd never date again...OMG you wouldn't believe the change in my dating pool. I believe in honest and trust. Saying that out loud in my profile has got a lot better attention. This sucks and is tricky and no one deserved to feel the way I did last week but this has really made me realize I'm important too! I matter and it took this to show me! I'm hard headed but thankful for this site WOW! I'm being careful but hopeful!

  6. This was my sign to slow down to take care of Amy...I have had the Prodrome tingle...my whole freaking face tingled with the start of the meds I have had a huge tingle then a smaller one about 4 months later. I really didn't think about it. I've had kidney stones and it was kinda similar but it wasn't long and only a day or two the first time and like an hour the second time. I'm reading about the sun and shaving and I do both...never had anything happen. I just will be more careful. I'm scared about how my face felt still feels a lil weird but maybe that was the medicine. I know I had hallucinations which were scary but not anything bad I just thought I left the house and did do some walking around but nothing that would hurt me. I'm not having them now and the medicine works. I see a lot of people doing the natural thing and thats great. I know with my other problems the medicine is the right step for me. The side effect are worth the benefits that face tingle was outta here...wow thanks a lot I understand now wayyyy better I'm glad I came here and I will refer anyone I talk to here.

  7. I'm still trying to understand the shedding part...please explain it better to this nut! When are we shedding and when can you tell your having an outbreak the only thing I have had to see it was a wicked cold sore YUCK went all over my mouth. Then I was reading about tingly itchy feeling and I have had that before like bad in Nov and one day much smaller itchy last month when the jerk got out of jail...i think my outbreaks are stress related...I am in the no BS mode too...can you tell I'm ADHD even in typing I wonder off...ok so I have probably had 2 outbreaks thinking back and in Sept I was sick with a cold so that is the right gestation period....arggggg I fell like an outcast now and am glad you all accepted me...

  8. ***Here is the biggie...I was left with herpes virus after my ex cheated on me and brought it home. If you have got this far and still wanna chat. Just give me a fair chance I'm looking for more than sex anyway but what I have isn't uncommon. I'll tell you this 80% of the population has this and the chances of me giving it to you are less than 10%. I've never had an outbreak and was shocked at first but now I can't change it I have to accept it and move on I am looking for someone to care about me for once and understand I don't want to shock anyone but I believe in the truth. I want someone that understands for real that life handed me a crappy hand but I'm ready to turn over a new card and hopefully it will be my king.***


    I just added this to mine...I've accepted that I can't change it and I have to go on I really do and someone can understand that I hope

  9. I'm glad I found this site...I was stalking before I joined reading and researching. I'm single and my kids stay with their dad and I have too much time on my hands I'n going to change my dating profile and let them know its only fair and I want a good man not a crazy criminal crackhead...the three C's stay away....I hope I can find someone to understand

  10. I was in jail last april-june. I got out June 4th. I was in there for probation crap I couldn't pay. I was dating my husband and he said he was doing all this stuff paying bills and wasn't. He lost my apartment and took 1900 from me and lied they whole time about things. Drugs was his primary goal. I couldn't stand being his nurse when he would get high. I get out and dumb me forgives him. Takes him back we spend a lot of time at the hospital because he is a diabetic and was losing his left forefoot. He was already missing his right leg so I stayed with him in the hospital. We left and went to Concord and lived in that hospital for a long time. I even stayed with him in a rest home for a few weeks. I was trained to give him IV antibiotics. He had a pic line...we lived in a crumby apt and he started being violent more and more. He even lied on me in Sept and we both went to jail. He bailed us out and things calmed down. We got married in October and not even a month later he hit me in the ear and got arrested. Got out in December and shattered a glass into my legs and choked me. He was tazed in front of me. He got a felon assault by strangulation then. January I had things ready to go and I let him stay with me one night cause his cousin died. He wouldn't leave. He was more and more aggressive and was arrested again. So I was done wayyy before this. I was numb on the inside. Well they didn't keep him long in jail he got 120 days in one county and felony probation for 30 month in another and time served in the last....he has one leg remember and was strong as an ox I tried to run every time and he would tackle me and hold me down. I had it...well last week I felt bad sick and went to the dr I was having blood work done and said what the hay Ill get an STD test. I was at the pharmacy when I got the first call...I had Trichomoniasis ok I haven't slept with anyone and was sick the whole time since Jan when he was arrested. I get the CALL the next morning... HSV 1 and HSV 2 and HPV...it was like being abused again but this time I was alone. I spent 3 days in shock and misery caused my cold sore and cried. I felt dirty and mad like I've never felt before. I still have court with his ass because he was a crook and a liar and i believed him. I loved him and found out this now...he got the final blow I feel like. I know now he was a cheater too and this is proof I was negative before I met him and positive now...he was the only person I was with and ever wanted to be with. I went through nightmares last week but I'm better now. I've told some people and they are accepting. We will see what the future holds. This medicine is something else its making me talk to people that aren't there and thats got to stop I hope I will never lie about it because finding out the way I did and being all alone and stressed about court and my living situation. I hate it here at moms house. Its where I ended up after being with a loser and she is a hoarder its all piled up here and chaos. I just stay in my room most of the time and do nothing. I'm disabled already I really didn't need this but this to shall pass. I'm not a victim I'm a survivor! I just gotta get more and more strong.


  11. I have read and read about this and I'm worried he has autism and he's drank and ate after me, I've kissed him too before i knew I had it. I wasn't having outbreaks to my knowledge. Last week was the cold sore...first one ever. Am I worried over nothing? I'm educated now in this and feel less dirty. I don't want to give this to anyone....

  12. Ive been on a roller coaster this week. I was told Monday and wow. I am separated from a monster since March that left me with both kinds of herpes 1&2 and HPV. I wanna find a reason to break out in handcuffs, as we are still going to court on the domestic violence charges. He's not worth that but I've already told everyone and I'm feeling dirty anyway for being with trash in the first place. I am on Valtrex now and it gives me hallucinations kinda bad. I'm disabled for Bi-polar disorder and ADHD and on serious meds already. I've been kidnapped had my nose broken and stabbed 3 times since 2011. I'm still alive at least and life is precious. I'm ok now but worried about the meds and being rejected....what next? I hate to ask I feel so dirty now!

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