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Posts posted by lasko

  1. thats too bad you had a dissapointing visit with the doc. its been hit and miss for me how they react to herpes. the doc who originally told me was wonderful. an the most recent doc i saw was the best by far. super understanding an we even laughed. seemed quite knowledgeable to. that saying... he did agree with your doc bout going off suppressants. said there shouldnt be a rebound effect. i laughed and said well im part of a worldwide herpes forum an the rebound effect seems very real. also said birth control shouldnt of effected me so bad but here we are 2 years later without taking any and my body has finally begun to be what i see an feel as normal.

  2. im going through the same thing right now. itching seems to be my worst (an pretty much only symptom besides the actual sore) no sore yet. hopefully i popped some meds in time tho. ive taken T3s just to get some sleep before. tea tree oil helped me last night. ive found that taking one or two pills of valtrex relieves the itching normally. i dont take the full dose cuz i feel it is waaaay tooo much. my first OB i felt like i was itchy for weeks. a year later itchiness lasts only a couple days if that

  3. my first time disclosing was to the guy im almost 100% sure gave me H2. he took is so badly.

    my second time i was a drunk mess laying in bed with a family friend an he couldnt care less

    my third time was over texts with a guy who i slept with before i contracted H2. he also took it very well

    fourth time was to a guy i had been into for months. over a phone call. an once again very good response.

    fifth time was to a guy in the heat of the moment. barely batted an eye

    sixth time wasnt the best. i was really into him. ended up sort of in the heat of the moment. but he didnt take it so well. turns out he already doesnt have the best skin an he was worried that if he ended up getting H2 from me his sores would be really bad. he didnt know anything bout H so i educated him... he still likes me an wants me. but i know hes too scared to have sex with me. im a little bummed out cuz this just happened this weekend but im also smiling because each time disclosing is getting so much easier.

    4/6 good responses aint so bad! maybe lucky number 7 will work out :)

  4. thank you! an i agree with the others. there are steps to go through to process it all. guess i just went through them insanely fast. an i agree that i saw it as just another thing to master in my life. take precautions. research. talk to others who have sores. see whats helped them. i also told my mom sister an 2 best friends the same day i found out. instant support group an i still talk to them an educate them on my progress.


    the way you choose to view having HSV 1 and/or 2 is going to shape your life.


    and again i love hearing that others were pretty strong right from the beginning or have changed their thoughts. i think its so important to not look at it as a negative. heck its part of who you are for as long as youre alive better accept it quick!... but i also understand that some people take longer to process.. i just hope they are reaching out an continually working on their thinking an their feelings an seeing themselves as one day loving themselves including their herpes.

  5. i had zero anger. i accepted it before i even got the confirmation from my doc. perhaps perhaps cuz i knew the faster i accepted it the better my life would be. anyways i havent even felt shame or any bad feelings. i always laugh an tell myself my acne is waaaayyy worse then my herpes. i deal with acne on my face daily.meanwhile my OBs have taken up less then 3 weeks of my life an werent severe.



    i love to hear that others have no anger an no self pity. sometimes peoples posts on here get hard to read cuz if only theyd change their mindset their whole world would change!

  6. on the day i found out i told my mom an one sister. but they were kinda going on the journey with me from the moment i saw the sore. they were both extrmely supportive. mom and brother get cold sores. told my one bestie (she also gets cold sores orally) an shes a bundle of info for me cuz she treats hers with all natural products!. my other bestie was so supportive at first tho. kinda hurt but in time an with me educating her shes now supportive. i also told me boss (cuz he could tell i was def upset) another very supportive response. told me ex just in case i gave it to him. told my stepmom. an thats about it i think... it helps having people to talk to

  7. tea tree works super well for me! an i take a garlic capsule plus a few drops of oil of oregano under my tongue to strengthen my immune system. l-lysine when i feel an OB coming up plus during. i dont have a tub either so i bought a bin to sit in. not sure if thats possible in a dorm but it def helped me too relieve the itching an it soothed. commando at night and while at home. i also changed the type of panties i wore to ones that i felt wouldnt irritate me.


  8. the first guy i told (who all im almost 100% sure gave it to me) FREAKED.

    second guy was while we were shitfaced laying next to eachother naked. i burst into tears when he asked if i had something. i said yes herpes. an he laughed an said he had it to.

    3rd guy took me a while to tell.. i really really really like him. was kinda hard for me to read how he would react so i put it off. when i finally did tell he was super okay with it.


    goes to show everyone will react different.

    good luck in the future :)

  9. my OBs last 5 days. triggers have been sun, sweat, stress, an my period ( or so i can only guess)

    ive had HSV2 for 6 months. first OB april. 3 months went by. 2nd OB. one month went by 3rd OB 6 weeks went by 4th OB.

    each OB was smaller an smaller an easier to deal with. i dont take meds. Just L-lysine, garlic, an oil of oregano. i put tea tree oil on my sores (i only get one sore each time so far) an have epsom salt baths as well as going commando as much as possible.

  10. finally did it last night. i had been wanting to wait till we were in person but life has thrown us some curveballs. then i at least wanted it to be on facetime. but after waiting weeks an his very busy schedule, i told him just on the phone. i had said the speech to myself 100 times but when it came time to tell him, no words would come out. so finally i just spat it out that i recently found out i have hsv-2. he took it like a champ :) wants to educate himself on it before making his choice but he said this didnt change nothing between us. i was so relieved. i also told him i understand that once he gets educated if he deems the risk too much for himself that i fully understand!

    ahhhh yay that stressbomb is no more :D

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