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Posts posted by Vanguard1

  1. No need for hypocracy. How can you claim that Theo1824's statement was an absolute disgrace when you're willfully doing the same thing so far after the fact that you have ample time to reflect and consider your response away from any emotion and frustration stemming from a real time conversation from the thread yesterday? To claim that there is a NECESSITY for hearing opposing viewpoints when that said viewpoint is from somebody that can not simply relate on an emotional level is a farce. More to the point, to slam someone for speaking freely and honestly about about the absurd and antiquated approach the CDC is taking on this issue contradicts your whole argument of the virtue and truth from an open dialogue of opposing viewpoints.

  2. I would like to find a H buddy somewhere close to Northwest AR or Oklahoma or Missouri. I'm struggling with my recent diagnosis with a lot of guilt, doubt and over analyzing practically everything about this. I'm 30, white man and hope to find a women to talk to about this and how to accept this and move forward being HSV-2 positive. I would like some help here....

  3. So, I believe I had just experienced my first outbreak on May 21st, I spent the whole night stressing and freaking out. So I decided to see the doctor first thing the next day right when the office opened. I told him about my symptoms and a brief explanation of the last time I had sex which was the previous Friday night. He examined the area and said it looks like Herpes. He prescribed me 10 days worth of Acyclovir to treat the outbreak. He also suggested a blood test to determine the type. After the shock began to wear off and I was able to speak again, I began to ask questions. I spent the previous night on the internet trying to find some sort of evidence that would argue against what I deep down knew to be true that it was a version of Herpes. I took the information I had gathered about Herpes and the subsequent testing that coincides with this STI and fired off a bunch of questions. Most of the answers were vague or so general that it didn’t seem to help. And at the same time, I think he realized the effect the news had on me and began to speak about how common and minor it really was. He told me that most experience a few outbreaks a year and diminish in severity and frequency over time. But I didn’t want to hear that. He left the room to order the blood test and the office RN stepped in with her words of encouragement about how life goes on and she tried to relate it to life’s minor bumps in the road. She had that loving mother feel about her but I was so close to passing out or having a heart attack that I didn’t really take it all in until later. So with all of this ambiguity and doubt, I posted a question with the STD experts from Medhelp. I told the doctor of my exposures, description of the bumps and what the doctor said and he basically rejected the treatment and test results form a possible new infection. And stated that with my “very high HSV-1 number, there is a chance the HSV-2 result is false.” He went on to say that I would need to wait 3 months from my last sexual contact to have an accurate IGG test. So more doubt and I’ve found out over the last few days that I can’t really accept this and move forward with all of this grey area.


    My outbreak was just 8 small little bumps that didn’t resemble blisters or any of the horrific and ghastly images from Google. And if it hadn’t been for my own anxiety driven paranoia, I might’ve missed it all together. The location of this series of bumps was off the base of my penis just about the start of the scrotum. I wondered why and how could I be infected there of all places? The bumps healed up and were completely gone by the fifth day after my doctor’s visit. I spent the next week trying to keep my spirits up and try to rationalize and argue against the likelihood of this being herpes. But almost a week later, I got a call with my lab results saying that I was positive for both HSV-1 and 2. This was concerning because I’ve never had a cold sore but never had protected oral sex either for that matter. But I’ve been an emotional wreck for the last two weeks…


    So my questions are as follows…

    Is it possible to have a false HSV-2 positive result with a high HSV-1 number? My numbers were 34.02 for HSV-1 and 4.02 for HSV-2 for the IGG test.


    How often do new outbreaks occur after infection? I know everyone is different and the nature of Herpes carries shaky guidelines.


    Where do Herpes sores usually appear for men?


    Would you recommend talking Valtrex?


    What are some of your positive IGG test numbers for comparison?





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