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Posts posted by LookingForAlaska

  1. I was diagnosed with genital HSV 1 3 years ago. Since then I've taken valtrex regularly (usually every other day) and as far as I know have never had another outbreak. Monday I discovered an irritated bump on my labia. It was about the diameter of a pencil eraser, quite raised, definitely felt under the skin, red and after a little squeezing (bad I know) a bunch of pus came out follows by some blood. . Basically like any other pimple. The area is still raised and irritated in an itchy way but only in the area of the bump. I work out a lot, and much more strenuously lately and have had pimples before. I'm not sure if I should consider it just a pimple or a lesion. TIA for any input

  2. @WCSDancer2010

    I know it's been forever since I started this discussion but since my question relates to all the stuff above I figured I would continue rather than have to have you read the whole story over again.

    So, the BF decided to sleep with someone else. Again. Which I'm sure is no surprise to anyone who has read this thread. Incidentally, while he recently changed his story about giving it to me, and flat out denied having it, he apparently told this new girl I gave it to him. Which is kinda funny since he told me he never had it. To this day he hasn't been tested bc he's convinced his Dr would have "noticed something like that" in his blood work for his diabetes. Umm...no.

    Anyway...My issue now is how exactly to proceed if I want to engage in a relationship (or anything else) with someone new.

    I stopped taking Valtrex around the time I started this disc., so mid-late April. Since then I have had no symptoms, or at least nothing clearly recognizable as such. In fact, since my initial "outbreak" I've never had another as far as I can tell. My initial symptoms were genital, swab tests were negative, blood tests a year later 1.62 for HSV1.

    Obviously there will be condoms involved, but I also know they aren't 100%. This may be a weird way to ask this, but given the test #s, am I "contagious?" Should I resume Valtrex anyway? I feel so uniformed if I have to have "the talk," bc things seem so sketchy. "Hey, I MAYBE have a little bit of herpes" doesn't seem like the way to go.

  3. @shocked80 it's called Monat. I have a friend who's a rep but you can go to Monatglobal.com She swears it makes your hair grow "like a Chia Pet," LOL. There are lots of before and after pics online and on Pinterest.

    I got the Volume system. It's shampoo, conditioner and a root spray. And I totally get the freaking out, believe me. Mine was getting super thin, especially on top. I honestly thought I was going to have to look into extensions or something. I keep confirming my hair growth with my 13-yr-old daughter, so if SHE sees it it must be working

  4. @shocked80 I've been using those products for a couple weeks now. They have definitely been working for me. It's grown in length and is much thicker along my part. I'm super excited about the results I've had to far. I've also cut out my valtrex for a while. I had a blood test done and my HSV 1 numbers were 1.62, which apparently is pretty low. I want to see if I'll have an OB if I stop taking it. So that might be a factor, too. I'm not sure. Anyway, you might want to check it out:)

  5. @WSCDancer2010 I talked with my Dr today. I mentioned the whole "under 3.5" thing. She basically said that positive is positive regardless of how low the number is. She said "your body must have just done a good job at clearing it," and the Valtrex must be helping. She literally said "that's just bad luck," but at least it's "ONLY HSV 1." I don't know that she really knows what she's talking about or not.


    So could it be possible that he got it from oral then gave it to me? I've never seen him have a cold sore, but there have been a couple times where I thought I might have noticed a small bump on his penis. He's type 1 diabetic which I'm sure increases his risks of contracting all kinds of things. And if someone has it orally, they couldn't later get it genitally, right? Sorry, so many questions.


    I know that the results should have no bearing on what I do with my relationship. But fear is for sure a part of it. If I do break up with him, I at least want all my facts straight about my own status so I can know how to handle things in the future. I think some time off is probably a good idea.

  6. @WCSDance2010...Thank you for the suggestions! I will definitely pursue that, bc I really want to know for sure.

    What makes me think I have it is that last year (actually a year ago this weekend) I was feeling really sick...fever, fatigue, and got a UTI over the course of 2-3 days. I got Bactrim and had taken about 3 of the 6 pills and also noticed I had several painful, white, pimple-like bumps all over my pubic area & had some watery discharge that almost looked like it had blood in it. I went to the clinic and the Dr. said it looked like H, and did the swab. That and all my other STD tests (which I did maybe a week later at my Dr's office) came back negative. In spite of that, both Drs said I definitely have it and put me on valtrex.

    My BF at eventually admitted that he "may" have been exposed by a previous partner who supposedly told him after they had been sleeping together that she had it. Supposedly, she at first accused him of infecting her, but later said she had really known she had it but was "taking medicine every day." As you can see, there are a lot of "supposedlys" in the story, which is bc I don't really know what's true, but the story seems unlikely given what I've learned on here. And really it doesn't matter. My symptoms combined with his story made me believe I was positive despite the lab results. I know type 1 can be transmitted gentially, and if I'm positive for anything it seems like it would be that.

    And...my BF has made huge steps to change after all this mess (bc at the same time I found out he had cheated, and I believe THAT is really how I was exposed), he was truly devastated about what he did, and I do love him. But, I would be lying if I didn't say that there's a part of me that has stayed with him bc I didn't think I would be able to find anyone else. So as messed up as it sounds, a definitive answer would help me with some pretty big decisions I need to make.

  7. @shocked80...I'm SO glad you asked this! I've been wondering what the hell has been going on with my hair lately and it literally never occurred to me that it could be med-related. I just bought a hair care system (shampoo, conditioner, and a spray for your roots) that's supposed to help fine/thinning hair grow, so we'll see. Also, Biotin supplements can't hurt.

  8. I believe I was was exposed to H about a year ago. At the time of what I think was an outbreak, I tested negative for 1 and 2 with a swab test. I had my annual physical and asked my doctor for a blood test. I kind of had to insist on it with her because I don't think she thought it was a big deal. If they were positive, I wanted to know as well as which type for all the reasons everyone gives for wanting that info. Anyway, my results for 1 were 1.62, and 0.12 for type 2, with the top end of the range being .89. The results were posted to my chart with no explanation. Do they mean I have type 1 only? Both? And should I have them redone since they're so low? Thanks ☺️

  9. @sunshinegal, you asked how much of this was your fault? The answer is NONE OF IT. I acquired this little gift in much the same way. I got sick, asked him how I could have an STD if he hadn't been with anyone, he denied it, and thru a weird set of fluke-ish circumstances I found out he had cheated, which he denied again. My first red flag was that he didn't ask me what I had until nearly 48 hrs after I told him I had "something." Because he didn't have to, because he already knew. It wasn't until I refused to talk to him that he finally fessed up to the cheating, and it wasn't until after that when he said that a girl he was with a while ago had told him after they had been

    sleeping together that she had H but had been taking suppressive therapy daily for some time. Yeah, I don't think so. Other than having feelings for someone, like you did, I didn't do anything wrong. Should I have insisted on condoms? Maybe. But when we made decisions based on the information we were given, and that info was at best inaccurate and at worse deliberately misleading. Beating yourself up doesn't do anything productive.

    Aaannnnd, I'm just going to take a shot in the dark here, but do you think maybe you're staying with this guy because you find him accepting, even though he's really not giving you what you want in a relationship? Because it's "safe?" I'm only asking bc I've done the same thing. I stayed with that guy. We broke up, he was profoundly sorry, has tried every day to make it up to me, but regardless of my feelings, if I'm being all honest I know there's a part of me that stuck around so that I don't have to be "out there," don't have to disclose, don't have to deal. So, yeah, this is a complete "do as I say, not as I do," thing, but maybe my bad decisions can benefit you.

  10. I guess my concern was spreading it to other areas, and also whether the fact he has diabetes in any way makes his situation worse bc he won't take anything. It just seems like given how much longer it takes him to heal from even minor cuts (a "floor burn" on his elbow took over 2 weeks to go away) that preventing them in the first place would be a good idea. He is kind-of in denial about the whole thing. He still hasn't gone to the doctor even tho I had what appears to be an OB in April. I

  11. Just wondering if anyone has any info on the relationship between type 1 diabetes and H. The guy I'm seeing, who is also the person who gave it to me, is diabetic. I know the disease makes people more susceptible to many other illnesses and slows healing time. Is it possible his diabetes made him more susceptible to infection in the first place? Would it also make him more prone to recurrences or viral shedding? He doesn't take antivirals. And are there additional concerns over healing time if he does have an OB? (I have noticed a single small sore/bump on a couple different occasions). I know it doesn't make sense for me to be more concerned about his health than he is, but as it's directly affected mine, I feel the info would be helpful. I know that was a lot of questions. Thanks.

  12. @WCSdancer2010, she was very nonchalant about it. Her response was, "all it would show is you had been exposed and we would treat it the same regardless of type." But like @whitedaisies said, other than a visual diagnosis I have nothing else to go on, especially as it's my understanding the pcr test is pretty accurate. I guess the thing is that it makes a difference to me, as I want to eliminate as many of the unknowns as I can.

    @Xtina420, nothing ever came of that particular bump. I have no idea what that means. But every time anything feels at all out of sorts I have to look or check or freak out. I'm hoping as time goes on that will stop. And thanks so much...it's so helpful to know that I'm not the only person who worries about that s#%t.

  13. @Xtina420

    I finally went back to my Dr. Apparently the bump was just a bump...most likely an ingrown that never surfaced. It never did anything like a lesion but I had to go ask bc I was pretty much making myself insane. The constant checking & freaking out was really not good . After talking to her she made it seem like after a day or 2 there would be no question if it was an OB...it would blister and crack/rupture, and seemed like the pre-breakout symptoms are pretty clear and hard to mistake. It seems like everyone who posts on here has slightly different experiences however, but that was my conversation with her and it did put me at ease a little.

    What I'm curious about is how you find out what type you have? My PCR tests at the supposed outbreak were both negative, and my dr says that all a blood test would say is that I've been exposed at some point, which doesn't help bc most people have been. And I guess that maybe if it's HSV 1 it might re ur less frequently bc it doesn't really prefer girly parts. Again...not knowing blows. I'm sure this is all a lesson but I would still like to know.

  14. @meggie0330

    Also VERY new to this...have valtrex for "just in case." Dr. didnt want to do daily meds for for a while bc she wanted to wait and see what would happen. My tests were negative so not 100% sure what's going on but waiting for blood tests. So it was more like a "things like this" deal. It was a precaution basically. The lysine I got from Vitamin Shop and it's 1000 mg . I also take monolaurin. Ppl on here and other sites say those are good supplements bc they are said to attack the virus & make it easier for your immune system to fight. They're also cheap. And lysine is supposed to be good for your skin , too. There are lots of good discussions on here that cover most questions you could ask , it' been sooooo helpful to me.

  15. @Athena

    I basically asked the same question on here. After lots of reading and probably too much googling, I decided to go with waxing. Overall, the amount of trauma to the area is less than with shaving bc there are no nicks and cuts, and bc it lasts much longer you do it FAR less frequently (3-4 wks), as opposed to every couple days with shaving. Plus anything that makes me feel a little more normal and way more sexy is a bonus right now Lol. I took about 2000 mg of lysine and antivirals a day or two before and after. It seems to be ok so far and I've done it twice. I know it's different for everyone but that's been my experience. If you decide to wax, do your research and find someone reputable and highly recommended.

  16. @derp,

    I find that aside from a glass of wine, the best way to handle my anxiety is with exercise. And I'm not taking a walk in the park (but if that works for you, go for it). I take boxing classes...an hour beating the shit out of a bag does wonders. I'm too tired to be anxious afterward. Plus, it's always fun to make it a little bit personal, you know, out a face on the bag:) Any really vigorous yoga, running, really anything that's strenuous enough to sweat out all that nastiness & get me out of my own head, even if it's only for an hour, is a blessing. And believe me, I obsess over EVERYTHING, so a little break from that anxiety is sooo needed. Maybe something to try in conjunction with whatever else you're taking.

  17. Still waiting for enough time from a suspected primary OB about 6-8 wks ago to pass for a conclusive blood test, but PCR tests were negative.

    I currently have a single bump in my pubic area. It has been there for about 3 days. When I soak in the tub it seems to recede. It is slightly white at the top but has no noticeable "head" or area of eruption, and it's not red or irritated looking. I've been prone to the occasional pimple/blocked pore or ingrown hair forever, which is mainly bc I work out a lot. I'm training for a 1/2 marathon and have really increased my workouts and running schedule. It looks pretty much like those things but of course now I'm a hypochondriac and EVERYTHING down there is SOMETHING even when it's not. It doesn't hurt, itch or sting, as far as I can tell I haven't had anything else I can recognize as a symptom of an outbreak, and I only am aware of it bc I now obsessively check to see if anything's going on. And of course now that I have seen it I can feel it. Sooo, am I being ridiculous or could this be a lesion?

  18. It's the brand I always use. Typically I use "supers" bc the heaviness of my period esp the first day or two, plus my workout and work schedules kindof necessitate it, so that's what I had on hand. They were still pretty dry each time I changed them and after a day or so of that is when the irritation started. And it's definitely not pain...more of irritation (like the "after a bunch of sex" feeling), or like a yeast infection which I do sometimes get after my period. I got some diflucan, and I guess if that clear it quickly then I'll know.


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