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Posts posted by sunshinesister

  1. It's ridiculous! Surely if it reduces OB and the chances of passing it to others then they should hand them out! My partner has had 7 OBs since he was diagnosed with H in December. After going to the docs today he has been given suppressives but for 2 months only? Is there any long term affects from using suppressive regularly?

  2. Hello there!


    I'm not really sure how to start this post so I'm going to start by saying I'm made a really great friend on here and it's lovely to see so many accepting people and supportive too!


    The purpose of this post is to see if there is anybody out there that has a partner with HSV, of so would they be willing to talk!? My partner has H and is still struggling (yes I've encouraged to come on here!) and I feel that sometimes I need to speak to somebody who doesn't have H but H is still very much a part of their life. I have worries and fears that I wouldn't want to speak to my partner about ( just yet - I know it's good to talk but still getting my head around things) and would love someone to share their worries with me.


    So hey! I'm up for a chat, get in touch!


    L x

  3. @Sayyywhatt - Thank you for saying that, its lovely to hear. I don't think he can quite get his head round that i'm still here although he only told me a few days ago. It really devastates me that this thing takes such a grasp on peoples lives and its even more devastating to know its affecting people at such a young age. I'm here to chat to if you ever wanna just thrash things out or whatever, doesn't even have to be about H. We are still people with feelings, problems, lives, achievements etc:) xx


    @WCSDancer2010 - I will do, thank you for being so welcoming. I definitely think he would benefit talking to people like yourself. That's a really sweet thing to say, if there is anything i can do, chat with you or whatever then do not hesitate to get in touch. xx

  4. Hey Herry,


    He had a coldsore but no OB down below? Not sure if that makes a difference. I have never had any issues with coldsores in the past either. Thank you so much for replying so quickly. I'm new to all this and you know what its like trying to sleep and everything in your mind races.


    I've been told by the Family planning clinic that you can only be tested if you have an OB, is this not the case?


    Fingers crossed for me.

    Thanks again,


    L x

  5. Be gentle with me.


    My boyfriend has HSV2 and we had sex the weekend just gone. The condom came off and he put a new one on immediately (he hadn't ejaculated at this point either, i'm unsure of whether that relevant...) I'm really kicking myself. I have no symptoms but am fully aware that sometimes there aren't any. What is the likelihood that I have H?


    I researched on the net and it says that you can only get tested if you have an OB and he didn't have at the time and I have no symptoms.


    Please help and cross your fingers and toes for me!


    L x

  6. I'd like a H buddy:) Im a 19 year old girl from the UK. I don't have H thankfully but my new boyfriend does. Is there anyone in a similar situation to me or thinks they might have something in common based on my posts. Im up for skypes, emails etc so please don't hesitate to reach out. I'd like to be able to support others to from but can only really do this from a H-free point of view although of course I'll listen and share any experiences if that helps!


    L x

  7. @WCSDancer2010


    wow. Firstly I just want to say thankyou for replying to my post and also for making me welcome and giving me the courage to carrying on using this site.


    I'm assuming OB is an outbreak? Just double checking:)


    Like I said in my first post, P contracted H in December and had has only one outbreak. P does get coldsores before his diagnosis in December but when he went to the doctors with the genital symptoms on his shaft he was told that he did infact have HS2 aswell. I guess that's good (want for a better word) that he has only has symptoms on his shaft although he has only had one OB. Do the symptoms always reoccur in the same area?


    I did visit the family planning clinc yesterday to try and get a little more information about H and I was told that the GUM clinic would be unlikely to test me unless I presented symptoms. And I read online that (eyes roll) that anti virals aren't usually an option unless you present symptoms around 6 times a year? I'm not sure how true this is, you know what the internets like!


    I'm probably one of the few 19 year olds that insist on using condoms anyway but that's good to know that with the symptoms presenting on the shaft that its less likely for me to catch H. How do we find more information about the anti-virals and have you ever used them? & are there any side effects?


    Once again I just want to express how nice it is to finally get some of this weight of my shoulders and speak to someone who knows what its like living with this frustrating thing! Still trying to get my head round it but i guess that takes time but with the help and support from people like yourself I'm sure we'll get through it.


    love and hugs to you,

    L x

  8. Hey,


    Thank you for taking the time to read this. I recently (6 weeks ago) met someone and have somehow been caught up in a whirlwind romance. I've been getting to know the guy who I shall call P and we connect on so many levels. 2 days ago P told me he had something to tell me and it took him a whole lot of courage to finally come out with the fact that he had contracted genital herpes last December, 2013. To be honest I didn't know a great deal about the infection and told him there was nothing to worry about and that i'm not running for the hills. There is so much more to this guy than herpes and i refuse to base any relationship on purely the fact that he has been unfortunate enough to catch the infection.


    Since finding out I have done a little research into the subject and I'm slightly more clued up now than before. Although it doesn't bother me as such that he has this, it does bother me that if i was to contract the infection, what impact would this have on me in the future. I had assumed that sex would be safe as long as there was no outbreak and we used a condom but apparently that is not the case. There is still a risk even when the outbreak is not apparent. I'm a 19 year old girl and P is 22. Im finding it difficult to lay things to rest in my head and don't want to keep bringing the topic up as i know P is still struggling to come to terms with things himself.


    someone who has a similar experience to me or has a partner who has H, would you please be my Hbuddy?:)



    L x

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