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Posts posted by Aurora_Mae

  1. Ok so I passed the virus to him after my outbreak healed... Which I understand was from viral shedding.... So if his sores are all healed, but he is still shedding from his penis, can he spread the virus to my vaginal canal? Even if sex takes place between an active outbreak...


    It's been a month and I feel as though the virus never really went away, the meds helped, but the itch remains beneath the skin and the outbreaks creep up here and there. I feel as though I am permanently contagious to myself. And my biggest fear is getting an outbreak in my vagina, since I would like to have kids one day and hope to do it safely and naturally.

  2. I know it's hard to believe and I don't understand but my partner and I are both experiencing primary outbreak symptoms and I have received a positive diagnosis via swab. It's been about a month since first outbreak, I took antivirals and healed up nicely, but my outbreak came back after a week of stopping, and he's been breaking out and using cream....


    The sores are less severe, but I think we are both going to be fighting this for awhile and our sex lives are suffering. My breakouts are mainly on my butt, and his on his groin... It is the same strain and I'm pretty sure I passed to him as I was the first with symptoms. I feel like we could have sex without any pain or problems due to the location and the fact it's less severe this time around.... We are both really worried that his infected penis (or my vaginal canal) may spread the virus around, or even the motion and fluids may spread the virus all over each other.... Is this possible?? Can we safely continue out sex life and not worry about having a million sores on our privates because of it? Or are we doomed to no sex for a year until the virus calms down?


    Of course we would take it slow and use condoms to be safe.... But it's getting really hard to avoid sex with each other and I feel over the next year or so one of is at least is gonna be breaking out....:(

  3. Your right, it doesn't matter.... I guess we are both just so blown away and shocked because none of it makes sense and we both appear to have primary symptoms.... Under the given circumstances we both appear to have caught it off the other. And every possibility at every angle puts us in the "unlikely" or "little to no possibility" category..... (Especially since his symptoms showed up less than 24 hours after sexual contact)


    I'm starting to come to terms with it, he had his blood test done before we had sex(waiting on results) , and I was confirmed by a swab. I'm going to request a blood test from the sexual health clinic when I go Wednesday... Just to see if I have the antibodies... But in the end it doesn't matter. Again just so mind boggled as to how this happened..... But have to learn to let go. And that is the hardest part.


    I'm thankful for this site, and for you putting up with my ranting. And I'm thankful that unlike many I have a friend at work 20 years with herpes, that can support me, and now all 3 of us (as I work with my boyfriend too) have a secret herpes club and we are literally all walking around in discomfort scratching at our hips, whiny and sick.

  4. He hasn't been with anyone other than me in 9 years.... I do trust him, we work together, and spend all out time together out of work, every night, so there's no way he cheated and have been exclusive for a year. Before that I was married to one guy for 8 years, so I would of had to have carried this dormant all this time I guess.


    My next question is.... Does this mean my body already has immunity? Would I already have antibodies even if the virus was dormant in my nerve ganglia?

  5. Let me rephrase as I was in a panick when I wrote the first message.... I don't think I caught it off a toilet seat. What I'm wondering is if there is a small chance I may have caught it from sticking a lubed finger up my cracked butt (injured from anal sex) before a bowel movement, from a dish of olive oil that was retrieved from the kitchen I work at (we are servers) by a girl who admitted the day before she was having an outbreak. Who also handled the dish and demonstrated how to discreetly walk to washroom with the cup so no one would see.... As I was embarassed to stick it up my bum. And also had just used the washroom prior to handling the dish. And may or may not have washed her hands.... Once again it's my own fault but would be nice to know if it's a possibility.

  6. Oh and my coworker with herpes also got me the cup of olive oil to stick up my split anus.... Sorry for being crude..... And as I said I'm not blaming anyone and the chances are very small I know.... But I honestly don't know how I got this as I am having conflicted advice fromy doctor.... Who says he gave it to me, and his doctor who says I gave it to him.....

  7. And my blisters were healed when we had sex..... But it is my primary outbreak (as told by my doctor who thinks this is my very first contact with the virus due to the severity), so yes, I was most likely shedding.... Although I said didn't think it would matter since my doctor stated very clearly I would have caught it off him. I haven't had sex with anyone other than him in a year.

  8. So I spent the last two weeks convinced I caught herpes offt boyfriend who never showed symptoms or knew he has it. I broke out on my butt shortly after (a few days) engaging in anal sex with him. Doctor confirms I am hsv-2 positive and says judging by the severity of my outbreak this is my FIRST contact with the virus, that it is highly unliky

    I've had it dormant for years.


    Here's the twist! We had sex last night, I just finished my valaacyclovir treatment and blisters healed.... And we were sure he gave it to me as doctor suggested. Blisters were on my butt anyway so thought we were good to go....


    BANG today, he has herpes blisters. 24 hours and I've never seen a mark on him in the past. I spent the last 2 weeks being angry at him only to discover I gave it to him!! He's not mad says he knew the risk... We are both shocked and dumbfounded.


    Here's the thing, after anal sex I thought I had an anal fissure (which later I chalked to herpes) I was using olive oil to lube things up in the bathroom at work. One of my coworkers is an admitted 20 years with herpes and complained she thought an outbreak was coming on.... Could I have caught it off her???? I'm not blaming her, it's my own fault.... Just trying to understand this virus.


    Could I of had it for years and just be having an outbreak now?? Primary, for the first time?? Could I have caught it offt boyfriend, then because my outbreak is still active, passed the active virus back to him??!


    So confused..... And blown away.

  9. Hi I'm 26 year old female and just got diagnosed with herpes a week ago.... I live on Vancouver Island Canada, would love to chat with someone about it..... Caught it from my boyfriend who apparently had no idea he was a carrier.... Would love to talk to someone, anyone about it, would be nice to hear from someone in a similar situation who caught it from a loved one who unknowingly gave it to them and how they coped with the anger/resentment....

  10. So I got herpes from anal sex, outbreak began inside my bum and spread around the anus and bit crack... Blisters never made it to my vagina and I started antivirals and they stopped oozing and spreading.


    Throughout my outbreak I have had a heavy, uncomfortable watery discharge with no distinct odor.... As mentioned antivirals helped and been healing for few days now but vaginal itch has gotten worse even though sores are healing... Is this part of the outbreak? It feels like a yeast infection, I felt inside and have no detectable sores or intense pain like the blistering lesions on my butt, just itch.... Don't know if this is a normal part of herpes or something else.... First outbreak and all....

  11. I get how you feel, I also just found out last Tuesday I have herpes, and had to go to a stagette on Saturday.... With ally beautiful girlfriends, while I felt like a dirty scumbag. I kept looking around all these people at the club thinking "I'm the one they need to be afraid of" "I'm the reason you squat over a toilet at the nightclub and don't sit down to pee" it was horrible.... I don't know how I'll ever feel pretty or loved again.

  12. Thank you, I will check these out. And he said he is going to drop off that information from the CDC to his doctor. He is pretty upset and feels guilty. I guess part of the reason I am so mad is because we did discuss STDs and he got tested and told me he was disease free.... And yes, I was ignorant and so was he and didn't realize you have to specifically request a herpes test.... And from what I've read the blood tests are inaccurate anyway.....? Is that true?


    Anyways.... Point being, it's been a week since diagnosis I know I need to come to terms with things and accept that I must live with this disease for the rest of my life.... The pain and discomfort, and also the stigma. I lost weight because the blisters in my bum were so painful I couldn't eat and had to take laxatives, then I got so depressed..... I have a friend who has herpes, and she told me her friend who has it got it in her bum and she deals with sores there on a regular basis.... That was disheartening.


    She also said she doesn't believe in the drugs, because everyone she knows who takes them just gets the blisters back when they stop the meds....

    She says best to let the body fight it naturally and build it's own antibodies. She is a microbiologist and had herpes for 20 years..... I'm not sure how to go about handling the lesions and the pain and what is best to do health wise. She recommends finishing the meds for my primary outbreak then getting a topical cream to fight the infection on the skin.... Let the body deal with the insides.

  13. Thank you, and sorry for the multiple post weird computer issue. I am so mad at his doctor, his doctor flat out refused to give him a blood test, told him it's just going to cause him more problems, said i probably quote unquote "could of had it in my ass for years and not known" (yes, he said ass, not anus, not buttocks, ASS. Insensitive prick. He got really mad at my boyfriend. Told him i could of had a cold sore on my mouth that woke up down there... What the heck?!


    Anyways, I'm trying not to be angry, but I am. I don't know how to not blame him for doing this to me.

  14. I had anal sex with my boyfriend, 2 days later I came down with a terrible fever, thought I was getting sick, noticed an itch in my bum.... After a couple days and a couple bowel movements extreme pain started to come with every bowel movement, and an oozing them smelled.... A couple days later I had the blisters around the opening of my anus and in the crack, I thought allergy from cream I was using, went to ER because the blisters got so bad and painful and guess what, herpes!! By that point over a week had gone by since the anal sex, I had a bad fever two days after the sex, then again during the week one day was so bad and I had all these shooting pains in my feet and pelvic region, and I couldn't get out of bed I was so achy with a high fever.


    I've cried for days, I'm so scared, I'm scared of the risk for my future children, my dating life, my health. All the things I can't do, I love sunbathing!!!!


    The worst is the guy that gave it to me, my boyfriend, had no idea he had it. His doctor told him there's no proof he even gave it to me, I could of had the dormant virus for years!! And any blood test he did in the past or does now would be inconclusive. He also said it CAN NOT be passed unless he is breaking out. His doctor was angry with him and said he's sick of people freaking out over it.


    The doctor I dealt with at the ER said under these circumstances it is my first contact with the virus, the blisters are so severe that I would of had to of caught it off someone.... It is a primary outbreak. That anal sex is an easy/common way to contract the virus and he doesn't need to be breaking out to pass it. He thinks my boyfriend most likely gave it to me but had no idea he had it and may have never had a noticeable outbreak.


    I'm so angry at my boyfriend, I know it's not his fault, he didn't know, but I can't help but feel he is responsible. I want him to suffer with guilt for what he did to me. I go through waves of love and forgiveness, to anger and resentment. I just don't known how to forgive and move forward with this relationship. At the same time, I'm afraid to leave because no one will ever want me again. I feel diseased and dirty.


    He is a good boyfriend, he feels terrible and offered to pay for any medication I need and has taken everything I have thrown at him. But I'm still devastated, I feel like I need someone to blame. I feel ruined, destroyed. I'm a risk tommy own future children. I'm a risk to my family, to my friends who share clothing with me.... Im the diseased person you don't want using your toilet. What do I do, how do I move forward??

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