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Posts posted by NeedToKnow

  1. I need some advice. I contracted HSV-2 from my ex-fiancé in Sept of 2013. Like so many others, I was devastated and furious. Honestly, I still trying to find peace with my "new normal". I am a 33yr old single parent (1 child), never been married and because of this diagnosis I find it hard to believe that someone will ever want me as a wife. Here's the story: my ex and I almost never used protection and I had not contracted anything during our 2yr relationship...at least my blood tests for all STD's including herpes were negative. In March of 2013 we decided to end the relationship. However, in Sept we started seeing one another again and that's when I contracted the virus. The symptoms of my first OB sent me to the ER. The doc swabbed my vaginal area at the site and did all the necessary blood work and both came back negative. After a few months I had another OB and returned to my regular doc, when the blood work came back this time it was positive. I asked my ex about being with other partners before we engaged in sex and was told no. I shared my results with him only to be told a few days later that he's negative. Now, it's 8 months later, I'm still trying to cope and this guy is still claiming that he (and his new fiancé) is herpes-free. I want to take action legally, because I feel that's he's given me this virus intentionally. Does anyone know if I can sue for test results and if he can serve jail time for this? Yes, I consented to sex, but with a person who swore he was STD free. What can I do?

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