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Posts posted by lala83

  1. Thank you for your response. My doctor fights me on this everything he says "I do this all the time your not the first nor the last. Baby will be fine." I stay on my daily pills and no outbreaks which is good. He said he will monitor it and just when I go into labor make sure they are aware of it so they can check me to make sure I'm good to go as planned.

  2. So I'm currently 6 months pregnant and battling with the decision on my birth plan. I have two other children both delivered natural now with baby 3 and hsv I'm stuck. I'm on daily medication because I know I'll have OB's due to my high stress level. I don't want to have a C-section by doctor said I wouldn't have to as long as I have no OB's from 36 weeks on which is do able because of my medication. Has anyone still opted to have a natural labor And was successful at not passing on to the baby? I just would like to hear others who live with H like myself that have or are going through this. I don't want to be selfish and say I'm having my baby natural because I'm extremely terrified of a c-section. Is it selfish? Am I just making this a bigger issue than what it should be??

  3. What I have looks like a red dry patch of skin on my stomach. I Am Quick To panic when I spot something and will automatically assume it's "H" related. I'm hoping it's just a ring worm. My recent outbreak is coming to a end now. The other thing I had was related to my OB only on my outside of my lady part where the pubic area begins and is gone now. I've been going thru my outbreaks without any meds and sticking to baking soda with water. Does anyone else have some advice on home remedies?

  4. I was diagnosed in May with HSV1 on my genital area. I've had numerous OB's and usually in the same area. Today I noticed the beginning of a OB but on the outer part of my lady part. Is this normal or did I somehow pass it to another area of my body? For example the upper part of my private or stomach? It's confusing and bothersome for me at this point to now notice I could possibly have it popping out in different areas now :/

  5. When I had my first outbreak I had a cup with me at all times to fill with water. When I'd go to the restroom at work I'd pour it while I urinate helped ease the discomfort. To help dry out the sores after showering I'd mix baking soda and water to make a paste. I'd apply it on the sores with Q-tips and lay with the fan blowing. It burns like crazy but helped the process move along faster.

  6. Let me first say reading your story really brought back memories for me. I was diagnosed in May and it is still difficult for me to cope with. The man who gave me HSV1 was really passive about it and didn't even get checked which kind of told me he already knew. Some people are just cold hearted and self centered.I used to beat myself up for making that bad decision to not use protection. Now i look at it as a lesson learned and I have forgiven myself for it hope you can do the same. I still have my days where i feeling down but i have hope that it will get easier. Wishing you the best.

  7. My first outbreak was terrible and lasted a week and a half. The only good thing that came out of it was my weight loss sounds terrible but I considered it a plus). The flu like symptoms eased up after the 4th day but the back and pelvic pain lasted a bit longer. I notice now since I've had two more outbreaks I will not get the pains or flu symptoms anymore. Now I notice a outbreak because I experience a loss of appetite and feel itchy down under. Hope it eases up for you but until then hang in there :)

  8. Thank you for sharing it was nice to read something positive this morning. I was diagnosed back in May of this year and like you I had decided to stay single and met someone. We have been talking for a little over a month and go out on dates nothing physical yet. I want to ask you how long did you wait to disclose and did you do it face to face? I really want to tell him but I don't know how or when to especially because I'm still learning all the facts and numbers etc.

  9. @whitedasies I shall take your advice and start a journal today. I.like to stay active and workout to feel better but since I'm in the middle of a OB no gym for me.

    @WCSDancer2010 definitely a lesson learned I'm in no rush to have a father figure in my son's life. I have come to the conclusion I will be good enough to fill both shoes :). As for my ex he never showed any symptoms of cold sores. However, the night I believe to have come in contact with H after intercourse he said he felt like he had a tiny cut. Maybe he was healing from a outbreak and didn't know. I'm really not sure what to think. We are still friends and I had to stop asking him why he didn't go get tested and if he already knew he had H and never told me. Every time I ask I get nothing out of him.

  10. Hello all,


    I'm 30 yrs young and was diagnosed in May with genital HSV1. I live in South Texas and have no support groups in my area. I'm looking for someone to talk/message with this is something hard to cope with but I try not to let it keep me down. Feel free to message me I don't mind male or female. It would just be nice to have someone that is dealing with this as well. :)

  11. So here I am sharing my story of how my life was turned upside down and how I hope to overcome it all. I am 30 yrs young single mother of 2 children. After my husband pasted I waited to put myself out there into the dating world because of my fear of STD's and just falling for the wrong individual. So imagine my surprise when that was exactly what happened to me.


    I met a man who said and did all the right things and I was a bit cautious but not as much as I should have been. We waited a while before having intercourse because we both agreed that it was not as important as our emotional connection. Soon after I found out the truth about him and all the lies how he was still messaging his ex confessing his love for her and saw her behind my back. We broke up and made up the cycle was just plain ridiculous and all in a span of 3 months. For the most part looking back I just wanted a father figure for my son. Weeks after our last split I moved out he contacted me and we hung out ofcourse we had intercourse then two days later I fell ill. My body was out of control flu like symptoms, itching, burning, back pains, and blisters. At first, I thought I just have a yeast infection but as the symptoms worsened and I notice blisters my mind changed. In a panic I began to search the web to try to find answers and put off going to the doctor because I was just terrified. Finally, I got up one Saturday morning and walked into a Planned Parent Hood to get tested both blood and vaginal swabs taken checking for HVS-1 and 2. I confronted him crying asking him what did he give me and I'll admit I was so scared to even ask him. All these questions in my mind and the fear of him rejecting me. When I confronted him naturally he said I've been tested and you are the one that got something (ofcourse him assuming I cheated). After he cooled down he changed his mind said he'd be there for me and not to worry that I probably didn't have anything.


    Four days later, I get the call it's the clinic immediately I knew it was bad news. I kind of felt like I was sitting in that tiny room at the hospital waiting for the doctors to come in and tell me my husband passed away. Then the nurse says, "Well ma'am you have HSV-1 and everything else came back negative". I held in the tears and shock a moment and asked " but ma'am I don't understand I have a H breakout down there isn't HSV1 oral. Is this possible?". Her response was " well I don't know how you got it down there" which really upset me and at the same time made me freak out even more. I got home that night locked myself in my room and cried asking Why me? How can I just lose my husband last year and now have this happen. My son is attached to me I could not bring myself to even hug, kiss him, or let him sleep in the bed with me all in fear that I would put him at risk. It hurt him and I know it now looking back on it I hate that I did that to him but it was all me and not being well informed about H. When I called my ex to give him the news he acted as if it was nothing

    I told him he needed to go be tested because I wanted to know if I possibly already had it or that he gave it to me. He said well if you have it then I must have it too. Something about the way responded about it told me he already knew he had H or he could have just gotten it when he went back to his ex girlfriend. He never got tested which put further doubt in my head. I had to just except that I'd probably never know and get over it.So did I forgive my ex? Yes, I'm a firm believer that forgiveness is not for the other person but for yourself. Why waste energy of holding a grudge?



    It's been two months now since my first outbreak I had a second just two weeks ago (just one bump) and noticed I'm on my third OB today (oh joy lol). Let me tell you baking soda in water is my best friend and I notice it dries out the blisters pretty fast but it burns like crazy( just thought I'd share that home remedy). It just seems like every time I forget or get comfortable there's that reminder that I have this lifetime relationship with HSV1.


    So now I've joined this wonderful group for support and to meet people that are in the same situation. I'm sure it will help me a lot because now with the third OB I felt myself slipping into depression. I am learning about my body and would love to have more knowledge from actual individuals with the same thing rather than reading it from web searches. I've been talking to someone he makes me feel normal and keep my mind off of the whole thing. I'm not ready to tell him just yet but will if we ever get to the point where he needs to know. For now I just like that i have someone to talk to and hang out with before he possibly rejects me. Forgive the long and confusing life story but I'll admit this really made me feel better today.


  12. I was diagnosed about two months ago with genital HSV-1. The outbreak was horrific and traumatizing. I'm trying to learn and cope with it all even now. The call from the clinic was brief and pretty much the nurse said "I don't know how you have HSV1 on your private area" when I asked was this possible. Now i know it is indeed possible, but now there's so many other questions. I've been reading to try and find out One how did I get infected?? Could my partner have passed it by genital to genital contact?? Or maybe by kissing me. Or is the only way to transfer it is oral to genital contact. I'm so lost about it all and I hope this makes sense. . Thanks in advance to everyone that offers advice.

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