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Posts posted by Mirabella7

  1. Hello, I'm in a relationship with a man who is negative and I have gHSV1. I recently had a short OB and they're currently all healed up. I'm still taking the Acyclovir just to make sure it's all gone. I was prescribed a 10 day dosage. I was just wondering when it was safest to continue to have sex? I know there is always a risk, however, just want to know what other people do?

  2. I had a very similar experience to yours - the guy I was dating and I had sex in the morning, and when I came home from work later that day I found three sores forming. Not only that, but it was my initial OB, so I didn't even know that I had it downstairs! I freaked out to the Dr, who confirmed it was herpes. That evening I went over to his house and told him.


    After that exposure and dating him for the next 4 months, he never contracted it. He got tested when we broke up and came back negative, and has promised me he will get tested once more before he sleeps with anyone new.


    So, is it possible that your SO got it, but its also very possible that he did not. Its even possible that you just have some skin irritation and its not even a herpes sore. Try not to stress out about it too much!




    Thank you so much!! It's good to know that there is a chance he doesn't get it!!

  3. Hello, I've had herpes for almost a year now, I got it last summer. My boyfriend and I have been together almost since then, I disclosed it to him and he understood. I have type 1, I told him how most people have it and that mine is very hard to transmit, however, it can be transmitted.


    Anyway, so, I haven't had an outbreak since the initial one, which was horrifying and painful. A few of my friends have told me that they've never had an outbreak since their initial. However, I've been under an enormous amount of stress lately and have been kind of scared that I may get another outbreak.


    The other day, my boyfriend and I had sex in the morning, when I went to use the restroom I found something down there that I thought might be an ingrown hair. Later that day, I saw that it may be a blister, so I immediatelt took precaution of what I found helpful to me on my initial outbreak. I put salt water on it and Destin cream on it. Now, I realize, a couple days later, that I think it's a herpes sore. It's not in clusters, nor do I have any more than just that one sore. It didn't hurt OR itch, nor did I think I was going to have an outbreak. It's barely bothering me, which is weird, because the initial one I was soooo itchy and sore and I couldn't even move really.


    This is just one sore that is only a teeny bit sore right now because I have a pad on thats bothering it.



    So, I have a question. Has anyone ever had a herpes sore without knowing, had sex, and transmitted it?! I'm so scared he's going to get it!! I would like to know both sides, type 1 and 2!! Please help me get some piece of mind!!


    Our key word is "I have a fly in the ointment" so my "ointment" can't be used right now. So he knows it's there, however, I don't think he realizes the risk that he has right now. I'm pretty scared.

  4. Hi guys,


    So, first of all, I just wanted to say that I have hsv1 genitally. I was diagnosed over the summer and have only had the initial outbreak since. I almost forget that I have it and it's honestly been a breeze. I'm so much more optimistic about it.


    My question is, how many of you have gotten HSV1 through regular sex, without oral sex? And how many of you have transmitted it genital to genitals?


    I know that's a very personal question, but I would really like to know. I'm dating a man that has accepted my HSV1. I disclosed it to him hy telling him that I have the oral strain, and that he has probably dated or has been exposed to this virus sometime in his life. He took it quite well actually. I did tell him that there was a small risk of getting it though and he understands. We're still seeing each other and we are sleeping together, unprotected. I'm thinking about going on suppressive therapy just to be safer.



    My story: I dated a man over the summer who I guess has had cold sores since a child. He was a surfer and stayed out in the sun with no sunblock. I'm guess that's what happened when he went down on me and transmitted it to me. He only went down on me once, but I guess it's all that takes. A couple weeks later I had full blown, treacherous, herpes on my genital region.


    I was very, very, unhappy about it. However, I've noticed it hasn't done anything to my life, and I'm perfectly fine. :)


    I would reallt live to hear how other people have contracted it and if anyone has transmitted hsv1 genital to genital.


    I'm also open to new friends. :)

  5. Hello community, I'm a 25 year old female. a few days ago I was diagnosed with HSV1 on the genitals. The week prior, I was probably in one of the most painful experiences I've ever had in my life. However, I was also diagnosed with a chlamydia which I picked up from the guy I've been dating the past few months. He has no symptoms of either. He told me that he does get cold sores every winter, but hasn't had one since January. I'm not sure if I also picked up HSV1 from him or not, because my STD check, 4 months prior to him, was only checked for HSV2. Is there a way of finding out?


    Last Friday I felt an initial burning, which I figured was just because I was starting my period, a few days before I believe I felt a little bit of it as well, nothing as bad as Friday though. The next day I found 1 painful sore in the morning, at night I had about 5. The next day it spread all over my perineal area and I could barely walk. I didn't even want to pee, shower, or move. It was agonizing. I spent all of my free time doing research on how to be more comfortable and help heal them. Thankfully, this first outbreak was only painful for about 5-6 days. I found sea salt water helped me, A LOT!


    What I've done for my outbreak:

    First of all, planned parenthood prescribed me 10 days worth of acyclovir before knowing what strand of herpes I have. The clinician just told me that it looks like herpes. She took samples of my sores and sent them to the lab.


    -I went and bought L-Lysine (with added B vitamins, is that okay?) and started taking 1000mg, 3x a day with my medicine. (I also take a hair skin and nails vitamin)


    I'm also taking vitamin C that I have in my cabinet. (It has calcium added to it, I heard L-Lysine does something with over absorption with Calcium, should I not take this?)


    I took ibuprofen when my pain and swelling was unbearable, I'm not sure if it helped because it still hurt.


    I found that before I would use the restroom I would bring a styrofoam cup with me and fill it with warm water, I would pour that on it before I went pee to get it used to wetness already. Then I would put a little seasalt in the cup before I put water in it, and I would rinse down there with it. I felt like it started to dry up my sores and every time I did that, it made or it feel SO much better. Then at night I would soak in a sea salt water bath. I only used sea salt because that's what I had for help healing a few piercings a few years back.


    I also read that Destin worked. Initially when I first tried it, during the night I felt like it made it worse. It hurt so bad, and the next morning it was really hard to move. However, that night I felt like it was significantly more healed. So I tried it again the next day, and almost 90% of my pain in my genital area was gone. :) So, I've been using that the past few days, I have no pain right now. Thank God. That was so bad.



    So, I have questions. What is the difference between HSV1 and HSV2 when it comes to how many OBs. Do we have the same trigger foods? Are we the same amount of contagious? The doctor that called me told me that the percentage of me spreading it, without a sore, was very small.


    I don't think that I can afford suppressive therapy because I'm still a poor student. Do I need to go on suppressive therapy if I am sexually active? Does L-Lysine replace the medicine that I could be taking?


    Also, I randomly read somewhere that flaxseed was the only seed we could eat. But then I read somewhere else not to, after I bought flaxseed oil. I ended up returning it, lol... I'm being led on with hope. I'm a bit of a health freak, however I love sweets, but I ate a lot of nuts, especially nut butters, and a lot of chia seeds. Nuts, seeds, chocolate, and coffee were my life up until a week ago. :( I even went to Sprouts to search for something that can replace peanut butter. I found something that's made with soybeans. It taste exactly like peanut butter... Is that okay?? How about drinking tea? Green tea in particular?



    I know I have so many questions. I would love advise and help. I honestly was so lost and depressed when I figured I had herpes. I've been reading a lot of forums that are making me feel a lot better about this. The guy that I'm dating seems to be okay with it, he thinks he gave it to me because he also gave me Chlamydia, so he kept apologizing. But what if it doesn't work out with him? Am I going to give my virus to someone if I'm not taking suppressive therapy? What if I get into a monogamous relationship and decide to not use condoms. Will he get it? Also, thoughts on oral sex as well?



    Thank you for anyone who reads and any advise given! I would love to talk to people on here for support.


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