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Posts posted by Allison

  1. So I'm going through my first OB, yes it is probably (hopefully) going to be the worst one I'm going to have, but I am in so much PAIN!


    I went to the doctor for a checkup with my primary Nurse Practitioner (we are close), and I like to keep her "in the know". She prescribed me some topical Lidocaine gel, like the kind they numb your mouth for certain dental procedures. I've tried to develop a mini routine with that and all the other advise I found through (h)opportunity ... But I must be doing something wrong because it feels like: 1. I just gave birth and 2. Pins and needles every time I walk. I try and joke with myself and say "OK Allison, you did good sweeping the floor now let's go prop that vagina up and take a rest"... I feel it's like propping my feet up after a long day.


    So far I am unable to soak in sea salt bath because I don't have a bath. I tried pouring warm water with salt in it as a rinse and that just burned WAY TOO MUCH! But I have found that the Tea Tree Oil is helping disinfect and dry out a bit :)


    Last night was the first night I used Desitin (diaper rash cream) and I went to bed feeling so good. I could even sleep with (sorry if this is TMI) my legs closed for the first time!! My routine is as followed:


    - Regular nightime shower, wash my bod with reg soup and sponge first. Wash affected area with very soft baby cloth and baby soap. Patting, not scrubbing. OUCH. And rinse.

    - Pat Dry, blow dry on low and in cool air until dry.

    - With a Qtip apply Tea Tree Oil to all spots, allow to dry

    - Apply Desitin to all spots EXCEPT FOR ANY OPEN AREAS because Desitin has zinc in it and that can really hurt.

    - on any extra areas, that I anticipated it hurting at night I applied a bit of Lidocaine. And I wasn't tossing and turing all night!!


    Does anyone suggest anything else that might help? Has anyone else used Desitin? If so do you use it during the day?

  2. Hey @mirabella7! I'm a 26 y/o female who seems to have the same story as you ... I just found out a few days ago that I has HSV1, and I am currently going through my first outbreak (down there)... I know you had a lot of questions in your first post, but you also provided me with a lot of tips to help ease the pain and discomfort. I am hoping your first outbreak is over?? If so would you mind telling me how all of those remedies helped you??


    -L-Lysine (with added B vitamins)


    -Salt water


    I'm a poor college student at the moment and really just want to know if it is worth it to purchase these things? I don't have a bathtub, but I suppose I can figure out a way to "soak" in salt water if I really needed too.


    I also heard that putting Tea Tree Oil on a cotton Q-tip and putting it on the lesions helps disinfect and dry them out. have you tried this?


    When I found out that I had HSV1 I feel like I was a little disappointed in myself because they could mean that I've had it all along and have been putting others at risk. The strange thing is that I ave never once in my life had a cold sore, or a breakout on or around my genitals. I did just start seeing someone who could have potentially given it to me, but the first time we had sex was only a week prior to my Outbreak... can this be possible!??!


    Anyway, maybe we can chat sometime. Going through this and having to tell everyone the reason that I'm not myself and looking like death is because i have a "Bladder infection" is getting really old, and I think I'm becoming more crabby each time i say it out loud.

  3. I've only been experiencing my OB for a couple days and I've already noticed how difficult it is to wash how I normally do. My washing poof/sponge is WAY too rough and when I'm in the shower all I can do is pat the area with it. Does anyone have a good soap or washing utensil that they have found works really well during an OB. I want my area to be as clean and dry as possible so it heals faster.


    Also, this question just popped into my head. Do these bumps leave scars after an OB is over?? I can't even look at myself they same right now, and thinking that I could be scarred "down there" makes me feel even worse.

  4. I am really glad I found this forum to talk and get advice from others who are living with herpes.


    After having symptoms that I have never experienced before, I went to my PCP to get tested. I never expected it would be this virus. When he told me I was currently experiencing what is called the "Primary Outbreak" of Herpes, I broke down and started crying. The social stigma associated with this is the first thing that ran through my mind; How in high school kids used to make fun of a girl because her name rhymed with Herpes... I never REALLY knew if she had it or not, and neither did the rest of my high school class. And then followed the probably normal things; My life is over, I will never have sex again, my relationship is over, I am disgusting, I will have this for the rest of my life, how will this effect my overall health? This is going to limit me from living my life how I do now.


    Currently I am on day 3 of my first outbreak, day 1 of medication. This is honestly the most uncomfortable thing I have ever experienced. I can't move my legs too quick because my lymph nodes are swollen and painful, these lesions hurt when I walk, when they they are touched by anything, my overall body feels sick. And on top of everything I also have a UTI. I know they say drinking water helps to clear your urinary system, but every time I reach for that water bottle, a little voice inside my head curses at me because of how painful going to the bathroom will be. Will I always have a UTI when I experience a breakout? Or any other BI or inflammatory thing for that matter?


    So far I have found that long maxi skirts are my friend. I haven't wanted to get out of bed these last couple days. But this morning I discovered there IS a pair of underwear that I can wear and not feel constant rubbing or pain!! Hallelujah!! I've also found that showering really helps with the discomfort, and keeping the area clean and dry helps as well.


    Even though i'm going through only my first outbreak, I am constantly thinking about what this means for Me for the rest of my life. Using protection every time during sex, no sex when there are active lesions, understanding what it feels like when an outbreak is about to occur so I can get treatment immediately. But what else does this mean for my sex life?

    What I really want to know is... Is a dental dam always going to be necessary from now on?? I know this isn't the most crucial question to ask, but I am a 25 year old female who just started a great relationship with an Amazing MAN who, even after I told him what I was going through and told him he should be tested, told me nothing changes between us and it is me as a whole he is interested in. We also had great sex before this happened.

    (Side note: I am aware that this man could have potentially given me this. But could I also have already had it and the outbreak just randomly got triggered by something??)


    In the end, this quote I found from an article really helps me put things into perspective, "Before you judge your partners, however, evaluate your own activity. Were you responsible about STD testing? Did you always practice safer sex when it was appropriate? Did you disclose any sexual health issues before you had sex with each new partner and ask about his or her own history? It's unfair to hold others to standards you cannot uphold yourself."

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