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Posts posted by GenericUsername

  1. ^Well worst part of my OB was the one blister that developed conveniently under the head of my penis... very close too (if not on) my urethra...

    Urination was dreadful because if that. I doubt it was inside the urethra (or else im positive the pain would've been worse) but the fact that if kind of swollen up around the blister must've had some effect for it to hurt.


    So November or december I suppose ill get checked. Or if I get another OB which I hope doesnt happen..


    Google doesnt help it more so just fills my head with paranoid thoughts lol

  2. So the results I was expecting about the 8th finally came in -_-

    And after me finally accepting the fact that I have genital herpes, the test shows as I have no infections or any other traces or evidence of anything.



    The doctor seemed 100 percent that I had genital herpes just by looking at my dick, and even tho he said (to cover his own ass I suppose) that I still have ti get tested to make sure, he failed to inform me that,

    A) it could take weeks for antibodies to develop, showing you which strand if herpes you have.


    B) the initial infection often goes un shown on test for several reasons..



    So im still gonna get re tested, but is there any other way I could have had a false negative

    (And for the sake if being positive [which im not]) what could blisters on my dick be besides an std....or herpes more or less?

  3. Well it wasn't really the doctors fault, I just crudely summed it up lol. He actually was very informative and told me what you just said, how it can show up genitally but still be type 1 or 2. I guess in the moment I was kind if freaking out and on edge so he made a few jokes (All while informing me on it). And like you said theres no way he could've Todd me what type it was just by looking, but he at least informed me that it was almost definitely herpes and no other disease, and at that moment that was all the closure I needed to it.


    Then on my stressed walk home I found this website and thank god for that :)

  4. Not much an actual post, more so a way of venting something on my mind.


    It seems like everyoneeeeee has gotten results and meanwhile my results never seemed to come -_- went to a free confidential std clinic since no doctor or any way if getting one asap, I was given a blood test and he checked and he pretty flat out said it seemed like genital herpes, not oral at all (so I guess thats hsv2?)

    And somewhere before this process I was given a unique id number and pin, on a cars saying thr website to go to or number to get my results


    Told NOT to check before 10 days, so they could have leeway in the process for my tests,

    I was supposed to have them the 8th (or the 9th since the 8th was my tenth day technically.)


    And look and behold, the account did not exists... meaning the pin or account # the lady wrote for me must be off by a number, the place is open mondays and fridsy 8am-3 or 4pm

    I have class all monday so that wouldnt work, and I have class early Friday and work after it for the rest of the day and that place gets busy and takes time.. I doubt ill be in and out seeing as my first visit I was among the first 6 ppl in and spent about 3 hours there.


    You may say call the building, but I would and there isnt a number they publicly show..



    So heres a question,

    Should I care?

    (Yes because they screwed me over what if it was something severe amd they screw up my info...)

    I mean I've come to terms I have genital herpes (for the most part) should I just assume its only genital and not oral? Or should I just follow up when I can (which I intend too but god knows when that will be)


    I dont know how I exactly feel about this situation to be honest lol thoughts?

  5. Well, I just finished my initial herpes outbreak. Unfortunately I still have scars I guess since they were blisters around my penis... not something I feel used to seeing whenever I pee. Kind of a reminder of something that I wish was over reminding me how the day may very well happen again :/


    But anyway.. 2 days into getting my blisters appearing (me only dealing with my girlfriend and well her having mistakes been made in her time..) I obviously knew I had to ask about it... it didnt go to well.. her breaking down feeling as if she ruined my life, how she hated herself for it happening, how she didnt know how that was possible (since she had always been clean, obviously someone recently she must have dealt with who knows what couldve happened...)


    long story short after that episode I initially just wanted to convince her I had just gotten an ingrown hair... I spared her the details of how many I had by saying just 1 or 2... she wouldn't have been able to (and didn't) handle it well.. that situation defused, I of course had to get myself checked. . I went to a free std clinic, confidential, free, and immediate help since I don't have any way of getting a doctor anytime soon and this was a urgent matter.


    The doctor somehow made me comfortable enough to where I wasn't immediately worried even as he told me it was clearly herpes and nothing else, gave me acylovir and something else for possible uti (or to kill the bacteria to prevent it or something like that).


    now heres the thing... since the std clinic was 100% confidential and only I could get my results (through online or automated phone) I was given a user id and a pin, Had To wait 10 days (today being the 11th day since my blood test). I have been trying since yesterday to get my results... and it keeps saying its not an account... meaning the lady who wrote my account and pin mustve messed up one of the numbers.... this wouldnt be a problem if I could just call and say "hey I came in for a test and my account I was given doesn't work" but they don't have a phone number to reach them. The office is only open monday 8am-5pm (which I have class...) and Friday. .. which I also have class and this Friday as well as work... in a sense im contempt knowing its genital herpes and not oral herpes, hsv1 right? Not hsv2? Thats where I get confused and slightly worried since I don't know what the difference is for hsv2 and 1 whether its just genital and the other is oral..




    anyway I kind of went off topic then again I still have questions which ill save for the end.


    To finish off the beginning of this post.. Thanks to this site the second time of me having a 1 on 1 talk about me having herpes with my girlfriend I was able to convince her and more so inform her, on how having herpes is no different than a skin condition and isnt a hugeeeeeee deal and wont change my life or ruin it.. I convinced her to get tested but she told me how if she gets positive results how she'd react... not in a good way at all... she only had a few blisters and put something on it as she would with a pimple orw.ee and hers went away fine in 3 days, mine lasting about 10 days :/



    But again thanks everyone who was so informative.. giving me the information I needed in order to confront a huge obstacle in my relationship without huge negative effects of having this talk...


    Now quick question. My girlfriend and I (assuming she has genital herpes too since we both had an outbreak in that region and not orally) havent had sex since before our OBs. Is oral sex out of the question? Receiving and giving in both my position and her position?


    Id rather not in fear of getting or giving her oral from genital herpes.... but in the heat of the moment who knows what happens ;)


    So yeah this is my disclosure/general herpes discussion/ questions post... sorry for it being so long

  6. Actually change of plans, I decided ill have the L lysine ready in case of a future OB, I want to see how long until another one occurs naturally without medication and depending how severe it is ill take meds or just see how it takes to fix itself.im not sure if thats a smart thing but seeing as im stuck with it for life I might as well understand how it works personally towards me

  7. I just had to go my whole day of class and work with my upper left thigh feelings as if it was shocked, or a shock of pain going through it... at first I tried not blaming it on H since I skimmed past this post a few days ago and didnt wanna freak myself out so I blocked the idea from my head.

    I started looking into it and how it could be a symptom for prodome and also dismissed that thought since Im still clearing up from my initial OB (thank god).


    But since this is the place for questions and the only dumb question is one not asked here goes nothing,


    Is it possible that this pain is prodome for me? And I should be expecting another OB coming soon? (Hopefully not for a good while)

    More clearly, is it possible for someone to have prodome/ a new outbreak even as one seemingly is clearing up? assuming there's no minimum time difference between any OB.


    And back to the pain. It didnt feel like a muscle pain, but since im highly tolerant to pain I just dealt with it... I wanted to say it was a heat rash gone bad since it was hot today and I was doing alot of moving around... no rubbing the area, the area had space to breathe so it wasnt tight clothing.

    I know the difference between muscle pains from suddenly being active from not being active before.

    Its only my left leg, or thigh to be more accurate. And I did my research before asking but nothing really explained it, all I got is that its a symptom of genital herpes and majority of people who get this experience it post or pre initial OB and sequential OBs until their body's immune systems improve to combat and resist OBs

    And I took pain killers for it earlier today and it didnt help at all... sincr the meds I took was for muscle pains.

  8. So I would like to say im coming to the end of my initial OB, or at least it would seem that way, and one thing thats been in my mind this whole time was not only "how do I get rid of this?" But more so "What can I do to lower my chances of another OB?"


    I've come to the conclusion (even though this is only my initial OB) that stress is a huge factor... I tend to be very stressed out and an trying to work on that.


    Taking acyclovir (the 3 a day for 10 days medication) I was given upon being diagnosed didn't seem to clear it up (today being day 7 and my blisters seem to be going away on their own since Ive heard how for a good bit of people who dont take meds and just deal with OB's naturally only go through it for about a week before its over) but who knows maybe the acyclovir helped but in my opinion didnt seem to do crap, and im not too sure on spending money on something to take regularly to prevent another OB when im not too sure of it working...


    Another member WCSDancer mentioned oil (something starting with AM) or something like that (im sure she'll comment on this as she's been so helpful on all my post before :) ) to soothe the blisters and help get rid of them or help dry them up somethinf like that xant remember the details...


    And ive also been seeing posts about lysine? Not too sure what thats all about but ill look into it sometime.


    Anything cheap and affordable I can take daily or every few days to help lower chances of an OB? Preferably anything I wouldnt have to go through a doctor for so I can just pick some up from a Rite Aid or some other pharmacy if anything.

    Ive come to terms that I most likely will have to have to wait until I get another OB before I can determine whats a personal trigger for mine to occur :/ not looking forward to that when the time comes...

  9. Well I don't seem to be developing anymore of my warts/bumps/idk exactly what to call them (sorry) . And its been two days since any have shown up, hopefully thats all for this OB.

    And thanks Dancer, your right its most likely a OB causing the urinary issue. Still when I get the chance ill be sure to get it re checked if the issue persists. Could be that one of my bumps are sort of near the area when it burns.


    Id like to think I have a strong immune system so with any luck it would work wonders suppressing future OB's

  10. So for the 3 days I've been on this site I've already gotten a lot of helpful information about the initial outbreak and how to cope and deal with it all.

    Still a work in progress since I'm trying to stay positive and not stress (I want my initial out break to be done and hopefully prevent another and heard stress adds to the out breaks..)

    Hearing how "Each persons out break trigger is different" isn't very helpful to hear for someone like me whose already stressing about keeping this to myself away from my family (until I'm sure I can deal with this independently so i don't have to deal with the reaction of my immediate family... if I can handle it alone I'd gladly keep it that way..)


    Anyway back to my main question or topic of this thread, my initial outbreak, or anyone's initial out break is supposedly the worst one right? From what ive been told or read on other posts was that as always its the 3 pills of acyclovir a day for 10 days deal and majority of people are saying it cleared up for them 4 to 5 days. Today is my 3rd day with these pills and it seems like my bumps wont go away... they never really hurt or anything. The head of my penis kind of gets pains randomly if it gets pressed against my boxers or jeans or w.e I noticed this while I was at work yesterday since yesterday at work (retail so a lot of movement and bending etc etc so it was pretty uncomfortable). It also burns when I urinate which first day I was given 1000mg of something and was told by the doc that the burning will go away and subside starting 24 of taking the pill and holy crap was he right compared to my first 2 days (before I got diagnosed and what not) it was bad.... now ive been taking aleve in the morning around 11 to help against any leftover pain... whenever I pee it always starts off with a sharp pain then it seems not to hurt the rest of the little session.... still hope that pain goes away ASAP maybe because I still have my bumps? Idk... I could care less for the appearance anymore I only want that pain to be gone..


    Sorry for rambling, anyway how long for your initial outbreak last? How soon did the acyclovir take to end the outbreak? Did anyone else feel pain urinating? I know its possibly a uti but I highly doubt that now.. also anything else I should know about initial outbreaks


    Links also appreciated lpl thanks

  11. Hey, I'm male and 19, just recently found out I had herpes yesterday but I guess had symptoms or slightly started my initial Outbreak 3, 4 days ago?

    I live in New York City, starting my first year of college, while working and its honestly a lot to handle. Would really like to have someone to talk too who also has this as well. Anyone in NYC or not it doesn't really matter just someone who can relate to my situation. Anyone can just message me on here maybe if I feel comfortable enough talking to you and your in the area maybe we can Skype or talk in person etc etc.


    Oh yeah im also a really good person to talk too (according to all if not most of the people I know lol )

    So feel free to talk to me if your in need of someone to talk to like me..

  12. The first link is a HUGE stress reliever for me you have no idea how calm going through some of those sections on the site made me...


    Still a little sketchy on peeing... When I first started the pain was unbearable, reading through that "Bathroom Time" link really did help ease my mind... maybe the water idea may help but im sure its more of an internal thing rather if a female was to get a sore where they pee... but painkillers either helped or that 1000 mg pill the doctor gave me for the possible uti or burning I get...


    As apposed to yesterday however the pain I would randomly feel while moving around at work seems to have decreased immensely.. maybe and hopefully the acyclovir is really. Just like in a few of those links im not the only one asking about the effectiveness of them...


    And thanks to you sharing this information with me im not scared to drink plenty of water, I usually drink alot of caffeine and energy drinks so maybe this is a good time to lay back on that.. besides the more water I drink the less stronger my urine will be.



    Aside from the Amonium Alum that you wrote about on your blog, any other medicines I could look into? I also looked into RX Discounts like you previously suggested, but the psychical appearance if the sores although really unappealing, isnt my main concern, im trying to figure out ways to limit chances of even getting another outbreak..


    If you dont mind me asking how did you feel when you first were diagnosed or found out? I mean, 35 years is highly encouraging/inspirational for someone like me who kinda feels like this heavily affects my life and hinders it in a way... you seem to be comfortable and okay with it.. but surely it wasnt easy as you make it seem now lol.



    Thank you again so much for all of this help and links help, just at the time of me posting this I wasnt calm and collected about the situation still..



  13. ...So its been 3 days since I first started my initial outbreak I guess its called... and today is the 2nd day ive been taking acyclovir 3 times a day out of 10 total days...

    And after googling countless different questions id decided I had made this account just yesterday in hope of personal experience advice from others with this..


    no offense but I really wouldn't like to be directed to several links, but rather hear about others and how they deal with this...


    Yesterday I was working (retail so constant walking and moving around) and at times I got painful feelings around that area, I was given another pill to ease to burning when I pee and was told the initial outbreak is always or most of the time the worst... is this true?


    What happens when I run out of acyclovir... Id rather do everything in my power to help prevent another outbreak, so what is there to do what do you guys and girls do differently on a daily basis?


    does stress or eating habits affect outbreaks? Searches say nothing proven but it's different for everyone.is it harder to deal with as a guy (stupid question I know but still confused regardless)


    how well does acyclovir work? Im trying to be really positive that it will help but im kind of doubting this is even happening, denial I suppose.


    So many more questions keep coming to mind but for now id much rather have someone to talk to regularly or occasionally who is also living with this.


    Thanks in advance to all who can help..

  14. Thanks, Im sure it gets easier in the long run.. seeing as im going to be stuck with it... not to sound negative about it just right now, seems kind of an extra things to stress about... I convinced my girlfriend to get tested and at first she didn't take it so well. But she already talked with her family and is going to get tested....


    Next step for me is deciding how or when to tell my family...



    But @WCSDancer2010 Thanks so much fit the advice with the anti-virals I will definitely look into that.

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