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Posts posted by E9507

  1. Help! My doctor prescribed me 30 mg of prednisone that I really need to take for an autoimmune disease, but I'm terrified and avoiding it because I think it will cause an insane ob and flu symptoms. They increased my valtrex, but I already get obs all the time as it is. What should I do?

  2. Yes I am now, and I had constant flu symptoms I attributed to h, but now it seems like must have been ra. I will discuss the LDN with my doctor.


    I am positive that H is what triggered this in me, but doctors do not know and will not agree.

  3. You take only that and no dmards? It looks still experimental, but maybe my doctor would allow it in combination with a dmard.


    Yes I take daily suppression and it isn't that helpful, I can only imagine how useless it would be without my full immune system.

  4. I haven't been on here in a while,because after a year and a half I was finally starting to get control of hsv 2. Then a couple days I found out I have rheumatoid arthritis. The hsv may not have caused the ra, but I think every ob has definitely also caused a flare of RA. I thought these were recurrent flu symptoms of hsv. Anyway, I soon have to go on medication for the rest of my life that will suppress my immune system, and my heart is literally broken because I am basically imagining this will cause a nonstop ob the rest of my life. It was already hard enough with a working immune system. Does anyone else have hsv and ra??

  5. I am wondering if I am having my first outbreak....I have had a positive blood test, but never an outbreak before. I have what looks like a pimple. It is red and swollen, but no white head, fluid, blister or sore like appearance. It is painful to the touch. Has anyone experienced this? I am going to the dr in a couple minutes, but just wondering...

  6. He said he was going to, but he has also been really busy and hasn't yet. Good point though, I've heard a lot of insurance companies don't cover the western blot, so getting him tested should be my next step! I'm just worried I'm going to end up looking like a freak of nature if this keeps spreading lol. I had a pimple on my face the other day, and my first thought was omg it spread to my face!! It was definitely a pimple though. If there is such a low chance of hsv2 infecting the mouth even because it only likes the genital area, I would think random other areas of skin would be far less than that though!

  7. I am concerned that herpes might be spreading to my stomach...it doesn't look that similar to my rash in genital area and doesn't seem to itch. But I definitely have another rash that hasn't been going away even with cortisone now for about 3 weeks, and it seems to be spreading now. I'm wondering if it's possible that my bf kissed my stomach after oral sex and that's how I got it? But I would have to be shedding for this to have happened, and we had unprotected sex each time, so I would think he'd have to have it too if I'm getting it back from him. I'm so confused and it seems to be spreading, and although it's probably not even noticeable to others I'm scared for swimsuit season now. I hate how paranoid this makes me :(


    I think I just need some reassurance that that is not likely, and this definitely doesn't sound related. Has this ever happened to anyone?


    Dancer don't hate me lol but I haven't gotten the WB yet...my bf was so accepting and I was so busy with work I haven't called, but I have this Friday off and definitely will then. I just needed a break for a couple weeks from obsessing about this! Promise I'll call then though :)


    Whenever I'm alone I can't stop examining this in the mirror and then googling what it could be!


  8. Dancer thanks so much for all your help!!!! He literally did not even flinch when I told him or look freaked out at all and said he was just worried about me!! He said he had never been happier and would help me get through it! Seriously thanks so much, I don't think I could have done it without everyone's help in this forum :)

  9. So I think I may have had a nervous break down at work today because of this....people may have seen me crying too

    I really can't stand that the guy that did this to me lied and discarded me and now I am sickly everyday.

    All I have told my bf is that I had a positive test but the culture is negative so it is likely on my lip or false positive. I am scared once it get it confirmed he will leave me and I will not be able to go on. The thought of losing someone I love because of something completely out of my control makes me want to throw up. I need to tell him that I very likely have it genitally but I have not had the strength to. I want to throw up when I think about it. I haven't even had the strength to confront the person who gave it to me. I'm just really depressed and could use some support. Can't believe this could happen from only one time with a condom and I could be in so much agony for months. Has anyone tried suing someone for giving them this? Looking back on it it is clear he knew he had it, and when I first told him I had a rash said what do you want from me? The only person I've told about it is my mom, who knows I was roofied and raped a year ago and thinks it's from then.

  10. Thanks so much! I will calk tomorrow and definitely let you know :)


    I think the doctor wasn't convinced I have it because my flu symptoms were about 2 months after having sex, my rash didn't look typical, and I also had a different looking rash on my chest at the time. It is very possible I have multiple things going on at once lol. I wonder if h could trigger other autoimmune disorders I could have possibly had. Thanks for the support and I am very excited to finally speak to a specialist.

  11. thanks dancer. I'm getting so depressed about all of this. I still have only tested positive for hsv2, but I often get redness/chapping on my lip in the same spot, so I still wonder if it is just there. Would having it just on your mouth still give you flu like symptoms and back pain?

    I have also recently been contemplating breaking up with my bf, because I would literally not be able to live with myself if I gave it to him and he got symptoms anywhere close to what mine were. I literally wake up every night having nightmares that I gave it to him!! This is not fair :(


    Do you know how I can get the western blot test, and if this will help tell me where the infection is?

  12. I think I may be having a 3rd outbreak in 4 months :(...I only get a rash and itching so it's hard to tell, but I will never be able to have sex again at this rate :(

    Thanks for all of your support! I still have so many questions!

    I haven't even told the person who gave this to me that he had it yet because I am still trying to be in denial

  13. I just got an email from the doctor that I tested positive again, but they wouldn't even tell me the numbers or what type of test! I'm so upset :(. Especially since the only person I told was my mom and she started crying when I told her! The more I look back on things I'm positive the person I got it from knew he had it too :( and now I think I will have recurring flu symptoms for the rest of my life! I still am in a lot of pain from this and I am so upset right now I can't stop crying :(

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