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Posts posted by HappyMommyWifeLife

  1. Five years ago, while pregnant (& at a reg OBGYN baby type appt) I was swabbed for H. Test said neg. Later, blood work said yes. I don't really remember having an outbreak, but if the timeline of symptoms is true, I assume that I did.

    Anyways, here I am, almost 6 years later with a very bad/sad/angry OB. I want to try and stay on a natural path. (1. Because that's what I believe in... & 2. Not real interested in expensive meds with potential scary side effects.) Step one being stay clean. But I have hit a wall. Obviously, urinating burns bad. I've read that using water may aid with this, HOWEVER for me, the water burns just a bad. It stings to the point of tears and I can't bring myself to... I guess, hurt myself. =\ how can I stay clean if I cannot stand to put water anywhere near my vayjay?! Please, please if anyone has any advice, help a sista out! I can't take it!

    Also, is it possible to have H and not have an OB for 6 years? Perhaps this is my first OB? I'm still very confused with this all. Ahhhh. Breathe... lol. Thanks in advance for any and all answers!


    <3 - HappyMommyWifeLife

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