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Posts posted by Mg0301

  1. Thanks whitedaises. It's good and bad that I'm liking this guy.. Yeah he's great but I'm scared he won't accept me.


    I have that yeast infection, uncomfortable feeling. It slightly burns when I urinate and I have a little discharge. I ran all STD and other tests to make sure nothing else is the cause. All came back negative so it has to be H. I looked up online that these can be common symptoms of internal OBs... Especially of all else is rules out.


    Doc doesn't want me on suppressives unless I get 5 or more outbreaks a year. I'm taking acyclovir right now and I have two more refills left.

    If there is still a problem this upcoming month, I might request suppressives.


    What symptoms do you experience?

  2. I'm so sick of crying. I'm happy during the day and then I get home and get in bed and I just start crying. I just hate feeling this way. I've read countless success stories and I have gotten encouragement from family and friends. But nothing helps. And it doesn't help that my OBs are internal and haven't gone away! It's been a month. They come and go and come and go. How can I heal with this physical crap still happening? And this guy, oh god this guy I'm really starting to like him.

    I miss my happiness.


  3. Thank you everyone. Yes, I see the best option is to let it run its course. Ughh, it just feels never ending... It would be somewhat easier accepting this if I didn't feel uncomfortable so often -__-.

    @willow, I was on doxycycline for a week. So if I had anything bacterial, that would have taken it away. I'm definitely going to try the salt baths. Maybe that will help some.

  4. When I got diagnosed at the beginning of August, I had a single sore on my vagina. It was a bit painful but it went away. However, since my diagnosis, I've been having an uncomfortable feeling in comparison to a yeast infection. I read that this could mean i am breaking out in my cervix? Has this happened to anyone else? It's just been over a month and it hasn't completely gone. I'm not sure if this is my first OB or what is going on. I'm taking acyclovir but I want to wean off it. I got tested for all other STDs to make sure there isn't another cause. Everything came back negative and it's been a year since I last had sex so I'm sure there's nothing else.

    I'm just uncomfortable on some days. I'm starting to think that chocolate is a trigger for me.

    Any ideas on what I can do to make this go dormant already? Is it normal to have this for so many weeks? My doctor isn't really helpful about it. He just explained the whole nerve endings and pain process which I already understand.

    It's just so weird bc I don't see any sores anywhere. Oh and I'm also taking lysine supplements and vitamins.


    Any info would be great. Thank you!

  5. Hi Positivelybeautiful,

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I read your diagnosis story and you're right. The first thought that came to my head was that the man you were seeing should have taken time to get educated on the manner. He should not have jumped to conclusions like he did. Makese feel that in the end he would not have been worth your time. I know people say I haven't changed, at least all the qualities that make me who I am are still there, but for some reason I do feel changed. Due to personal issues, mainly family, I've never been someone to be vulnerable with my feelings. I'm quiet the opposite actually. With the exception of my first bf who was a great man, the only other two men I slept with/dated were not the best. I guess what shocks me the most is that I've only been with 3 people, yet this still happened. So people who cling to that stigma can shove it.

    I've read stories on women who get this on their first time ever, which I can imagine they feel way worse than I do. It's the whole pitty party of why me, why did this happen. I'm applying to medical to this year so I KNOW there are worse things in life. I've studied them, even seen them while I've shadowed different physicians. If only my damn mind can wrap itself around the idea that this could be worse, maybe I could bounce back faster.

    I might be more scared of having to be vulnerable with my feelings than actually being rejected by someone. I feel like that may be the root to some of this.


    Hi Dancer,

    Well I know physically I have attracted a lot of men before but I was never one to jump into the sack with someone. I know I'm much more than looks. I made my wrong choice by not using safe sex all the time with my ex bf. I guess I was stupid enough to trust him. Or maybe I thought I was invincible or something. Who knows what I was thinking. All I know is that I'm in this situation now bc of that decision.

    I've had to deal with A LOT in my life that has already made me a strong person. For some reason, I guess this is just another one of those sutuations.

    I don't wallow in self pitty every night. Yesterday was a bad day but today I woke up better. It comes and goes which drives me a little up the wall. I'm just like "Brain! Chose one already!."



    Either way, thank you for the response ladies. It feels good to know I'm not alone and even better to be supported my such great people.

  6. Hi everyone,


    I'm newly diagnosed with HSV2, 1 month in. I'm such a weird mixture of emotions lately. When I first found out I think I cried and stayed in bed for about two weeks. I didn't care about anything I just felt like my love life was over. I eventually cried so much and got tired of laying down doing nothing that I decided to get up and get going. Yes, empowering right? No. I thought I was better but this week, I have just been distraught all over again. One day I'm happy, funny, confident old me and then the next day, I'm crying all over again.


    I'm not as angry anymore but I feel I'm in the bargaining/regret stage. The, what if I did this or what if I did that. I received H from my last boyfriend who was asymptomatic or maybe he was symptomatic but never told me and I never noticed. Either way, a year later here I am H+. I linger in regret but not as much as I linger about my unknown future... Love life especially. To toss a cherry on this, the actual week that I got my diagnosis, I starting talking to a man who works with me but in a different department. I didn't think I would end up liking him but here I am now, a month later and already liking this guy.


    He seems very serious about me, which he has mentioned and that scares the crap out of me. Why? Well I'm sure you can guess. We have not been any kinds of intimate bc I told him I'm not rushing into anything. Today, I was very down. On top of having a bad day with H on my mind.. I found out some family info that just shot me even more down. I was a bit mean to this man as we spoke bc I thought to myself, why bother? He's not going to want me anyway.


    That is such a horrible thought. I have so much to offer and I've never thought negatively about myself. My mentality has always been, If he doesn't want me, it's his loss. But for some reason, that mentality is not helping me through this.


    My friends, two close ones and my sister give me a lot of encouragement but it only does so much. I feel like they don't understand what I'm going through.


    I don't want to feel this way. I don't want to cry and think no one will want me. I don't want to fall prey to this virus or it's stigma but I'm not strong enough yet. I need emotional help and support. That's why I joined this site. I want someone to talk to who has gone through my pain and has overcome it! I want to feel the sense of hope I've always had. I want to allow this man to get to know me and all my positive qualities. I want to love me again. I want to feel pretty again.




    Thank you for reading.

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