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Posts posted by Scaredandworried

  1. Ok so I was diagnosed a week ago, I'd had a fever two days before I went in and my first OB. I had horrible sciatic like pain and general body aches, my blood sugar was too high and I just felt awful- then finding out it was herpes causing all that- ugh, I'm still not emotionally with it where that's concerned.


    My dr put me on antivirals and I'm nearing the end of the ten day acyclovir.



    My question is this: Tonight I started feeling sick again, I had bad sciatic like pain this morning and now I'm feeling achy and yucky and cold- Which usually means fever for me. Can I get sick again like this? Will it ever end? I felt like things were getting better, are they going to get worse again?

  2. I know I've always gotten cold sores and I'm really not worried about those, I've only gotten one in the past 15 years. But this is devastating to me. I didn't mean that my life was over, but this will definitely change my life. I will have to have awkward convos with any future partners and I'll have to be more careful... Idk what to expect at all.


  3. I just found out a few days ago that I have herpes and probably from my boyfriend... I know everyone here has been through this but I don't know how this guy is going to react when I tell him, I don't know how to tell him, I don't know how I feel about anything. My best friend said I was being weirdly ok about finding out but I know there's nothing I can do to change it. I am having my first OB and it sucks. I am scared. I'm scared of people finding out, scared that I'll lose the guy I fell in love with, and scared because I know nothing will ever be the same.

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