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Posts posted by labyrinth

  1. Well I take those because my OBGYN actually recommended them for me and she has hsv-2 as well. I find it helps keep my outbreaks down to minimum when I'm stressed out. But then again my body reacts to Medicine slightly differently than most because I had gastric bypass. (I don't know why I think it's because it hits the intestines a lot faster).

    I guess the main point of my post that got lost in all the babble was should I have him take the test now or should I have him wait 3 months to take the test to see if I gave it to him. I'm thinking if I get him to take it now we can know for sure whether or not he has it and then in 3 to six months to see if it even pops up. Would that be the smarter course of action?

  2. Okay so I had sex on Saturday and then like the next day or so(Sun/Mon) I started having an outbreak. Normally I take lysine and zinc to help suppress my OB, but I haven't taken it this past week because I keep forgetting to grab my pills before I leave the house, I did call the guy and let him know that I was having an outbreak and that he needed to be aware of it. He hasn't been tested for anything since like 3 or 4 years ago. I'm actually going with him to get tested to make sure he doesn't have it but should we wait 3 months for it to show up in the test or should we go ahead and have him test it now just to be sure he doesn't have it already? I am extremely worried I might have given it to him because I'm not sure how active the shedding is before I have a flare up. No he's not a random stranger he's one of my best friends that I've known forever and we already discussed it so he knew I had it to begin with and well we did use condoms the first time we didn't the next time. (That's a whole other issue right there with me because I am very fanatical about condoms and so all I can say is we had a big stupid moment.)

  3. So I was talking to my little brother last month and told him abt my herpes diagnosis. My test came back positive for HSV2 at 11, but I don't recall ever having an OB. He told me that he had a Western blot test done and gound out that he was a carrier. Keep in mind that we have the same father and mother. Father cheated on mother repeatedly. I was taking antivirals as a preventative for my boyfriend. My brother wants me to get the Western blot test to see if I am a carrier or not. My doctor recommended waiting till I have what could be considered an OB then coming in for a test. *My brother is a nurse fyi-not an internet self dr. :)

    My questions are this: Is it worth the money for a Western blot test?

    Carriers can still pass but regardless antivirals help? My dr actually wanted me to stop taking my antivirals (another dr had given me the prescription) so how do antivirals effect if you don't have OB? Do I run to the dr everytime I feel something weird to see if it really is an OB? That is my main concern. I don't want to seem like the uber paraniod lady always running to the dr when her lady bits starting acting different when it is really nothing to get worked up about.

    Funny thing is my dr actually has herpes and was rather blase about the whole thing. Made talking about it much easier. She even told me that she doesn't take antivirals and her husband is still H-after so many yrs of marriage.

  4. It can be hard for a woman to separate sex from attraction. She wont feel attractive because you aren't sleeping with her. I had an ex that would only touch me if he was wearing gloves. He worked as a massage therapist and was worried about getting it on his hands. I can tell you the shame I felt everytime he put on gloves was overwhelming. It was why I stopped anything other than straight sex. (Yes I was in antivirals and we used protection.) I had given him this website for information, but I don't know what he found by searching online.

    However, knowing your past she should have been as understanding. Sharing your body with someone after a history of sexual abuse takes trust. It is possible that she missed how much it effected YOU in her anxiety over her disclosure. Purely speculation on my part but I bet she discussed it with her girlfriends but didn't reveal your secret because it was personal, so the "help" she got from her friends was skewed. Who knows for sure.

    I hope you hear from her and hopefully it all ends well.

  5. Good point. I have even gone back and re-red the pamphlet that they have on here and just cruising the forum to get some more ideas on my approach. Oddly enough I have disclosed before this but since it was on a dating site I didnt really have to do much. Although I have disclosed in person-survived it. I think I'm stressing because I really like this guy. Lol. Not helping myself with that worry so I am trying to not think abt it too much or make it a huge deal.

  6. Lol. Which is pretty much what I was thinking and why I decided to wait to tell him. But man the wait is KILLING me. Most of my disclosures have been positive enough that I am comfortable during the conversation and am at that point where I will use my STI as a "wingman". Basically if they can't handle it then they can't handle me. I believe @WCSDancer2010 mentioned doing this in a blog and I liked the idea-it really is a good way to cut through time wasters. Especially if you have a dating profile, but I didn't meet him online.


    I just keep hoping that he is one who can handle it. Lol.

  7. I have disclosed over text before and in person. If it was a person I knew needed the information but I wasn't able to see them inperson I did try to give them a phone call first before the text. I think it would depend on the text conversstion. If it is someone you know is actively engaged in the conversation but you aren't in a position where you can see them face to face then you might be able to handle text disclosure. I am at the point where I would like to disclose to this guy I am really into but we can't seem to sync up our schedules. We have had some very interesting and adult conversations so I really want to do this face to face because he is a local. (Yes we have met inperson before but it was only in passing-long hysterically funny story.) However, I dread putting it off because I don't want him to feel like I have been lying to him, but I want to avoid the text disclosure because he gets easily distracted (darn ADD) and I really need him to focus on what I am telling him.

  8. I can't seem to get the link to work. But my partner is curious about the whole oral sex bit and how it works with me having hsv. Im just not sure how to explain it and if there are any other options out there as far as oral sex. It sounds selfish but as much as I enjoy sex with him I really want to keep him safe.

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